Death’s Daughter Chapter 74




Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


This is an impossible fight. If it weren’t for my [Thunderclad] skill I would have already been dead several times. On the outside it may seem as if I was keeping up, but it was far from the truth. The only thing that I was able to do is react to his movement and that was with all my perception and locating skills activated.

This was much harder than I expected and I really need to find a way to turn this battle around one way or another. I need to anticipate where he will pop up next and attack at that moment. So far there was no pattern to where he would pop out, so I could not make use of his habits. It was more than obvious that he has tons of experience fighting, I even dare say more than I do.

“I don’t remember you having such an annoying skill Naoko-chan.”

No talking, I need to focus. He always goes for even the smallest openings and yet he doesn’t fall for obvious ones that I leave on purpose. He was by far the most annoying opponent I fought.

“Not breaking focus, I can finally say that I made you take me seriously. Now entertain
me some more.”

Screw you… This shouldn’t be your amusement. Right now two people plan on taking up my precious time; one keeps bothering me to teach him and the other plans on marrying me.

There is too much at stake for you to be taking this as pure entertainment. And yet despite all that, I couldn’t help myself from smiling as I went on the offensive.

I decided to go for a desperate plan, one I didn’t want to use in the beginning as it will be taxing on me if it takes too long. Luckily, my guess of higher agility making [Blink] use up less mana was correct, so I did not feel as exhausted as I would have been if I didn’t spend the skill points. I began my offensive in a very straightforward and simple way. I was going for ‘maybe I will be lucky’ and land a blow like it did with the first change of blows where I left a scratch on his cheek, while he was stunned from being hit with [Thunderclad]

Another thing I need to mention is the effect of the [Calamity of Crowd Colosseum] title which raises my stats in battle according to the situation, so right now the increase of speed for me was even greater than just adding points. This was also a reason I decided to go with my desperate plan.

Clash! He met my attack head on. That didn’t matter since the very next moment I Blinked away. Blink, approach, strike and retreat. I repeated the same sequence over and over again. A dozen, two dozen times while paying close attention that he doesn’t launch a counterattack in between sequences. I made sure to retreat to a different location every single time so that he cannot catch me unprepared. My attacks were not sneaky at all, I wanted him to block me and get used to my routine so much he actually relaxes. I don’t know if it will work, but I will have to try it.

Once again, I retreated and immediately blinked to approach him. Just like before, he raised his sword to block me. Now! Instead of clashing with him I blinked away only a few feet away and found myself above him. This is it, I got you now!

But before my sword touched him he disappeared. I expected this and using my superior dexterity I turned around in mid-air like a cat and in the nick of time evaded his slash. I only had this moment, without chanting and using half my available mana I launched an attack. It was a curse magic I thought of earlier today.

On the outside, I may look like a swordsman with my skill in swords, but one must not forget that I can also use magic even more skillfully than the sword. That is why I waited and kept on attacking with my sword over and over again. I just needed a moment where the Earl would lower his defenses with me and leave him open for a magic attack. And that moment was when he was mid-air just after he landed an attack.

Sensing magic hit him, he immediately retreated to the end of the stage while I ungracefully landed on my back, on the floor. I felt exhausted and all the cuts I gained over the course of the battle were taking a toll on me. But that didn’t matter, as I knew this was my win.

The magic that cost me half my available mana was called [Drain Bind] it uses the opponent’s own mana to power itself. The more a person uses mana to resist it the stronger the binds become. I could use this magic as long as the person’s mana pool was lower than my own. Also the biggest flaw is that it doesn’t last long, if one doesn’t feed it mana. What I was betting on is the fact that most people will try to break away from magic by using their own mana. And I was right because the Earl could no longer move.

I got up and approached him raising my sword towards his neck. When the referee proclaimed my victory I fell down on the floor barely being able to move. This battle was exhausting both physically and mentally.

“You really did plan this out well Naoko-chan. It was an honor to fight you when you gotnserious. It appears I still have a lot to learn. But you should be careful. Your next opponent is someone even I could never land a blow on.”

He must be talking about the Crown Prince, because Ishikawa-kun had absolutely no chance of beating him. Sure, he had some experience in fights but it was still too weak.

“Earl-sama I could only consider myself lucky that you did not use any magic against me, otherwise I would have been defeated at the very start of the battle because with only a sword, I could not best you. It was an honor to fight with you.”

“Ladies and gentlemen please give a round of applause for our first finalist; Viscountess Maeda.”

Upon leaving the stage and recovering some of my strength, I called upon light elementals to heal cuts and small wounds the Earl and I gained and moved towards the viewing area prepared for the contestants. This time I would be able to watch the match, unlike the quarterfinals. I was seated right next to the Crown Prince who was waiting to be called on the stage.

“Congratulations Viscountess! Do look closely at my fight, I will show you just who will be the overall champion of the tournament.”

He went to the stage below. It was time for the second semifinal stage. No matter what, I must observe this carefully. I had a feeling he was about to show me something I didn’t know and will change my list of top three strongest people I met.

***ERIK’S POV***

Vitou, I know about your bet with her, so make sure you beat her senselessly tomorrow. This old man will believe in you. I don’t know if what she showed today was the limit of her power, but even you should not underestimate her. To go against Toriwa at such a young age is not normal. Her future aspects are immeasurable so make sure you get her and limit her so she doesn’t go against us.

I have no idea what kind of a game can create such a monster, which is why I must gain control of her and if I can’t, she must be disposed of. She is too much of a threat to be left alone.




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