ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 413 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 413: Money and Making Distinctions and a Special News Part 1

It wasn’t just because of good intentions that I provided information to Imron this time around. You may get closer to one of the best blacksmiths in the player, sure, but…… It was mostly to help to forward whatever plans that Pencilgton might have planned for our Guild.

The guild “Black Wolves” was certainly a top-class guild back in the day, but there was a fact that it was split in half at the current moment. But still, to think that our Guild would be able to compete with those remnants with ease and with a very high chance of victory was still nothing more but a make-believe.

However, the Anti-Black Dragon faction that is now widespread across the New Continent is a large force that does not fit into the framework of what one Guild is able to take on at any given time. Selling favors and buying cooperation is something that is sure to profit us in the turbulent times to come.

「Fufufu…… Making this kind of preparation is actually not all that bad.」

This is the one thing that both Pencilgton and I have in common: not being evil, but actually making a plan and preparation in anticipation of the big battle or event that as about to come.

And for the upcoming events, the Holy Hammer Mjolnir, an item that is apparently a pretty terrifying of a weapon, will become something that is going to be indispensable.

「Alright then……」

And thanks ot the title of Gourmet Tongue, I am able to fully appreciate the taste of the VIP tea that I was greeted with today. With the help of Diale, I have returned to Rabbitz from where I previously was, the desert city of the Bug People, rejoined Emul and went on a trip to Fifthsia.

「My, oh my. If it is not Sanraku-sama! Welcome, welcome……」

「At ease, Antonio-kun. I just came in here today to do some normal, regular shopping. You did not have to bother and coming to greet me personally……」

「Please, what are you saying, Sanraku-sama? If I would leave the greetings of such an important figure, that would only serve to blemish the good name of our respectable company.」

Normally you would always think that it would be weird: a respectable dignitary from a prosperous company treating a half-naked Bird Head like a VIP, bringing him tea and placing him on a luxurious sofa. However, there is no such thing that a money can’t buy, even position and respect. Money surely is terrifying.

However, this time around I just came to shop normally, so I will buy up all the furniture that seems to be of good enough quality.

「…… Incidentally, Sanraku-sama, about that giant jewels that you have presented us with before…..」

「Yeah, let’s hear about it, oh and also…… I hope that everything about them is going well.」

「Oh, yes, yes…… They are the best thing ever and everything proceeds smoothly in regards to them…… But anyways, we have heard that the Second Knight and his knightly Order are on the move as of recently.」

Hmm, the Second Knight and his order? Oh yeah, I guess that would be the case here. Since the Third Knight failed his task and was cast into exile, I guess it’s only natural that the Second Knight would go and inherit the task that his predecessor failed at, huh?

The Golden Scale Company is quite huge in size, so it is only natural that they would have spies all over the place, right? That way they can obtain information that they would be unable to obtain by any normal means, but….. Hmm, I thought that the progress towards the New Continent is something purely player related? An obligatory part for everyone intending on going with the Unique Scenario EX connected to Siegwurm.

「Why yes, thank you very much…… Also, it looks like the knights are currently busy with procuring various weapons.」

「…… For the sake of pacifying the new continent, you think?」

「That may very well be the case here, however…… Well, I mean, this is a trade secret, so please, if anyone ever asks you about this, you did not hear that from me: we have heard that the same goes for the Church of the Three Gods at the current moment.」

………… Here I go silent for a moment and think about what I just heard.

Okay, so first thing first: the failure of the Third Knight and his people cost them getting sent into exile and getting deported onto some island, most probably a penial colony. Next, in the wake of the Third Knight’s failure the Second Knight and his people were starting to arm themselves and mobilizing their forces. And finally, the Church of the Three Gods have also been making moves behind the scene, arming themselves up and getting prepared. Better for Pencilgton to not get her hands of those information, or otherwise she would make sure to mess things up even more than they already are. However, should I ever need the Worst Demon Lord to stir things up, it might actually be a good idea to sell her some of those information and get her up to speed.

「…… Fumu, thank you so much for letting me know about this, Antonio-kun. By the way, do you happen to have someone that you have strong feelings for?」

「Umm….. Y-Yes, I have someone like that, as a matter of fact. Umm, this is…… I have a wife.」

「Oh, is that so? I see, I see, that’s good……Then I guess that you can have it. Make it into a ring or maybe some accessory and give it to your wife, what do you say to that?」

The thing that I placed on top of the table at that moment was nothing else but a huge chunk of Tsarberyl Emperor Crystal.

「Could this thing be……?」

「Yes, that’s right. It’s a gemstone fresh out of the New Continent. …… And guess what? At the current moment I am probably the only one out there who possess the ability to effectively farm those crystals.」

「Hahaha, for this thing right here…… I do believe that I will have to serve you something much better than just tea……」

Oh, that’s okay. I mean, this is what the relationship the two of us have going on here is all about, after all……

「Ohh? Well, well, if it isn’t Sanraku? It’s certainly been a while, so how about a handshake?」

「H-Hiya there! It certainly been a while, Big Bro!」

Please, just the pinky, please just the pinky…… There is no actual way that he’s gonna be satisfied with just the pinky, am I right?

What the hell is all this? I should have been playing a millionaire a while ago, but this right here is…… It’s a scene that is completely the opposite of what a successful millionaire should be doing. .

Upon arrival at Rabbitz I was taken by Emul straight to the Bunny Court. All this time, Emul was wearing a strange smile on his face. Up until that point in time I had a really bad feeling about all this, but upon arrival at the Bunny Court, I was about ready to lose my pinky.

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