The Otherworld Conquest Method of a Reincarnated Porter Chapter 27 Part 1

Coming of Age Ceremony

 On January 7, in the year 1723 of the Descent of God calendar, I, who have turned 14 years old, am currently on my way to the Temple of Profession in a carriage. In this world, everyone turns one year older on the New Year, but unlike East Asian age reckoning, you are zero years old when you are born.

Under normal circumstances, there would have been a long line of people who come of age on New Year’s in order to receive their job, but today, it is reserved only for nobles and those of special status.

In addition to myself, my sister Lily, the chamberlain Astor, and even my father Marnus are also heading to the Temple of Profession. Numerous nobles are waiting there, so when I am granted with a high-rank job, they will announce to the world that I am the official heir of the Amberlius family.

Given that I already know what is going to happen next, it is very depressing that I will end up betraying the expectations of those around me.

When I enter the temple, about two hundred people greet me with applause. I walk forward to a man in the center, who I assume is a priest, and receive some explanations from him.

「May I? You receive a job by praying to the God of Profession. The jobs available vary from person to person, from those who have only one choice to those who have five or six to choose from. In case there are no jobs that are to your liking, there is also the option of choosing Jobless. For the second and subsequent job selections, we will ask for a donation. Now then, please kneel at the altar and begin your prayer. May God grant you a good job.」

I kneel down and pray to God. Then something divine pours down from the heavens onto my body, and the word 『Porter』 pops up in my mind. The job I chose when I was reincarnated, Porter. It seems I have no other options. When I choose Porter in my mind, something divine shrouds my entire body and I realize that I have been granted with the job. Appraisal.

Kars Amberlius, age 14, level 1

Job: Porter

Skills: Fast Learning, Appraisal 3, Automatic Recovery 1, Storage 1, Magical energy Manipulation 5, Magical Energy Perception 4, Body Manipulation 5, Body Enhancement 4, Material Enhancement 3, The Art of Lovemaking, Instant Step 4, Instant Movement 3, Throwing 4, Swordsmanship 5, Spearmanship 5, Presence Concealment 2, Fire Magic 3, Wind Magic 3, Earth Magic 2, Water Magic 2, Light Magic 3, Shadow Magic 3, Healing Magic 4

Returning to level 1, I become a Porter and safely receive the Automatic Recovery and Storage skills. I chose to become a Porter in order to obtain this skill.

When the divine something that has enveloped me disappears, the priest promptly begins to speak.

「The job has been successfully granted. Kars Amberlius, the job you have been granted with is, appraisal! Huh?!」

The audience, which consists of several hundreds of people, is as still as water. They are holding their bated breaths, trying not to miss what kind of job I, the so-called wonder child, have been granted with.

The priest who has invoked appraisal opens his eyes wide with astonishment and is at a loss for words. As there is no way I can afford to repel the appraisal, all I can do is quietly remain as I am there.

「Err, ahem, the job that has been granted to Kars Amberlius is, appraisal! …, appraisal! Err, the job he has been granted with is Porter!」

It lasts for about five seconds, I guess. The temple falls into complete silence. After a while, the temple becomes noisy.

「Porter? I feel like I heard Porter just now, but did I mishear it?」

「No, I certainly heard that, too, but….」

「The job of the wonder child Kars-sama is Porter? There must be some kind of mistake.」

「I believe both Marnus-sama and Sarkissia-sama were granted with high-ranked jobs, were they not? How is such a thing possible?」

Each and every person in the audience starts to clamor. Raising my knees and standing up, I look at Lily, Astor, and my father, but they have their eyes wide open and seem to be at a loss for words. It seems that their brains cannot follow what is going on.

「Silence! Kars Amberlius, the job you have been granted with is Porter! Next, the skill possessed, Fast Learn….」


The voice of my father echoes through the temple. No one, not even the priest, could interrupt the voice of my father.

「O Priest. Are you sure there is no mistake here?」

「Yes, I am sure there is no mistake. Kars-sama’s….」

「Enough! I hereby put this event to an end. Ladies and gentlemen, disperse! That’s an order.」

My father Marnus glares at the nobles with a look of rage on his face. As if trying to avoid incurring my father’s wrath, the nobles begin to disperse at full speed. My father and Astor also follow suit and leave without a word, ending up leaving only Lily and I in the temple.

「Umm, err, Onii-sama….」

「No need to worry. Lily, let’s just go home for today.」

Betraying everyone’s expectations, I chose to live a life of freedom. There is no turning back now. Lily is silent throughout the carriage ride home.

◇ ◇ ◇

 That day, I was ordered to stay in my room under house arrest. Sword and magic practice are given, but there is no more night attendance and I could no longer meet anyone all day long either. I did expect this to happen, but the response is way too quick. I guess I, too, have to make my move as soon as possible. If I dally around, I would probably end up being assassinated. If rumors spread that someone who obtained the job of Porter was born from the Count’s family, the nobles who are inclined to tie matrimony with the Amberlius family would end up ceasing. This is because jobs are hereditary. To prevent this from happening, at best they would be exiled, at worst they would be assassinated. I was granted with a high-rank job but died of illness; they might set the story to be like that.

I stay in my room until midnight. When I try using the storage kill for fun, I manage to fit things into a space the size of a barrel. It’s a strange feeling. The more you use a skill, the higher your proficiency level in it will be. As I use Storage several times in order to grasp the sensation, I am getting the hang of it. It seems that you consume magical energy every time you use Storage. I happen to be good at magical energy manipulation, so when I use Storage with the image of infusing magical energy into it efficiently, the capacity becomes two barrels worth. When I do a self-appraisal, I find that it has turned into Storage 2. As I use Storage until I run out of magical energy, it turns into Storage 3 by the end of the day. It now has four barrels worth of space. As for automatic recovery, it is hard to say. It is said that it will be automatically triggered when you consume physical strength or magical energy, but I don’t feel that the speed of recovery is any different than usual. It must be because my proficiency level is low.

Night falls and everyone goes to bed. I put on a cloak and sneak out of the house. The security is tight against those coming in, but they don’t pay much attention toward those going out, so I managed to sneak out with surprising ease. I am not sure how effective it is, but I use my presence concealment skill.

My destination is the commoner district. I have spent the past year thinking and brewing a plan that will allow me to safely survive after I come of age. Even if my father and Astor want me dead, assassinating or poisoning me in the house would affect the family’s reputation in a negative way, and there is a high risk of information leaking out. As such, I have decided to deliberately create a situation where I could easily die of illness or accident. And then, my plan is to use that opening to force my way out of the mansion by using presence concealment and escape all the way to another country.

A cheap tavern in the commoner district. This is the stronghold of the Orban family, a rising crime syndicate well known only to those in the know. Currently, two old crime syndicates, one beastman group, and this Orban family are taking the main commands of Amberlius’s underground world. The reason why I have my eyes on this syndicate is because, although they are a group of fiery fighters, they are unable to match the size and economic power of the older syndicates and seem to be looking for a chance to step up their game.


Otherworld Conquest Method of a Reincarnated Porter

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Otherworld Conquest Method of a Reincarnated Porter

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