The Girls Make Their Decision – Part 02

There was no bathing culture in Southleaf Island, likely because of the consistently warm climate throughout the year. The prevailing notion was that washing away sweat with water was more than enough.

Behind Biltappo el Debab was a designated bathing area, enclosed by bamboo walls. A palm tree stood at its center, while basic amenities such as a well, a table, and deck chairs were the only facilities available.

“Dungeons seem clean, but I wonder why they accumulate dust and such,” Lavia remarked, setting down her luggage and removing her cloak.

“Monsters turn into white smoke too,” Paula added. “In the Forest of Deception, they turned to ashes, but I heard that the ashes dissipate after a while too.” She drew water from the well and washed a hand towel.

Jillarte was impressed at how skilled these girls were.

But these two… they might be the Elemental Mage and the Healer who accompanied Silver Face in the Ruler’s Rumble tournament. It all fits. This can’t be dismissed as mere coincidence, can it?

Jillarte was becoming increasingly suspicious that Hikaru might be Silver Face. Initially, she thought it was just her imagination.

When I mentioned that I couldn’t become romantically involved with Beastmen, he said…

“Then, what about the people of the same race as you? You know, people you’ve known for a long time.”

People of the same race. Jillarte, now completely human, the same as Hikaru, used the phrase “people of the same race”. He used those exact words because he knew that Jillarte used to be of the Dragonfolk.

Of course, there was the possibility that Hikaru simply knew about Jillarte’s situation. The story of her curse being lifted during the Ruler’s Rumble tournament had spread widely within the Confederacy of Einbiest, and Hikaru himself had also stayed in Hopestadt.

But that weapon…

When the door was about to close, Hikaru swiftly took action. Using Lavia’s fire magic as a decoy, he launched an attack with his atlatl while scoring a direct hit on the Anti-Mage with this suntetsu.

It all happened in a split-second, and Jillarte wouldn’t have witnessed it under normal circumstances. However, the fire magic drew Gogo’s attention, which in turn made Jillarte look. She had seen someone take down their opponent silently yet surely before—Silver Face. That’s why she was able to see the suntetsu’s trajectory.

That weapon, that style of fighting… it’s exactly the same as Silver Face. If… if Hikaru is Silver Face…

She wanted to ask, but fear held her back. She hadn’t even had a chance to thank him for saving her, and now she owed him even more. It was too much. Thanks to him, she had become the Deputy Leader and was finally trying to stand on her own feet—Gerhardt likened it to a school entrance exam.

She knew him well. If she didn’t confirm his identity now, he might just disappear again without giving her the chance to thank him properly.

Should I ask, or should I not. Should I ask, or should I not… I’m not even a hundred percent sure Hikaru is Silver Face yet.

“It’s my turn to carry you.”

Did I really say that?! Ahh, what if I’m wrong? What will I do? Ugh! You idiot! You delusional moron!

“Jillarte, what’s wrong?” Lavia peered into her face.

Jillarte gave a start. From the moment they first met, she thought Lavia was a beautiful girl. She seemed close to Hikaru. She was likely Hikaru’s lover, and she tried not to let it bother her.

“Lavia.” A thorn pricked Jillarte’s heart, and words escaped her lips. “The white flames you shot to stop Gogo Zoro. Were they the same white flames that burned my father?”

Paula dropped the wooden bucket she was holding, spilling water onto the floor.

The area around Southleaf Island’s harbor was eerily silent. Usually, even during late hours, there would be lights in the taverns, and the ships would be rowdy with people drinking. But now, despite it being early evening, the streets were devoid of any signs of life.

Looks like Daigo was right.

Hikaru walked along the street corner, his hood pulled low over his face. He recalled Daigo’s words.

“I heard from a food merchant that the harbor is under a blockade. Those guys are targeting hotheaded Beastmen and resorting to violence. You should be fine, since you’re human, but for now, it’s best to lay low.”

The issue with Gogo hadn’t been resolved yet, and now another problem had surfaced.

Suddenly, the sound of steady footsteps reached Hikaru’s ears, accompanied by the scraping of metallic armor. He saw five men walking towards his direction. Their metal armor gleamed silver, and their chests were engraved with an emblem of seven swords.

The fact that all the knights possessed such armor indicated their substantial financial resources. Furthermore, Hikaru’s Mana Detection picked up magical energy emanating from the armor. There seemed to be some form of enchantment applied to them, although subtle. Perhaps it was meant to regulate temperature, allowing them to wear the armor even in the tropical night.

“This is our last rounds, so keep a close eye on your surroundings.”

“Yes, sir. Is she really here, though?”

“She should be. The presence of those damned Einbiest Beastmen is proof.”

“All those Beastmen look the same to me.”

“Good point. But we are searching for someone different… Oh, did I forget to mention? Einbiest’s Deputy Leader who snuck into Southleaf Island is a female human.”

“What? A human like us working in that village of mutts?”

“Yes. Our Captain, Lord Philip, was very intrigued.”

“I see…”

Hikaru observed them from the shadows of a building.

Human knights. Knights Templar from Bios!

The prevailing belief in Bios was that humans were superior than other species like Beastmen, Elves, and Dwarves. This mindset was particularly embodied by the Knights Templar, a military group directly under the Pope.

Hikaru had heard about it, but the severity of the situation exceeded his expectations. Their plot to assassinate Gerhardt, a Beastman and leader of Einbiest made sense. Disrupting the Ruler’s Rumble tournament and instigating discord among the Beastmen would serve the interests of the Theocracy.

Southleaf Island may be within Bios’ territory, but it’s become home to demi-humans, solely because of awful transportation. The dungeon didn’t yield significant profits either, so they ignored it. But the situation has changed.

As Hikaru distanced himself from the scene, he organized his thoughts.

Because Jillarte is here. Bios sending the Rank A adventurer Ryver is proof that they had their eyes on the Ruler’s Rumble. A human coming in second place and becoming the Deputy Leader is extremely valuable to Bios. They might even be considering bringing Jillarte to their side and having her become Leader of the Confederacy.

Hikaru blended into the darkness and vanished.

The tea on the table had long gone cold, but Paula remained seated without making a move to pour a refill. Silence had settled in the room for quite some time now. Not one of them spoke for a good thirty minutes. Not Jillarte, with her arms crossed and her head lowered, or Paula, whose eyes seemed to be either open or closed. It was hard to tell.

All three of them had freshened up after their bath, but turmoil brewed within their hearts.

The reason was clear. It was the conversation that had unfolded during their bath. Jillarte asked Lavia about the Atonement Flame, the magic that had purified her father during the Ruler’s Rumble tournament. Having witnessed the spell firsthand, it wouldn’t be strange for Jillarte to recognize it when it was used in the dungeon. That’s why Hikaru insisted that it was merely an illusion, and Jillarte should have believed that too.

So why did she suddenly bring up the Atonement Flame? The question took Paula by surprise, and her reaction served as an affirmation.

Paula wished she could crawl into a hole somewhere. Sophie of the Four Eastern Stars learned of her identity as Flower Face because she carelessly responded to the woman calling her name.

“Forget what I said earlier,” Jillarte said, breaking the silence.

Paula couldn’t believe her ears. Jillarte should be feeling immense gratitude towards Silver Face and the Elemental Mage who had freed her father’s spirit. Paula expected Jillarte to press them further after seeing her discomposure. But after that, Jillarte merely bit her lip and fell silent. She then retreated to this room.

“What do you mean?” Lavia asked, lifting the cold tea to her lips.

“I told you that I came to Southleaf Island to help Einbeist with their constant water shortage, right? That’s my main reason for being here, but there’s actually another side to it. It’s about getting the other races to accept me as Deputy Leader, being from a minority race and then becoming human.”

I see, Paula thought. Lavia simply gave a small nod, indicating she already knew.

“But my so-called companion betrayed us, lured us into a trap, and now I’m in this mess. I did manage to obtain a huge elemental magic stone, but only with your help. I just don’t think I’ve accomplished anything yet since coming here.”

Jillarte clenched her fist tightly on the table.

“I obtained the position of Deputy Leader and the opportunities that came with it, but I haven’t made the most of it yet. I’ve been too focused on myself. I’m so stupid.”

“Stupid? I don’t think it’s stupid to mull over something that’s important to you,” Lavia said.

Jillarte’s eyes widened. “You’re an odd one. I’m just getting more and more confused,” she said with a dry laugh. “I want to get to know you, but we live in different worlds. I have responsibilities to fulfill.”

Jillarte rose to her feet, no longer making eye contact with the girls. Paula sensed that she had come to some sort of a decision.

And that decision was clear. She was going to rescue her comrades. When she said “we live in different worlds,” she meant that she would continue on alone from here on out.

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