ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 374 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 374: Powerless But Strong Part 1

When it comes to that person, his social standing is really dangerous, so I am afraid that that package is going to arrive via the fastest, most expensive option possible. That is why I needed to wrap things up here in ShanFro first, so that I could enjoy myself properly in the new game later.

Eventually, it was the Golden Crystal Scorpion that manage to do me in, so after reviving I went to rejoin Emul, who I left in one of Eldolato’s back alleys, casually munching on a carrot. On a side note, this alleyway was apparently a fixed location, for it looked cleaner and much more neat then the other ones in other cities. Anyways, after rejoin Emul, the two of us teleported to Fifthsia.

The place that we decided to go to right away was of course the building of the “Golden Scale Company”. And since I am already kind of a VIP character here, there was no need for me to go through all of the formalities of entering through the front door. All I had to do now was to simply go towards the back door, wave my hand at the guard standing there and they would just let me in. Needless to say, the guard looked really dangerous and professional, so if I were not qualified to be here, he would probably dispose of me really quickly. A true professional, you see…… But let’s ignore the fact that the first place that he decided to check when it comes to my avatar was the piece I was wearing on my head.

「…… What kind of business do you have with us today?」

「Oh, it’s just normal business talk. I won’t ask for anyone of the company’s top branch, but could you bring me someone who knows his or her way around funds investment to a good extent?」

Now then, unlike the previous games that I have played, ShangriLa Frontier truly personifies the notion that time is money. And you won’t find me complaining about it, I actually like that idea quite a lot.

「It has been a while, Mister Sanraku. How have you been? I hope that life is treating you well? Oh, and I have heard through the grapevine that you actually managed to venture over to the New Continent, is that true?」

「Well, you know how life is. Always a little bit of this and a little bit of that. But that is to say, I was certainly busy for a while……」

The one who appeared in front of me was a young man who looked kind of cheeky and unpleasant. What is this company even doing, hiring people like that? Besides, I did not come here to talk to you about my personal life and affairs, so this answer is as much as you are going to be getting out of me here.

「…… Alright then, let’s just skip all of the formalities and go right to the business talk part. I have heard that you are here today to sell?」

「Yeah. Like you said, let’s just skip all the formalities and pleasantries and get right down to business…… This thing right here is what I am offering to you.」

While saying that, I procured a particular item from my inventory and placed it on top of the desk here. It looked like a crystalline lens, and the sound it made when placed on top of the desk suggested its considerable weight and hardness.

「Could this be…… No, this shape and sturdiness, it really must be……」

「Yes, it is exactly as you think. This thing is the outer shell of the Crystal Scorpion, you can think of it as its scale or maybe even armor plating. And what I have incidentally heard through the grapevine is that this is a material that was used to make the shield of the First Knight of the kingdom, an item only the best swordsman and warrior in the entire land can handle properly. Obtaining such materials for a shield must have been one hell of an ordeal, don’t you think?」

「…… Yes, that is correct. Also, the chairman of this very company was the one who was involved in the process of creating this very shield several generations ago. So, am I correct to assume that this is the item that you would like to sell us today?」

I am not going to lie, it was a little bit disappointing. I was expecting a much more shocked, or let’s say “vivid” reaction here to an item such as this, but I guess this is what you get from seasoned veterans of the merchant profession…… They tend to be good at hiding their true feelings and emotions, conducting in a purely “businesslike” manner.

I am fairly sure that this item here is extremely rare and that there are not all that many of them circulating around the market. That being said, I wonder if you are going to keep that calm and composed look on your face for much longer, you absolute bastard? Let’s wipe that stupid polite smile off of your face now, shall we?

「No, no really. This one is only a free sample. I assume that it is alright for your company to receive free samples of their goods from your clients, right?」

「…… So, is it correct to assume that you possess more samples of this particular item?」

Even inside the video games, it is extremely rare for the players to go out of their way in order to part ways with all of the rare monster materials that they have managed to accumulate over the course of the game. Normally, even if you were to possess a vast quantity of extremely rare items, even a company such as this here “Golden Scale Company” would not pay you a huge amount of money for them.

However, here is where the business opportunity lies in wait for me, about ready to be seized and exploited to the fullest.

「Shells. Leg joints. Armor plating. Tails…… And even the bright and big core harvested from inside of the Crystal Scorpion’s body, although this one in particular is extremely hard to come by……」

「T-That many materials…… It must have been extremely hard and difficult to get a hold on all of those……」

「Yeah, you can bet your sweet ass that it was one heck of a problem. So? How much would you be willing to give me for all of those?」

「Yes, yes, that’s right…… Let… Let me see here…… It will only take a moment.」

Normally in a fantasy setting quite like this one, settled in the Medieval times, you would write everything using quill and ink on a piece of parchment. But here in this setting there are swords, magic and sometimes even super-advanced technology mingling with one another. That being said, the young man of the “Golden Scale Company” started to mumble something to himself under his nose while using some sort of a magic spell here, most probably to appraise the items that I have presented to him. I wonder if appraisal magic even works on the components from the Crystal Scorpions?

「…… No, no, no. I must admit, it is the first time ever in my life that I have laid my eyes on items such as those. What is this, is this the Core Crystal you were talking about, sir? If you were to give an item of this quality to the royal family as a gift, it would easily grant you their favor for more than ten years or even more, if you were to supply them with more items like that…… Let’s see here. This item alone can be worth even more than fifty thousand mani per piece, without a shred of doubt. For all of the items presented here, I would like to offer you the minimum amount of fifty million mani……」

「Ah, I see. Well then, the minimum amount that I want is one billion mani.」

「Excuse me?」

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