Death’s Daughter Chapter 271



Author: FoodLovingPanda


“Hold on a second, let’s not go out. I don’t want others overhearing what we are talking about. If you want to, we can grab a drink afterwards.”

Oh, now I’m really curious. He knows I can set up a soundproofing barrier, but still wants to stay away from the public. I can only conclude that what he wants to talk about is not simple. I really want to know what it is that made him come over here and wait for so long without being annoyed that I ignored him the entire evening. I saw him earlier today, but he didn’t seem like there was something important to talk about, what could have changed in the past few hours.

“No, there is no need to go out. I merely wanted a change of place since I have been cooped up in this place the entire day. We can stay here, this place is as safe as it can be.”

We sat down in the lobby, but he didn’t speak up. Only when I set up a soundproofing barrier did he relax.

“That day, when you received a gift from the King of Vilikis, the man that saved you is a god. He is also the one that brought you to Doren, isn’t he?”

Even though he asked a question, he already knew the answer. No wonder he didn’t want to go out. If anyone overheard this, it would only bring trouble to both him and me. Especially here in Kapitalia, the capital city for both government and religion. Since I am about to undergo the test of the church, having bad rumors about me would not look good. Even more so, if those rumors include talk about heresy.

“Yeah, what about it?”

I saw both excitement and terror in his eyes. If I were to guess, he was excited about being correct about his guess, but at the same time, the truth was also scary to accept. Considering that he is asking about Thanatos-sama, I won’t be telling him much about him. If he guesses right, I will confirm it, but on the other hand, I will not correct his wrong assumptions.

“How long have you known this? Why didn’t you say anything before? How old is he, I mean how long has he been a god? What other gods are out there? What about his believers? How come I haven’t heard anything about him before?”

The questions just kept on going without stopping. He didn’t even give me any time to answer. The only thing I could do is to wait for him to stop and calm down before I say anything. But I would not be telling him anything important. Just some bits and pieces. I’ll let him satisfy some of his curiosity, but I would not tell him anything of value.

“Is that all?”

“No, but I want to hear the truth from you before asking more.”

“Fine, I have known this from the moment I got here. Originally, I was supposed to be part of the twelve heroes, but I wasn’t picked up by the twelve guardians. Since I annoyed Thanatos-sama, he put me here. That is how I came to know the truth about the matters at hand. As for why you haven’t seen any of his believers, it is because they are either dead or smart enough to stay hidden. Your Church is not as innocent as it portrays itself. Also, he himself doesn’t want to be known. He is lazy, you know.”

This should be enough information for now. He will need to study and research by himself if he wants to know more. As for the innocence of the Church, I will not comment upon it. After all, this is not something unfamiliar to me. Earth’s history is stained with blood and wars, not all were political.

“So it really is all true. Why did you call that person lewd and shameless when you were in trial? I never heard you say one nice word about him or talking with respect when mentioning him. He is a god, aren’t you afraid of retribution?”

“What retribution? I was telling the truth. If there was any retribution I received, it came from your bunch of gods. And it was all for nothing, if Thanatos-sama didn’t intervene, my life would be twice as complicated. There is no need to worry about me and Thanatos-sama, he will not hurt me.”

If anything he will spoil me to death. Whenever I meet him, he acts as an overly doting parent. I don’t think I would be able to live in peace if there weren’t any restrictions on gods interfering with the life of people here. The only thing I have to worry about is the twelve gods trying to use Heroes as their knife to deal with me, as they tried once before by giving them the task of eliminating a dungeon master, but they failed miserably. I think I am safe for the time being.

“Oh, then do you know why the Titans rebel against your god?”

“Dunno. It is not like I can meet him whenever. Last time was an exception. The few times I met him, I only asked about this world. Unlike Heroes, I didn’t have everything served to me on a silver platter, so for the things I couldn’t find out the answer in the small library of the Orzak’s guild branch, I had to ask Thanatos-sama. Heck if I didn’t meet Blink, Nord-san and Colt-san, I would have been living in this world like a headless fly for a long time. Thankfully, they offered me a helping hand and I was able to settle peacefully in Orzak.”

I didn’t mean to complain, but my tone seemed like that and it made him look guilty. I really didn’t blame anyone over this, it has been a long time ago and right now I am in no worse situation than any of the remaining heroes. I could even say that I am better off, since I am not bound by the kingdom like they are. It is also because of this that the King is so eager to marry me to Vitou, even against my will. If I had arrived with Hii-chan and the rest, I would most likely not be in this situation. But then again, if thirteen people arrived that day, things could even turn more troublesome. Especially if the church got involved.

“I’m sorry you had to suffer.”

“It’s not your fault. Anyways, don’t ask around about Thanatos-sama. He is the one that wants to remain unknown. You should know that he won’t meddle with the affairs of this world. There are prohibitions and rules and it is not convenient for any of the gods to intervene. That also includes the twelve guardians.”

He tried asking more questions, but I remained silent. There are things that can be talked about freely, and then there are those that can’t. Thanatos-sama falls under the latter category. At first Vitou was persistent, but seeing my unyielding attitude, he slowly stopped inquiring.

“Fine, I won’t ask anymore. What did you want to discuss with me? Now that you answered my questions and helped me satiate some of my curiosity, it is time I return the favor.”

Seeing that he dropped the topic, I immediately cheered up and smiled at him. If this was a cartoon my eyes would right now be drawn with money inside them, because the person sitting in front of me is a huge moneybag that will solve half my problems with a single signature on a contract.

“Yes, great, perfect. Let’s do that. I have a business offer to make to you. Trust me, you will definitely not regret making a deal with me. I assure you that what I am about to do is absolutely necessary for you and the kingdom of Elicia.”

Time for gold coins to come flowing in. I should get the champagne ready.



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