77. Dwarf Loyalty Corps

「Thank you for the warm welcome.」

Skill [Vajra Barrier] is an absolute defensive barrier that does not allow any attack or mana to pass through. Its shielding power weakened the performance of [Shadow Inactivity]. My presence, which I traded for protection, resulted in twelve knights in matching red armor forming a line in front of me with crossbows at the ready.

「Welcome to Vita Tama once again, King of the werewolves, Marge Siu.」

「Well, I expected you to have my personal description at least. I guess you’ve already factored in the fact that you would be followed.」

「That goes for you as well, right? You know that the Knights Order would not be able to look away if you ostentatiously carry around a demi-human.」

I took the bait knowing that the Knights Order had set up an obvious trap.

In short, we both wanted to get things done quickly.

That’s why I brought Shizuku along with me and did things that would raise suspicions. The Knights Order called out to me in a friendly manner, luring me into following them.

「I’m glad that you’re quick on the uptake.」

「The same goes for you. Still, you have impressive stealth skills. I had them fired all at once because I predicted that you were probably on my tail. But if no one was there when they fired, I would have been quite embarrassed.」

Laughing uninterestedly, Kirmiji turned his back to me.

「Sodom and Gomora. I leave the rest to you.」

「Yes, sir. I shall definitely restrain him and make him spit out everything.」

「Leave it to us.」

It seems like he’s going to leave things to his subordinates and go back to his own work. Seems to be quite the busy guy. The two remaining large men glared at me.

There’s no reason for me to be stuck here either. I decided to quickly finish my business here.

「I’d like to ask you something. Is there a dwarf girl here who was recently transferred from the White Phoenix Knights Order? She’s probably from Abik territory. Please, tell me.」

「Well, who knows…」

「I see. So she is here.」


A faint hint appeared on his face, and it turned out to be bullseye. It’s true that they both looked as imposing as Kirmiji, but compared to him, they were not that sharp.

In addition, this is probably an easy place for the Red Dragon Knights Order to protect. No matter where they hid her or why they hid her, as long as I have time, I can find her. In fact, if they were hiding her in an even more secret place, the guards would surely be thinner and I would be able to break through easily.

So their strategy was to put her in a secret place, and lure us in here since we were already trying to figure out her whereabouts.

「You guys must be happy to have such a reasonable superior. But even so, no matter how elite you knights are, are those 12 guys enough? The door they came in through was also made of stone. Even if you want to shut me in here, it’s not strong enough.」

The person who was called Sodom laughed out loud in response to my question.

「Kakaka… don’t worry. These guys aren’t the ones you’ll fight.」

「Nor the two of us.」

「Then who is it?」

Gomora gave an instruction with his hand, and the door that Kirmiji exited from earlier opened again. And that’s where they came from.

「We are the proud Dwarf Loyalty Corps.」

「Dwarves, huh. They were here too.」

I could tell at a glance that they were different from the dwarves outside. Dirty clothes, long beard. In their hands were a crude weapon covered in rust. The biggest difference was probably their cloudy right eye.

As for their left eye… all of them were crushed.

「Did you think that because I, Marge Siu, am an ally of the demi-humans, I would quietly let myself be killed because you directed demi-humans covered in scars at me?」

It was too easy of an idea. As I was about to say that, Sodom pointed at me and shouted.

「『I Declare』!」

The dwarves started trembling with tension and fear.

「Chop that man’s neck! If you can’t, your right eye will explode! If you can’t land a hit on him, your wife and child’s right eye will explode as well!」

「……”Will explode”?」

I couldn’t help but think about the unnatural way he said it.

It’s cruel to have someone’s eyeballs gouged out as punishment, but I can understand it.

However, he said that it “will explode.”

It’s as if he’s saying that out of those dozens of dwarves, only the one who takes my head will be saved, and the rest of them will have their eyes explode on their own.

「If you think about it with common sense, it’s impossible, and even if it’s a unique skill, it’s too localized…」

But the dwarves’ trembling state made it certain that it was quite serious. Gomora shouted even more amusedly as I questioned the approach.

「In addition,『I declare』! You will not stop until his life ends! As uncontrollable tears flow out from your eyeballs, you will wield your weapons while pleading for your life! Otherwise, you will be punished by your own right hand!」

「Such a thing……!」

One of the dwarves’ own right hand punched him.

As I was getting more and more confused, I could hear one of the young dwarves grumbling softly.

「Just fighting would be fine, but such cowardly– Gaha」

His monologue was cut off by his own right hand hitting him on the mouth.

「Ga, wait, stop, let me, gi」

Even when he tried to use his left hand to stop his right hand from running wild, it was completely useless. His right arm continued to punch, no matter whether his fist was cut open or his fingers were broken, and his left hand was also broken by trying to stop it.


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