The Otherworld Conquest Method of a Reincarnated Porter Chapter 73 Part 1

Iron Magic Puppet

 Chirp, chirp, chirp.

「Ahn, ahn, aaaah~, so amazing, Sei. Even though we did it so many times yesterday, do you like me that much? Ahn, ahn, aahn, aaaaah~」

I have been pounding Lorraine hard from behind from early in the morning. Lorraine is quite experienced, moving her hips on her own and pressing her hips closely against me even after I ejaculate, which stirs up my arousal.

「Whew, that was amazing. Sei. I have work to do, so I will go first. Ahh, right, I think I might have forgotten to take my birth control pills. It looks like as I got drunk, it ended up slipping off my mind. But I don’t think I will get pregnant so easily, so I am sure it will be alright, right?」

「No need to worry. I can use the arts of lovemaking, so I have properly kept you from getting pregnant.」

「Ugh, is, is that so? Hohoho. That is a relief then. T, then, I am going.」

Hmm, it looks like she was trying to make an established fact. I guess I must never let my guard around her. Let’s make this the last time I do it with her.

I eat breakfast, buy lunch, and decide to head to the labyrinth. The labyrinth is unusually located near the center of city, with the Adventurers’ Association and the Porters’ Guild, as well as weapon shops, inns, and medicine stores, all lined up around the labyrinth. The labyrinth seems to be the center of the economy. On the side of the Adventurers’ Association, party recruitments are ongoing.

「Looking for two warriors. We plan to head to the third stratum, and the earning will be split equally.」

「Looking for a porter! Storage capacity of four and above. Reward is one large silver coin guaranteed!」

「Looking for rookie warriors who can do odd jobs. Three small silver coins a day with lunch, and we’ll also help you raise your level.」

I head for the labyrinth entrance, but guards are standing in front of it and adventurers are lining up in rows. The adventurers are all carrying large hammers. Those are probably anti-puppet weapons called sledgehammers. I follow suit and get in line, and within ten minutes I make it to the guard’s side.

「Are you alone? Well, fine, five large copper coins.」

Apparently, there is an entrance fee. Moreover, I seem to be the only one who is going into the labyrinth alone. True enough, since you have to defeat the puppets and carry them out of the labyrinth, you need fighters and transporters, so everyone has formed a party.

After paying the five large copper coins, I finally go into the labyrinth. The entrance area is crowded.

I proceed while making a map. I am sure it will be useful in finding the way to the eleventh stratum.

Unlike the other labyrinths I have dived into, the ground inside the labyrinth is covered with bricks, creating an artificial atmosphere. The walls are craggy rocks like other cave-type labyrinths. If there is a difference, rather than light moss, the bricks on the ground themselves seem to be radiating light. The passageway is wide, about 10 meters wide, and the ceiling is quite high. The lighting is limited to the feet and eye level, and the ceiling area is quite dark. However, there are no flying monsters in this labyrinth, so it seems that there is no need for light magic.

There is a line, and everyone seems to be heading for the stairs. In order to make a map of the first stratum, I move away from the line and explore the first stratum. It seems to be a fairly large labyrinth. Perhaps it is because the passageway is wide and the ceiling is high that it feels large. I feel the presence of adventurers walking in the distance. Are they fighting? I walk for a while, but I don’t come across any enemies, allowing me to make good progress on my map making. Apparently, as in other labyrinths, the monsters around the entrance of the first stratum have been hunted down.

After walking for a while, I feel the presence of people about 30 meters ahead. I thought it was a group of three adventurers, but it turned out to be monsters. They are 120-centimeter-tall monsters that fight with their bare hands, small fist onis. The ranks of the small fist onis in this stratum range from 1 to 5. The other side seems to have noticed me too, so although it will be difficult to launch a surprise attack, I calmly deal with them. Since they fight with their fists, it will be troublesome if they get too close, but on the other hand, if you fight them in sword range, you can attack them one-sidedly, which is very advantageous. I defeat them without suffering any injuries and take out the magic stones. Tenth-grade magic stones cannot be used to make medicines, so let’s sell them at the association.

After walking around while making a map for about three hours, I finally come across a puppet. However, other adventurers seem to be engaging it in a battle. I erase my presence and watch. I want to learn its attack patterns.

The three-meter puppet is made of stone, a so-called golem. With the exception of the stratum lord, the puppets are all iron magic puppets, and the deeper the stratum, the higher their ranks as well as the amount of iron they contain. Even on the first stratum, the puppets have a rank of 10, making them both a money-making tree and a threat to rookie adventurers.

The adventurers are apparently a party of six, with one of them keeping some distance in the back. They must be a porter. The other five are surrounding the puppet and attacking it with sledgehammers, aiming at its legs. None of them, including the adventurers who were lining up, have shields, and all of they seem to be attacking.

The puppet’s movements don’t seem to be that fast, so maybe they will not suffer any attacks from it. At that moment, the puppet raises its arm and swings it down at high speed. A dull, heavy thud shakes the ground. If you get hit by that, you will probably be beyond help.  The five adventurers are fighting in a coordinated manner, concentrating their attacks on its legs. If you break its legs, you will be able to seal movements, so the rest is to beat it down one-sidedly. The puppet rotates its body and unleashes a backhand blow to its rear. One of the adventurers attacking its legs from behind takes the fist in the face and crashes into a wall. Lying on the ground with his head twisted in the opposite direction, he shows no movements whatsoever. It is probably an instant death.

Then, after about five minutes, they succeed in breaking one of its legs and knocking the puppet to the ground. After about 30 minutes, they succeed in destroying its head, and the puppet stops moving. After they break its body into several pieces with their sledgehammers, the porter that has been keeping distance in the back puts the puppets into storage. The porter is unable to put all the puppets’ bodies into his storage at once, so it looks like they are going to take it to the trading center and then make a round trip.

I call out to the adventurers and walk past them through the side. They are quite wary of me, but I am able to pass by without any problems. After taking a short lunch break, I continue to explore the labyrinth, and finally come across a puppet. There are four small fist onis around the puppet. It is pretty troublesome to be attacked by them at the same time. I keep my distance from the puppet, whose walking speed is not that fast, but the small fist onis don’t move away from the puppet and chase after me. It is very challenging, but I channel magical energy into my sword, close the distance with instant step and send the head of the small fist oni flying. I manage to dodge the downward strike from the puppet, but it gives me a chill. I don’t want to get hit by this one squarely. Appraisal.


Iron Magic Puppet, Rank 10


Pouring magical energy into my mithril alloy sword to the limit, I run past it with instant step and cut off its leg. Although faced with considerable resistance, I am able to cut it off with a single blow, and then, as the puppet loses its balance, I send its head flying from behind, and it stops moving.

What a pickle. It may be made of mithril alloy, but there is a possibility that a one-handed sword will not work against the puppet on the lower stratums. Attacking a stone with a sword, the compatibility is too bad. I have plenty of money, so let’s visit the weapon shop and the magic blacksmith and then decide my course of action from now on.

I put the puppet into my storage and leave the labyrinth.

I can trade the materials anytime, so I first stop by the weapon shop. Most of the weapons in the shop are sledgehammers. The prices also vary from dirt cheap to crazy expensive. There are no sledgehammers made of mithril alloy, but there are some made of red iron alloy. Depending on the purity, the price ranges from one to seven large gold coins. I have seven large gold coins on hand, so I can buy one if I want to, but before anything else, I go to meet the magic blacksmith.


Otherworld Conquest Method of a Reincarnated Porter

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Otherworld Conquest Method of a Reincarnated Porter

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