The Boundary Between Worlds – Part 04

“It failed?!”

Sophie’s room in the Four Eastern Stars’ apartment was dreary, understandable given its disuse.

Hikaru and Paula stood there, dumbfounded, struggling to process what had just occurred. The magic diagram for executing the spell for crossing worlds had been charred, and the base used to channel immense magical energy from elemental magic stones lay before them.

“D-D-Did we do something wrong?”

“I… I don’t think so.”

There shouldn’t have been an issue. A surge of mana coursed through the runes, creating a rift in space. Everything up to that point was normal. The problem arose afterward.

A pitch-black darkness. Instead of Japan appearing beyond the rift, there was only a void.

Why would this happen? Is Lavia not a valid target for the spell?

In the past, only individuals originally from Japan, like Serika and Hazuki, had triggered a response from the spell for crossing worlds.

No. In that case, a rift should have appeared next

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