ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 341 Part 2

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 341: Dragon! Dragon! Part 7 Part 2


I could feel greasy beads of nervous sweat starting to drip all over my body. All of my confidence from before was peeled off like the skin from the onion, and what was left was a half-naked player praying for the sweet release of death…… Yeah, death would be a preferable alternative to what was about to transpire here before long!

For me, this was a moment of total stagnation. Then, my mind started to think of a way in which I could escape this situation, and I arrived at the solution faster than my consciousness could become aware of it.

I start to perform the high-speed window operations, the ones of which I have long grown accustomed to since the beginning of this game. Like that, I take off the INVENTORY from my accessory slot and store it away. Right now it was upgraded from super useful accessory to a broken piece of junk. And I don’t need something like that in my life!

My field of vision fills with red. No matter where I look, I can see the small fries closing in on my position. However, I can still see the light of the moon shining down on me when I raise my head up.


For a mere mortal, the thing I did here was to change my coordinates by measly five meters. But in the grander scheme of things, that was a brilliant and almost God-like move. I might have been only a slight change, but it was enough to save my life here.

Just like the waves of ocean water crush against the rocks near the shore, the waves of rushing monsters all collided with one another, causing damage to themselves and falling to the ground.

I readied my sword once more as my Lapis Star Cloak shook on the wind. I was about ready to fight for my life once more after being near ready to throw it away. But no more! However, there was this pent up frustration and anger deep inside of me, and right about now those feeling just had to find some sort of a way to be released. So while still being in the air, aligned my legs together, bent my knees and then straightened them, imitating a certain well-known pro-wrestling move.

「Eat this and drop dead!!!」

The name of this next maneuver right here is “Plus Gravity Eight Air Drop”……!!!

So, does that mean that the INVENTORY’s activation conditions have been tampered with in a soft patch or something like that? …… Whatever, with a range limit of five meters, you can still use it in battle, but right about now it is nothing but a piece of junk to me. There are even some AoE attacks that can be carefully avoided with a range limit like that, so even if it was a little bit inconvenient for me, under the right set of circumstances I can still make that work.

「But! This is this……!!!」

Right now I need to do something about that boiling anger inside of me. And what better way to do that than to take it all out on the punching bags right in front of my eyes!?

I stretch my legs just at the moment of impact, in order to use the power of the collision to turn it into the power that would allow me to eject myself from there towards safety.

「If the repartition is possible here, then I can deal with it no problem……!」

I launch Gravity Zero! I kick the neck of the monster that was about to bite me and change the direction at which the Gravity was affecting me. Then I throw into the mix Riot Accelerator, which reduces your HP but gives you a boost in Agility instead! It all results in action that consisted of kicking, changing the flow of gravity, stopping myself from falling and climbing back up!

When the Gravity Zero ends, I perform a summersault to land on my feet. I also happened to land on the front fin of one of the monster who swung it at me, trying to knock me off my feet. From there I jumped in the air and once Frit Float’s cooldown ended, I cast it again and bounce off the air.

「This stuffing is so sweet!」

「Oh my, judging from the amount, even hundred people would not be able to fill so much of it in there even if they went all at once, huh?」

「Stop saying things like that, or else people might misunderstand and you’ll find yourself in a very perilous situation one of these days!」

「Sexual negotiations? I’m fine with us being just casual sex friends, but if you want to spice things up like that, then I’m all in! Bring it on!」

Alright, Aradval, my child. The time for you to burn this slut to a crisp is close at hand.

「That left meaty part is going to be cooked into well-done!」

Or maybe we should leave it on the grill until it burns away into a lump or charcoal.

However, let’s give the credit where the credit is due: if I were not getting turned into a ball for the Crystal Scorpions to play with on a regular basis, I would have never come up with an idea like that.

This day and age, it was not all that surprising to see that AI was learning of the players’ patterns and was actively trying to interfere them. So right now some of the monster were trying to prevent me from going upwards…… I’m really sorry for all of the players who are going to find themselves screwed over because of that, but once you obtain INVENTORY, it will become much easier. Trust me!

「Alright…… I managed to survive somehow, but now what? And what is this thing doing now?」

「This looks like convulsions to me…… Think that its actually cumming or what?」

「That would have been a convulsion closely related to agony!」

「Maybe this thing is a masochist, so getting beaten is actually a reward for it?」

「I dunno about that, but the one who programmed such movements into this thing was a raging sadist for sure.」

「Talk about a new age of SM play! The future is now! And it’s actually scary!」

You know what? You can take all of this BBQ’d meat to the grave with you! Just die already!

However, the fact remains that the Red Dragon was now taking some sort of a special action. For example, all of the red liquids that were expanding all this time now returned to the one that released them, gathering around the Dragon. The way in which it was moving and swaying…… It was way too obvious……

「…… Thinking about it now, don’t you think it would be one hell of an achievement if only the two of us managed to go into the third form of this thing?」

「No, no, no, do you even realize what you are saying here, Sanraku-kun? That’s crazy, no matter how you look at it……」

「I know, right……」

Too easy. That is the conclusion about the second and third form that both Deepslaughter and I managed to arrive at.

Raid boss monsters are the encounters that assume that a large number of players is going to take part in the battle. It also means that the boss is going to have the attacks up its arsenal that can easily decimate about twenty or even thirty people with a single blow. Sometimes, even the whole raid group can get destroyed all at once.

Just because we are managing to hold our ground until now, this does not mean that we can clear this encounter. If so, the conclusion that can be derived from here can only be one:

「The third or even later form…… I’d say that’s where the real battle starts.」

「And from the look of things I’d say that we are approaching one of those forms, and we approach it fast……!」

It was as if the tissue paper that was spread across the ground was suddenly gathered in one place and formed into a sphere or a lump…… and that lump was actually the size of an elephant or even bigger.

It was hard to estimate what was going on inside of that big lump…… but the wet and gargling sounds echoing from inside of it were a dead indicator that whatever it was, it could not possibly be anything good.

「Bodily fluids! That is without a doubt the sound that certain body fluids make, right!?」

「Could you shut your whore mouth for just a moment there, seriously!」

Now then, it’s time for the third form…… Could it be that this is where the real battle begins?

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Comment (1)

  1. DnG505

    No freaking way
    “Like that, I take off the INVENTORY from my accessory slot and store it away”
    Ain’t it got confirmed already that Inventory is stuck to the first accessory slot and you can never take it out in that chapter where he went to increase his accessory slot to 5

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