ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 393 Part 2

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 393: Bet Everything On This One Blow Part 2

Now let’s advance the time a little bit, to the next day.

「Forward! My Presidential Guard Corps! My “Purgatory Battalion”! Decimate your President’s enemies! Go! Go! Go! Go! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge!」

Seeing the things that you Guard Corps can do when you equip all of them with the armor from the General Purgatory, it actually makes me want to laugh so much that it should not be possible. This level of bullshit should actually be illegal.

Right about now my Guard Corps form a line right in front of me and march forth, gunning down the enemies with so much ease that you could hardly call it a battle. It was a one-sided slaughter, without a shred of doubt. Plus, since they have all been looking like General Purgatory, this actually looked as if he was cloned and that clones rebelled against the original. Is this what we would call a Clone War? It was certainly something worthy of a Sci-Fi Horror label.

Now, since I had so much of General Purgatory’s armor and weapons on me, equipping them all on my personal guards and soldiers gave our army so much of a boost that our military expansion started to progress much smoother and faster than I would have anticipated. And even if some parts of the equipment got busted or broken, I could easily procure new replacements.

And as for now, with the way in which our United States have grown in both territory and military might, there is only but one enemy that could effectively stand in our way towards the continental domination and hegemony.

This enemy is of course the New Garkart Empire. They are second greatest nation on this continent, possessing both astounding military might and wide-spread political influence. What’s more, they aid their politics with claims that they are the successors to one of the ancient empires that ruled over this continent in the past, clearly a reference to lore of some kind, most probably a history from even before the events of the game.

You can say that those guys are the real deal here, mostly because of the sprites for their soldiers and generals. Mostly it is a simple job of Copy/Paste with everyone else, but those guys get their individual general models, and their troops look and are equipped differently depending on their rank and battle experience.

Their generals are a particularly curious case. There are four individual amongst them called Heavenly Kings. Their abilities and charisma is on a completely different level, making them to be the most formidable of opponents. If you were to send troops into auto battle against one of those guys, no matter how well equipped they may be, there is always about twenty five percent chance that this battle would end up in your loss.

「For now, I was able to turn General Purgatory into my little bitch, but those guys…… This is going to be tough. I can already feel it. They are on a completely different level.」

I have already experienced the anxiety that fighting with those guys could bring. What initially looked like your standard skirmish that you would suppress with your goons set in a standard ATTACK formation changed into a war of attrition that ended up in our loss, and the enemy almost managed to march right at the edge of our very borders. I won’t lie, on that day cold sweat was dripping off my neck and back like crazy.

Fortunately, I have managed to save the day that coming directly onto the field and chasing the enemy army away, destroying more than a half of it during the process. However, I was unable to strike down the enemy general. That is because in this game the enemy generals are basically invincible until the time for their specific event comes around. But the thought of the enemy having competent general on their side that could effectively send troops into battle sure was terrifying.

「For the time being, while I’m busy bullying General Purgatory here, maybe it would be a good idea to send some troops towards the other regions that are being attacked by the generals? Ahh, but I can afford to spread my forces too thin now, can I……?」

Oh, and yes, here goes! President Beam!!!

I guess that work is always going to be work. Even though you may be able to find an efficient way of earning money or resources, you still need to do the work in order to get them, and that can always be such a drag.

While firing off the President Beam and watching it wreck absolute havoc on the battlefield, I started to wonder what my next move in here should be. And before I even knew it, the battle was already over.

「Thank you for all of your hard work, Mister President. I trust that you are not injured?」

「Oooh, Rice-chan. You know it! Today was yet another easy and great victory!」

「…… Then that is going to be all for today. Shall we celebrate your victory with the freshly baked pie that I have made today?」

Yeah, it seems that Rice-chan’s affection meter managed to go even higher with today’s victory. It also seems that there are quite a lot of variants when it comes to greetings when you come back from missions, which is a nice addition to have. It certainly make you ease up after all that fighting.

「Good grief……」

The taste of that pie was not nearly as good as that of the pie from ShanFro, but it was more than enough to get a passing grade. Plus, since Rice-chan was the one who made this, it was almost elevating this item to the rank of the exclusive item made with affection.

「It’s just that eating something like that right after a long day of hard work…… It is strangely healing, I must admit.」

Isn’t my Rice-chan the best? As a thank you for this, I’ll be sure to give it my best during the next sortie when it happens.


Could this be the reason why noting major or grand was happening in this game as of late? I know that I was so immersed in this game that I actually started to omit the fact that this is basically a shitty game, but to see my Secretary behaving like that and even giving me a pie…… No way, could it really be that all of the shitty elements thus far were finally to converge and deliver me THIS as the final result……!?

No, there are actually many arguments that speak in favor of this theory when you try to think about it for a moment. I know that this is technically a strategy game and that I have been taking its length for granted, but strangely enough, the Secretary in this game was the only person with whom the player was having the most interactions, not to mention that her character was pretty strong and well-developed (I mean, compared to regular mobs). And isn’t that the case that the engine used for creating side characters in this game was one of the most cutting edge? Yeah, that should be the case here.

「No way…… Could it be that…… everything else was forsaken for the sake of this one, final blow……!?」

No, wouldn’t that basically mean that the end of the story was coming shortly?

It feel much like sacrificing both noodles and the soup in order to collect the perfect ingredients for the best ramen in the entire world. It’s like trying to serve you a ramen without noodles and soup to begin with, only throwing the garnish into the bowl. It is certainly better than poisoning everything, don’t get me wrong, but…… Aaah, this reeks of Shit Chronicles Online so much!

I mean, it’s not bad and anything that so much work was put into the role of the player’s secretary, since the secretary was basically playing the role of the wife in here. Normally I would get tired of seeing the navigator characters in games like this one, but this game was an exception from that rule.

Seeing the characters of side characters develop is the greatest measure of progression in games, after all.

But actually, aside from the Secretary, none other character in this game seems to be standing out too much…… Oh well, if that is going to be the fuel for one’s motivation, then I guess it is actually a good thing.

「No then, shall we progress with the story here?」

Was the flag here defeating General Purgatory? However, if the battles would start getting easier or even rigged from now on, the credibility of the game would greatly suffer because of that. Alright, for now, let us send an envoy to one of the smaller nations who try to raise the dissatisfaction about our United States! I’ll show you what it means to become a sacrificial pawn, muahahahahahahaha……!!!

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