ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 410 Part 2

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 410: How to Make a Useless Snake Less Useless Part 2

「Alright, you are just a cosmetic here! Sammy-chan is actually the one who does all the heavy lifting here! And good work, Sammy-chan! You’re fine with me calling you Sammy-chan, right?」

「S-Sammy-chan is my Sammy-chan! Only I can call her that!」

This bitch……! I understand Sammy-chan far better than you do! So Sammy-chan is my Sammy-chan, not yours……!!」

No, wait, calm down for a second, Sanraku! It’s not like you to get worked up so much over such a trivial matter. But the way in which this NPC tends to go on tantrums makes me remember Shit Chronicles Online for all the wrong reasons. It seems like an incompetent character pulling a leg of a competent player character … Oh yeah! That’s right!

「Alright, I have decided! I have made my decision!」

「Decision? Decided? About what? What is going on……?」

「It’s time for a special training! Special training!」

It will be a demonic training regime meant for rapidly growing in power over the course of a little time, a training developed by lunatics for the lunatics. One that will make you wish for sweet release of death only for you to actually come to love the thrill of brushing with the death on a daily basis……! You know god damn well what I’m talking about, you asshole! What do I mean by that? A level sixty two! Level sixty two!

「At the very least, I’m going to make you into a monster that will be more than enough to give that one Goldunine a run for her money! So better brace yourself! They don’t call me the Demon Coach for nothing!」

「Nooo!!! I don’t wanna! I don’t wanna! I’m gonna die! I’m seriously going to die!!!」

「Don’t worry, even you are going to be on the brink of death, I’m going to make sure that you’ll be all patched up, so don’t you think that you can escape from this even for a second, alright? Or would you rather like me to ask Sigma to bring a bunch of Armillet Gargantuas in here, hmm?」

「With the right conditions being met, it might be possible. The area near the entrance is large enough to be invaded by a small Armillet Gargantua due to individual differences at the moment, but the specifics remains to be set up. Now, time for individual opinion: when trying to improve the ability of Wimp, the entrance might get too narrow, which would trigger the Armillet Gargantua’s self-destructive mechanism.」

「Way too long, shorten it up. Preferably to one sentence.」

「Because the entrance is too narrow, there is a possibility that we might get buried alive while trying to transport it. It’s the worst case scenario, but still.」

「Nice, I like the sound of that. You get ten Intelligence points for that.」

「Problem: but my Intelligence is already max out at the current moment. So is it not pointless? Or will it still go over the upper limit?」

「It’s a start of a new lap. Or a new cycle. Whatever floats your boat more.」

「The second lap……!」

It’s a new lap like a spinning gear, but I won’t say that here because explaining it is going to take too long.

「Wimp, you say you don’t want to die, but the way to stay away from the most life-threatening things in the world is to just get stronger, right?」

「Y-Yeah, but…… I mean…… I have Sammy-chan to protect me.」

「So what, you are going to keep relying on Sammy-chan until the world ends? The stronger you yourself get the safer you will be, right?」

「Y-Yeah, I guess…… B–But…… But……!」

“And I’ll tell you this in case you don’t understand the situation we are in right now……Sigma and I will help you out with that special training of yours. In other words, we will make sure that you will become strong safely and surely……?」

「Safety…… Security…… Stability…… Peace……」

「And while I’m not saying here that we necessarily HAVE to go against and challenge that giant monster over there, but…… Think of this as an opportunity, my dear Wimp. An opportunity for some peace and stability that everyone loves so much. So…… What do you say to that? Do you understand what I’m getting at?」

「W-Well, now! I guess that if you put it like that, then I cannot be helped! Yeah, that’s right! It just cannot be helped, is what I’m saying!」

…… Easy. Way too easy. Can someone tell me: why is that that NPC women in this game are so God damn easy to manipulate? I’m not even trying here and they are always dancing right at the palm of my hand.

The method of using the Brynhildr Baskerville here as a temporary save point seemed like a good idea to me at first. However, when you stop for a minute to consider it in greater detail, you begin to realize that there are a whole lot of problems that might emerge from that idea. Problems that are hardly worth the effort or work you would need to put into it.

The biggest problem here is that Brynhildr Baskerville is actually a ship in the first place. That is, it floats on the sea, river, a lake or any body of water large and deep enough to contain it. And for that matter, it could serve as the portable base for “Wolfgang” should we ever needed a portable base…… In other words, we can’t keep it there forever if we want to use it down the road.

The bottom line here is that setting save points on the go is not the ultimate solution for all of our problems. And we still needed furniture for it to be fully operational…… I think that with the amount of money I have saved up in my wallet I would be able to buy pretty much anything that we need, and if not I can always get the Golden Scale Company involved. However…… how do we get about transporting this thing from here all the way to Fifthsia?

「Since I have already made a save just in case, I could return there and see how things are on that end, but the problem here would be the actual means of doing that……」

So does that mean that the only way of getting back is actually going to be using the means limited for normal players, meaning the New Continent Research Vessel? If so, that’s actually kind of a bummer, I won’t lie…… No, wait there might actually be a way here.

「Master, I think that it is high time for us to talk about the expansion of this cave that you have planned. Also, we need to talk about the thing that you have mentioned earlier as well, the one about strengthening the battle potential of the individual named Wimp.」

「Ohh, yeah, right. In that case, I am going to leave the necessary preparations up to you. I am going to take a quick rest for the time being, and we can head out and go once I wake up. Sounds like a plan?」

The very next day, in the morning.

「Oh, good morning, Saiga-san.」

「Good morning to you, too, Hizutome-kun.」

「There is something that I wanted to talk to you about. Do you have the time to talk tonight? Even a few minutes will suffice.」

「Eh? Umm, yes, yes I’m free at the current moment……」

「Perfect. You see, I just could not wait anymore, that’s how badly I wanted to meet with Saiga-san……」


「…… In the village of the Bug People, that is.」

「…………………… Oh, l-like that? Yes, I should have expected it to be something like that…… What was I even thinking……? But alright.」

As expected of Saiga-san here. Here reactions were always so funny and unique that they never failed to amuse me. And they never disappoint in terms of uniqueness and originality.

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