ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 375 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 375: Accumulating Happiness Part 1


Sanraku: What’s up, fuckers! This is your Sanraku speaking, at the moment the largest shareholder of the “Golden Scale Company ”! From today on out I am to be treated as a VIP customer and will be greeted with the highest possible honors even when I decide to come with a visit with no prior appointment!

Katsu: Eeehhh……? That’s kinda coming from the left field……

Pencil Warrior: Think you could get us all friendly discounts for their services? Since you are such a VIP person, it should be easy to do, right?

Sanraku: I mean, it’s not like I CAN’T do that, but why do I get the feeling that you are thinking of using me for something wrong here? Come back here when you learn what sincerity means. Then we MIGHT talk about it. But for now, FORGET IT!

Pencil Warrior: Hoo? Is that a grudge about something that took place in the past I smell in here? You know what, Sanraku? Out of all the people out there, you were the last one I would have suspected of being so petty. Not cool, man. Not cool.

Sanraku: Hey, you are the one to talk to! You can get that fucking scale of theirs out whenever you want and take it wherever you want, and with no extra costs attached! So I would say that you are more than covered on that front! But guess what, you are not the only one who can use that thing as of now, bitch!

Pencil Warrior: Sanraku-sama! I will buy you yakisoba bread! I will even carry your bag whenever you want me to! I will take notes for you! I can even do your homework for you!!!

Katsu: Whoa, take a look at that! Pencilgton, begging so desperately, forgetting about her dignity as a human being! Talk about pathetic, huh? And for what? A cheat-class item, no less!

Pencil Warrior: Oh, come on, guys! Am I the only one who sees the greater image here!? With the use of this item, just a slight misuse is more than enough to bring the economy of the whole kingdom or even this very continent to its knees! Just think about all the possibilities this grants us!

Sanraku: It’s not that I can’t see your point here, but using cheat items for things such as this is just pure evil. So even if you were to do that, you would still get the Divine Punishment on your ass, make no mistake!

Kyogoku: Yeah, I know right! I knew it, Sanraku! You just can’t wait for the event in Bakumatsu Online as well, right!?

Mold: I came here because I saw that there were some updates in the group chat, but imagine my surprise when I came here and saw THIS conversation. Kind of a bummer here, I won’t lie……

Sanraku: Hey, it might have gotten a little derailed, but deep down inside it is still all about ShanFro, you know? So cheer up!

Katsu: We were just having a little bit of a brainstorming session, that’s all! With a side of some rather grim jokes, but that’s what group conversations among friends are for!

Pencil Warrior: You know what they say, right? Three heads are better than one! And the best ideas come to you as a result of a group discussion, not some lonely thinking by yourself! It’s the input of others that makes the ideas worthwhile!

Kyogoku: But doesn’t that make it possible for others to force their evil ideas upon you and mask them as good intentions? That’s kinda dangerous, no matter how you look at it.

Mold: Ruhii!

Saiga-0: The Scales of Consideration?

Sanraku: It’s a really neat item. You sacrifice anything, ANYTHING that you want, and in return it will give you temporary stat boost and money. And it has no limits to itself, so it is actually kind of broken, to be honest.

Pencil Warrior: Not to mention that it is a neat thing to have when you want to PK someone! Normally you would be worried about your money and items, but with this scale, the PK laundering have never been easier! How cool is that!?

Kyogoku: Yeah, it is something really good. Downright broken, I would say. Certainly worth its status of a cheat—item.

Rust: I think that at this point Mold is going to be dying of laughter, so you’d better take responsibility before something seriously happens to him, alright guys?

Sanraku: Yeah, I imagine that he is not going to take this whole conversation well. It would be a shame if he was to die of laughter in front of his mobile device.

Saiga-0: By the way, what are we going to do about that matter that came up before? Are we going to be doing something about it, even?

Pencil Warrior: Hmm? The matter that came up before?

Pencil Warrior: Ahh, are you perhaps talking about that matter with Noirlind? I say that we do not need to do anything about it. At least not for now. So you don’t need to worry about it too much.

Pencil Warrior: I mean, it is extremely unlikely that the decisive battle of Noirlind versus Siegwurm is going to take place anytime soon, so we might as well take our time and gather some information before doing anything.

Pencil Warrior: I’d say that we must first locate the whereabouts of the White Dragon, Red Dragon and Green Dragon. Those are the minimal conditions for going into action against Noirlind. Rushing in blindly won’t do us any good.

Pencil Warrior: Not to mention that thanks to A CERTAIN SOMEONE we now have raid monsters to worry about, the Library knows more about Kutanid than we would have wanted them to know, people spread rumors about a new marine race that is somewhere out there…… And now also Dragons and Noirlind are here to only add to the ever so increasing pile of our worries and troubles. I know that dead weeks and months are no good in games like that, but with so many events currently going on at the same time it would sure be nice to have some room to breathe, you know?

Kyogoku: Less than a month now until the Bakumatsu Online events drop…… I’d better see you there, Sanraku!

Katsu: It’s going to be a month before the research vessel comes back to the old continent, right? So it will be at least that long before you are going to be able to come here and join up with us?

Sanraku: Not like it matters to us. We can afford to wait no problem.

Kyogoku: Hmm…… Ah, yeah, that’s right.

Kyogoku: If any of you people manage to get to the Beastmen Village by some miracle, I would like you to pay a visit to the Fox Beastman.

Sanraku: Say what now?

Pencil Warrior: I sense a premonition of someone trying to hide some information from us.

Katsu: What do you want us to do? Is it something that we are going to regret?

Kyogoku: I mean, isn’t it natural that I would have a secret or two that I would like to keep exclusively to myself?

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