Death’s Daughter Chapter 150



Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


The one I needed to report to and also the one to sign the request was the town mayor who unfortunately was neither at the town hall nor his house. According to his wife, he should be at one of the taverns or inns. I didn’t want to deal with other adventurers so I really hoped he was alone, but I knew better than just rely on my hope.

I made sure to first check the inns since the chances of running into the two other parties was much smaller, but sadly he was not there.  I guess the tavern it is then. It is the most popular place in town after all. I concealed myself and entered. If the mayor was alone I could still take him away easily, but if he wasn’t then I would have no choice but to reveal myself.

“Listen up old man, why are you so concerned about one single person. You don’t even know here. She came here all on her own and just got herself killed. You still have thirty other people to take down that monster.”

Bleh, why was he drinking with A and AB-party. This is awful.

“A death of any adventurer is sad, especially one as young and promising as Lady Naoko. I heard about her contributions and feats. It is a shame. Truly a shame, let’s toast in her name.”

I heard cheering all around. Aww, it’s kind of nice to know that you are being missed. At least enough to pretend you care about mourning me.

 “I actually found her likable. She seemed well informed about code of conduct among adventurers and didn’t look down on us despite being a high noble. When I first learned that she also accepted this request I was sure she would try and take the wyvern for herself.”

The wizard girl said that. I had no idea she was so prejudiced about me. Well I did end up taking the wyvern by myself, but it was justified. Since I didn’t want to take up too much time I undid my concealment and greeted the groups.

“Good evening everyone. I see that you are all together here. Can I borrow the mayor for a bit?”

Five people screamed out the moment that I appeared and two of them fell from their chairs. Oh wow that hurt, you know I am not a ghost or a zombie.

“Lady Naoko, thank heavens you are alive.”

“How did you get away?”

“Why are you alive?”

People were clamoring and talking over each other. It was a small chaos at this table. I clapped my hands several times to calm them down and offer some explanation.

“I have some means to get out of sticky situations. And as for that wyvern you don’t have to worry about it anymore. There are ancient ruins west of here about seven or eight hours away.  The wyvern’s nest was there so I took care of it.”

“Took care of it? You did? A single B-rank adventurer took down a wyvern? I’d sooner believe the king is staying at the brothel down the street. Since you took care of it, why don’t you show us the proof. Unless you take out the materials coming from that same wyverns I will not believe it.”

“Actually that is the exact reason why I came to get the mayor. I need a stamp of approval for completing the request. I am in a bit of a hurry and can’t stay here for much longer.”

This time instead of waiting for the mayor I grabbed him by the hand and dragged him outside. Since we caused a lot of commotion many more followed us outside as well. When there was enough space around me I took out the corpse of the wyvern from the inventory.

Cue the screams and gasps. I am pretty sure one person fainted. The mayor stood petrified and several adventurers rushed to check the corpse. One person on the other hand was causing trouble.

“This is a ruse, she couldn’t have done this alone. She must have had help from somebody else. You must deny her completion request! I also demand that she share the profit, we also took part in this subjugation. “

“Oh will you shut up already.”

The one causing trouble was the same one that was picking a fight with me all this time. And the one telling him to shut up was his party member. It seems that even his own teammates were getting sick of his attitude. Well as long as they keep him in check I won’t mind him.

“Lady Naoko, you really did it. I am relieved that we are all safe now. Come by tomorrow and I will give you the stamp of approval. Tonight let’s celebrate.”

“Actually I don’t think I can wait until tomorrow. There has been an emergency and I need to head for my clan’s headquarters. An urgent meeting is being held and I need to rush to Kapitalia.”

I prepared this as an excuse, it’s valid enough. And since none of the members were part of these parties they wouldn’t be able to know I was lying. In fact even if there were members present they would have backed me up and made up even more details about this fake meeting.

“It must be the appearance of the dungeon. I don’t know if you heard about it since you were on the way here, but you must have felt it. Apparently it is close to your Orzak town. I am sure your boss would want to bring a group to clear the dungeon. I guess I have no choice, I will do it now.”

The mayor headed for the town hall. I put away the wyvern corpse and wanted to follow, but somebody stopped me. I looked around and saw mr. AB-party leader holding me by my shoulder.

“Put your hand away, if you don’t…”

“What? You’ll what? Break it? Shatter it? Your group I proclaim war on it. Tell me the name!”

“You have three seconds… One…”

“Don’t be so full of yourself, no person has dared to defy me before. I am an A-rank adventurer and I belong to the Blood Knights’ senior executive order. My words have weight. I demand you answer my challenge.”

“Two… Last chance to put your hand away.”

“Make me!”


I activated [Thunderclad] at maximum output that I could. I had no idea how strong it would be, but I realized it was strong enough when he began twitching and his entire palm turned black.

“Dragon’s Descent awaits your challenge.”



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