Death’s Daughter Chapter 282



Author: FoodLovingPanda



“Thank you for conducting this test for Naoko-chan today. My dear citizens, thank you for witnessing this process. There is food for everyone at the plaza in front of the arena, so please help yourselves. Vitou, Naoko-chan, please follow me back to the castle.”

The King dismissed everyone and summoned the two of us to go back with him. I wanted to know what he is planning now. If he wanted this to fail, why bother setting up the marriage in the first place?

The King travelled in his own carriage while Vitou and I followed in our own closely behind him. I don’t know what the Archbishops are doing now, but with members of Dragon’s Descent there, nothing bad should happen.

“Vitou, what is your father planning to do?”

“I have no idea. Now that you have been approved by the Church, a date should be set up for the wedding. After that preparations will begin in terms of making a wedding dress, securing a location, inviting painters and stuff like that. Don’t worry, there should be enough time to make an official visit to the Sunset Islands.”

Well, that was helpful. I still don’t know what I am being called for. I don’t like surprises that much, especially when they might not turn out pretty. I guess not much will happen as Vitou is here. The King wouldn’t make a move against his own son. Right now he is my big shield.

“Oh, now that you mentioned it, are you going to be fine going to Sunset Islands with me. I know things aren’t the best right now.”

“No, this is the best time. I can also use this to test the true intentions of those that proclaim to be on my side, but still hide some motives. If they can’t even be on my side while I am away for a month or so, there is no need to keep them close to me.”

I guess that makes sense as well, but also it would make sense to stay behind and stabilize my power. We all have different methods, there is nothing to say to him. Since he has a plan, I’ll let him go with it. His presence should be beneficial to me. After all, his title as the Crown Prince is very powerful.

When we reached the castle, instead of going for the throne room, the king led us to the gardens behind the castle. This in itself was weird, because the King wouldn’t bring us here if it was for any official matters.

“Vitou, Naoko, you are about to set out for Sunset Islands, I am worried about your safety, I cannot allow you to go alone, I can only feel at ease if you bring along more guards. I have called all the heroes back to Kapitalia and I intend to make all of them follow the two of you.”

The King finally spoke up when we reached a small gazebo at the edge of the gardens. There was a batch of dense trees nearby and I could see on my map that someone was hiding in there. I don’t know if Vitou and King Erik were aware of it, but as long as that person doesn’t move, I don’t plan on saying anything.

“Father, you shouldn’t worry. I was planning on bringing Ishikawa, Nakamura and Tanaka along with me. There is no need to bring everyone.”

“Just do it, it will also be training for the Heroes. They have been training for a long time now. Naoko-chan, you won’t mind, will you? They can even help you with clearing the area of any dangerous monsters.”

“They can tag along, Your Majesty. You only need to tell them to be ready in five days’ time. The ship sets sail seven days later from the Ivory Port. If they don’t have a way to fly there, they should set out earlier.”

The heroes coming along with us makes little difference. This time around, I am not moving anything of sensitive matter and I am mostly there to scout out the situation. Even if they all tag along, they won’t be able to learn much from me.

“Good, I knew you would understand me. There is another thing I want to ask of you Naoko-chan. Did you do anything to the contraption that the Archbishops activated? I couldn’t help but notice that they seemed confused over something. I also didn’t think you would be able to receive all twelve blessings.”

“Your Majesty, maybe it was the gods’ will. Who can tell what they want to tell us.”

This time, both Vitou and I laughed when I gave that answer. If only he knew the truth about the magic circle. I should probably install such magic circles all over Sunset Islands, they will be quite useful and convenient to have around.

“That is true, there is no way to tell what they are thinking. But you are just as mysterious as they are. I don’t think anyone can see through you. I hope you can indulge me and let me be at ease by pledging yourself to Elicia and its ruler. I can only rest assured if I knew that you would do your utmost to protect this kingdom alongside Vitou.”

The smile from my face disappeared instantly. What he just asked me to do is to pledge my life to him. Not Vitou, but him, as he is the current ruler of Elicia. That means, if he wants me dead, I would have no choice but to off myself  on his command. Is he trying to provoke Vitou and me with that?

I could sense Vitou being on the verge of erupting in anger. I stepped on him to make him calm down. It is not time to tear all pretenses just yet. The struggle has to remain under the surface for the time being.

“Your Majesty, that would be impossible. I have told Vitou this, but I intend to remain neutral alongside the members of Dragon’s Descent. As long as one does not touch my things and my people, I will not bother with them. You mustn’t forget, Your Majesty, I am not from this world and I should not involve myself with any major matters. I’ll leave them to people of Doren.”

This should count as both an explanation for my refusal as well as a warning to the King. He should think twice before making a move against me and my people.



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