What the Emperor Truly Needs – Part 03

Kagurai looked young, but given he was a Man Gnome, he should be up there in age. Hikaru checked his Soul Board.

【Soul Board】Kagurai G. Quinbrand
Age: 72 | Rank: 38 | 4

【Natural Recovery】1

【Magical Power】
【Mana Capacity】4
【Elemental Affinity】

【Muscle Strength】3
【Weapon Mastery】

【Power Burst】1

【Tool Mastery】
【Musical Instrument】2

【Mental Strength】8
【Heroic Disposition】1

【Natural Talent】1

His stats were incredible.

Weapons, magic, musical talent, and charisma? Are you for real?

Hikaru was amazed and somewhat flabbergasted by the multitude of skills Emperor Kagurai seemed to possess. Stats like Heroic Disposition and Natural Talent were entirely new to him.

“Why are you staring like that?”

“Ah, well… I couldn’t help but think you might be the type to take the lead in a war.”

“Hmm. You are the first to say something like that to me since I left the home of the Man Gnomes.”

“People aren’t just defined by their appearances.”

“Indeed. I am a Man Gnome, and I have lived for much longer than you. I have undergone significant training as it is crucial in my village to achieve a certain level of combat proficiency.”

What a terrifying place, Hikaru thought. Unken made it sound like a small, secluded village.

“So Silver Face, did you have something to discuss with me?”

Emperor Kagurai didn’t seem too eager to talk about the previous emperor and quickly changed the topic.

“Oh, right.”

Hikaru took out two guild cards from his pocket and placed them on the table in front of Kagurai. They belonged to Gallus and Dickey.

“What are these? Adventurers Guild cards?”

“The Foreign Minister ordered his friend, Baron Kinga, to abduct my companion Flower Face, the Wandering Saint. I came here to speak with you, as the boss around here, to find out what’s happening in this country.”


Kagurai stared at the guild cards. Behind his composed expression was a trace of cunning that came with years of being an emperor.

Now, what’s he going to say? Play dumb, or be aggressive?

Kagurai let out a small sigh. “I will have the Foreign Minister step down from his position. It is the biggest punishment I can impose within my current powers. Is that satisfactory?”

“Color me surprised. You’re just going to believe me like that?”

“You snuck in all the way here. You have no reason to lie. Even if I were to deny the Foreign Minister’s involvement, you have the means to settle a personal vendetta on your own.”

“You think I would kill the Foreign Minister?”

“There is a saying in the home of the Man Gnomes: ‘One who steals with their right hand shall have their right hand cut off, and one who treads on forbidden ground with their left foot shall have their left foot cut off.’ This serves not only as a warning against violating prohibitions, but also a reminder that any wrongdoing will be met with the equivalent suffering.”

“I see. So I’m free to take someone or something important from the Foreign Minister?”

“I am not saying that. Which is why I am offering his demotion as punishment.”

“I’m guessing that’s what’s important to him.”

Kagurai nodded slowly. There was a dignity in his affirmation that made one think that was true. He probably wouldn’t resort to petty tactics like giving a title change while essentially letting the Foreign Minister do the same job as before.

Hikaru considered it safe to trust him. “That works for me. It would be even better if you could ensure our safety.”

“We are deeply grateful to all of you. Thus, we shall meet your wishes.”

“Is it because of Flower Face’s help in curing the Accursed Toxin?”

“That is correct. Of course, when people saw you arriving with the Pope, some began suspecting Flower Face’s prior knowledge in curing the disease.”

Were they implying that she was a scammer?

“I can see why they would think that. But it still pisses me off that they would say that about her when she risked her life to come here.”

“Understandable. That is why I have ordered them never to utter such things ever again. Flower Face’s pure intentions were evident in the fact that she disappeared right after. She also taught us about the magic spell Spellbreak Antidote.”

“Right. There was someone who could use it.”

Kagurai nodded. There was an elderly cleric here with 6 points on Healing Magic.

“Thanks to you, I and many nobles survived.”

“So you prioritized yourselves over the citizens.”


“My bad. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing,” Hikaru added, realizing he might have gone too far. “If the statesmen died, the chaos would have gotten worse. Sometimes, priority in medical care is necessary.” He felt ashamed of his irritability.

Kagurai smiled softly. “You’re surprisingly gentle-hearted.”

“I’ve spent enough time with the Saint to learn.”

Kagurai chuckled. “I am thinking of giving you a reward for bringing the antidote to the empire.”

“Hmm? I thought the intelligence department did that.”

“Officially, they were given the credit, but I am the only one who knows that it was all thanks to you. Of course, I would not have known if it weren’t for Unken’s letter.”

“I see… but I’ll pass. Actually, just give me gold. Gold is always useful.”

“Oh, you do not want attention?”

“If I wanted attention, I would have come here in broad daylight.”

“Fair enough.”

Kagurai got up and went to a corner of the room, where he picked up a cloth bag from a shelf.

“This bag contains gold coins,” he said, placing it on the table. “I use it occasionally to reward the maids.”

It was heavy. Carrying a pouch embroidered with a beautiful bird would be conspicuous, so Hikaru transferred the contents into his own bag.

“Now we’re even.”

“In truth, this is far from enough to satisfy me. What you did was monumental.”

“In that case, how about agreeing to a ceasefire with Luvain?”


Kagurai gave a meaningful smile.

What’s this? What is he trying to say?

At that moment, footsteps came from the corridor. Several people were heading straight to the chamber.

“They are trying to put me to bed. It would be best for you to leave.”

“I agree.”

“I am glad you came tonight. Feel free to visit again.”

“You’re a strange one.”

Hikaru didn’t expect this kind of visit to be so well-received, let alone to be invited back.

Knock, knock.

“Your Majesty, it’s time to rest.”

Kagurai glanced at the door, and in the next instant, Silver Face disappeared as if he had never been there.

“Heh, you are a strange fellow yourself.”

Kagurai picked up the empty bag.

On his way back, Hikaru racked his brains.

What was Kagurai’s cryptic smile at the end all about? That had piqued Hikaru’s curiosity. It was likely his Instinct working, which he had raised during the battle against Ranna.

He did it right after I mentioned agreeing to a ceasefire with Luvain. I guess that means Emperor Kagurai is not opposed to a ceasefire. If he didn’t want it, he wouldn’t have smiled like that. But he couldn’t just outright agree to it. Why? Because the others would object to the idea?

Luvain had received an order from Kagurai to persuade other nobles.

But persuading all the nobles is impossible. Normally, you would assume that meant he had no intention of agreeing to a ceasefire. But deep inside he wants it. A contradiction… Wait a minute…

Suddenly, it struck him.

Does this mean there’s an alternative route? A way to achieve this without persuading everyone?

He recalled Kagurai’s other words.

Hikaru was the one who brought up Emperor Balzard so that was likely irrelevant, and Kagurai had quickly switched the subject.

One who steals with their right hand shall have their right hand cut off, and one who treads on forbidden ground with their left foot shall have their left foot cut off.

That saying intrigued him. The Emperor did not need to mention it.

He also said something like, a reminder that any wrongdoing will be met with the equivalent suffering.

Hikaru stopped in his tracks. “Ah, I get it now.”

He understood what the Emperor had in mind.

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