What the Emperor Truly Needs – Part 01

Negotiations between Emperor Kagurai of the Quinbrand Empire and Pope Luvain of the Theocracy of Bios had commenced.

They met in the audience chamber, each with a minimal number of attendants. Instead of asserting superiority, they opted to negotiate on equal footing, a choice that caught Luvain by surprise. At the same time, he sensed a cunning in their methods.

Kagurai, despite his youthful appearance, was a Man Gnome, which meant he was likely considerably older than Luvain. Luvain, on the other hand, had a relatively short career as an archpriest and had minimal involvement in Bios’ internal politics and diplomacy.

In that case, there’s only one thing I can do. Luvain had made up his mind. I need to be straightforward.

Luvain began speaking.

The Theocracy of Bios had been transferred from the previous Pope to him, and significant changes were happening. The Accursed Toxin was a regrettable matter, to which they were ready to provide compensation.

While the Church had kept the technology behind the soul card’s production a secret, they made the cards available at reasonable prices to ensure their widespread distribution to various countries. Luvain requested to maintain the Church’s monopoly of these cards outside the Empire. In addition, Luvain wanted the inventor’s name, Funai, and the fact that he was a Man Gnome, to be known worldwide.

Kagurai’s expression changed for the first time. Up until now, he had appeared like a carefully crafted figurine, but now his eyes narrowed.

What Luvain wanted was the withdrawal of the Quinbrand Empire’s military and a non-aggression treaty.

The moderately-sized room grew quiet. Sunlight streamed through slit windows, creating patterns of light and shadow on the table.

Luvain and Kagurai sat across from each other at a five-meter-long table, each with three attendants next to them.

Luvain had one knight and two temple guards with him, while Kagurai was accompanied by the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, and the Man Gnome in charge of the imperial palace. The Prime Minister was inscrutable, the Foreign Minister seemed irritated from the start, and the Man Gnome kept a close eye on Kagurai’s mood.

“I see.” That was all Kagurai uttered after listening to what Luvain had to say.

“This seems very favorable for your side,” the Foreign Minister chimed in. “Accepting your terms will set a precedent that you can kill as many people as you want as long as you apologize and pay for damages.”

“Foreign Minister,” the Prime Minister scolded, but the Foreign Minister merely snorted. He could not stand the fact that all the plans he had formulated had become worthless and that the Emperor had entered the discussion unprepared.

“You are absolutely right,” Luvain said. “We’re doing our best to make amends for the wrongs committed by the previous Pope and the archpriests. But if the Imperial Army marches forward, the innocent citizens of Bios will be caught in the crossfire.”

“Oh. Are you implying that the citizens killed by the poison were somehow not innocent? You’re criticizing the Pope, but Sir Luvain, what were you doing when the previous Pope was disseminating the poison?”

“Quiet, Foreign Minister.”

Since the Prime Minister’s attempts to hold him back failed, Kagurai decided to speak. Even the Foreign Minister appeared nervous when dealing with the Emperor.

“B-But, Your Majesty… This person’s statements are excessively self-serving.”

“We are here to find common ground and a solution to our issues,” Kagurai said. “Pope Luvain has come to a tumultuous capital with minimal staff, fully aware of the danger that awaits him. I wish to acknowledge his resolve and engage in a proper conversation.”


The Foreign Minister backed down with a bitter expression, and Luvain bowed deeply.

“Nonetheless, the Foreign Minister raises a great point, Pope Luvain. The Imperial City, especially the military, is seething with anger. I have heard that the Einbiest Army is advancing on Agiapole. If they were to enter the holy city and slaughter indiscriminately, would you be able to control your anger?”

“I understand your point. If my life alone could secure a ceasefire agreement, I would end it right now. But I assume that is not what Your Majesty desires.”

“Indeed.” Kagurai contemplated for a moment. “I do not wish to witness any further harm befalling the people of the Empire. However, there are many who are furious. I would like you to, at the very least, try to appease the anger of those who stand above the people.”

“So, Your Majesty is saying that I should meet with the nobles and persuade them to agree to a ceasefire with our nation?”

Kagurai nodded. “Persuasion is not my task, but yours, Pope Luvain. If you can accomplish that, we will immediately enter a ceasefire agreement.”

From that day, Luvain started setting up meetings with various nobles. However, there were about 200 nobles in the empire, so it would take a long time to meet them all. He could only manage to see three or four of them in a day. Some refused to meet him when they learned he was the Pope, making it challenging to persuade the nobles.

He’s really putting in the effort…

Luvain didn’t have any plans to ask Silver Face for help. He spent his nights writing letters and visiting the nobles during the day.

Hikaru, on the other hand, helped Paula in her work as the Wandering Saint. Today he was accompanying her in treating people who couldn’t make it to the church. Paula focused on using her magic, Lavia acted as her support, and Hikaru was there to handle any problems that might arise.

They had been cautious about potential trouble, but nothing serious had happened until today.

Today’s patient was a male sex worker from the slums, who had been exploiting wealthy men for money. A few days ago, he had taken a dose of the Phantom Butterfly before a roleplaying session. He was fine at first, but later ended up in a coma due to the drug’s severe effects.

“Can you please help him? He’s not very smart, but he’s a good person at heart.”

The man’s sister, who lived with him, was crying by her unresponsive brother’s side. She had heard about the Wandering Saint and acted promptly.

“How does it look?”

“I’m not sure. This is different from the other patients I’ve treated before. I’ll give it a try.”

Paula had treated patients who had taken Phantom Butterfly before, but it had only been for mild symptoms like intoxication or nausea, almost like a hangover. These symptoms were much worse.


At that moment, Hikaru noticed people surrounding the building with his Mana Detection. There was nothing suspicious about the woman, so he wondered who sent these people.

“Star Face, can you handle this?”

“Of course.” Lavia nodded.

Hikaru went outside and found himself in a deserted alley. The building had entrances at both the front and back, and it was attached to the neighboring buildings, so there was no way to enter or exit from the sides.

The crescent moon hanging in the night sky cast a cold light on the alley.

One on each side, one on the rooftop, and one at the back entrance.

When they noticed Hikaru stepped outside, the suspicious individuals concealed themselves. Although they were out of sight, his Mana Detection revealed their positions clearly.

Hikaru turned around, pretending to re-enter the building, and activated Stealth. He was more than ten meters away, and if he closed the door slowly, they would probably think he had gone back inside. As expected, when the door closed, they relaxed. One of the individuals even yawned.

“Really? Yawning in the middle of a stakeout?”


Hikaru swung the hilt of a dagger at the back of the person’s head. He fell unconscious with a thud.

Phew… He’s not dead… right? Good…

Hikaru checked the hooded man’s pulse. He didn’t want to accidentally kill him with the Stealth and Assassination combo.

He did the same to the person on the other side, knocking him out cold. He decided to ignore the ones on the rooftop and at the back entrance for now.

Hikaru turned the unconscious man onto his back. He had a scruffy beard, unkempt hair, and appeared to be in his thirties. He had a solid build. His belongings included a short sword, a rope, and throwing knives. When Hikaru smelled the liquid inside a bottle, it gave off a sharp, pungent odor—likely poison. He covered the bottle and placed it on the ground, then took one of the throwing knives.

Upon further examination, he found an adventurer guild card. The man’s name was Gallus, a Rank D adventurer. Checking his Soul Board confirmed his identity. There was nothing worth noting about his stats.

Probably some random, washed-up adventurer.

As for the other man, his name was Dickey, and he had similar stats as Gallus. The only thing that caught Hikaru’s attention was the Blessing, Wide Area Outdoor Scoundrel God: General Rogue, which seemed to be something useful for crimes or nighttime activities.

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