Death’s Daughter Chapter 75




Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


“Ladies and gentlemen after an exciting and high quality match it is time to announce our next contestants. So far this person had shown great skill with sword and swept his opponents to reach the semifinals. He is the hero known as the Strongest Sword, Ishikawa Taichi.”

Ishikawa-kun was equipped with dual swords, his composure relaxed and his face calm. It would seem that he gained a lot from this tournament, to be able to stay calm like this. This is a good thing because he will be able to grow much stronger in the future. Unfortunately, I was only concerned with his opponent and not him.

“The other participant needs no introduction. He is the person that wields the strongest armor, claiming the title as the Untouchable One. He is our future king and ruler. Crown Prince Vitou von Elicia.”

The Untouchable One, isn’t that title preposterous? But then again, Earl Orzak did say he isn’t able to land a single attack on him. So whatever this armor was, speed was not something that could be used to overpower it. Hopefully, he would show me what it is exactly that gave him that title.

“The rules remain unchanged. No lethal attacks and you have thirty minutes to overpower your opponent. Please get ready.”

This was it. So far the Crown Prince passed every round using only his swordsmanship, but from what I observed it was by no means anything special or overpowering. At most it was steady and that allowed him to win without much effort, as his opponents were lacking in basics and experience. But from his words earlier, I can only conclude he is hiding his strength just like I was.

Ishikawa-kun took his stance preparing for a charge at the very moment the referee gives the signal. The Crown Prince on the other hand didn’t move a muscle. He simply stood relaxed without even bothering to unsheathe his sword. Just what is he planning to do?

“Match start!”

The moment the word start was uttered the ground literally exploded, erecting several
large boulders between the Crown Prince and Ishikawa-kun. Let me tell you this; a magician is something I definitely did not see coming. Moreover there was no chant, no gesture and I definitely didn’t sense any mana molding or movement.

Something was really odd about this situation so I focused all my skills in the arena below. Mana needed for such a large action is by no means small. And yet I couldn’t sense anything out of the ordinary.

Having his charge skill stopped, Ishikawa-kun changed his approach skipping from place to place to launch an attack, but as soon as he got within reach a strong gale whipped up out of nowhere and blown Ishikawa-kun away.

What the hell, again I didn’t notice any mana movement. It was instantaneous. I couldn’t figure out the trick to the magic. However, I do realize how he was able to get his title; if you can’t approach him you can’t hit him. But I was still sure that teleportation would work against him, so why couldn’t Earl Orzak land a blow on him?

Since I was certain the battle wouldn’t end instantly, I closed my eyes and using my own mana to perceive the opponents mana, I locked onto Ishikawa-kun whose mana was running rampart and wild. Opposite him was the Crown Prince whose mana was calm, like a lake with no wind.

I needed to concentrate and figure out how was he able to cast magic so fast and without me noticing. Maybe I would be able to do it as well, which would make me that much stronger. I could already cast magic without chanting, but even then I would have to move my own mana and cast the attack.

I was so focused on him that sudden scream from the stage gave me a huge jump scare and made me open my eyes. The entire field was engulfed in a field of flames. Ishikawa-kun was burned badly by the flames and was thrown away from the stage.

“What on earth? He has triple elements!?”

“Naoko-chan don’t bother trying to sense his magic, it’s no use. He was born genius. He has a unique skill called [Instantaneous Cast] which allows him to launch magic directly skipping the molding and movement of mana. Add on the three attributes he possesses and you can see why he is the Crown Prince.”

Now that was a real cheat skill. Are you sure he isn’t a summoned person like the heroes? And on top of his skills, he has great lineage and amazing looks. I’m jealous.

“So, you’re telling me that I must go against a person that can launch any type of magic simply by imagining it. No wonder you can’t beat him Earl-sama, no matter how fast you slash your sword you would be slower than the speed of thought.”

“Well, now that you are aware I look forward to seeing how your fight goes tomorrow. This round is over, I’ll be seeing you later Naoko-chan.”

Oh man, what should I do? Earth, fire and wind may be the most common elements, but still, that is three of them. How the heck am I supposed to defeat him? Currently I have absolutely no idea whatsoever and I have less than a day to come up with a strategy to win.

After the matches were done the castle held a huge banquet to celebrate the upcoming festival tomorrow. As I was trying to sneak away, I got caught by the Crown Prince and dragged to one of the empty side rooms.

“Give it up Naoko-chan, you should know that you cannot win against me tomorrow. No matter how much you struggle, all of it will be futile.”

“You’ve only lost once you have given up trying. I will meet you tomorrow and I will show everyone present that you are not untouchable.”

“Why won’t you give up and accept my proposal. Once you are my wife there is not a single thing that you wouldn’t have. Even that armor will be yours. I would gladly give it to you.”

“And I told you to stop dreaming. I am not marrying you, nor anyone else for the matter of fact. So get off my back.”

Leaving him alone in the room, I left the castle after breaking into Earl Orzak’s room. Luckily, he was dead drunk and sleeping soundly and didn’t even notice me entering. Thanks to that, I was able to rescue the bear cubs from his grasp. The two fellas have been monopolized by the Earl ever since we arrived to the capital. But now, I should move them to the mansion where I can use them as mascots and guards.




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