Volume 10 Chapter 373
Translator: ranzan
Chapter 373 – Checking out the Dangerous Part of Elkay
I left Tom, Kay, and Tant back at Tom’s house to see the most dangerous part of town.
If I took Tom, I’m sure he would be okay, but I was worried about Tant and Kay.
Vi-Vi thought about it and said,
「Would it be bad to leave these kids at home alone?」
「Yay! Vi-Vi are you staying with us?」
Kay said as she happily embraced Vi-Vi.
「Hm? I guess I could play with you all.」
Vi-Vi said happily. Tant looked happy as well.
But Tom looked a bit nonplussed.
「Thanks for your worry, but I can take care them myself.」
「Well, just in case.」
I’m pretty sure there’s no own stupid enough to mess with Tom’s house, though.
The Wolf Wholesaler’s name was out there already.
However, until the agent showed up, real peace wouldn’t be restored in the town.
「Okay, take care of them, Vi-Vi.」
「I know already. We’ll be waiting for you to come back.」
Vi-Vi said, flexing her small bicep, while Kay said,
「Show me howta make magic ciwcles, Vi!」
「Magic circles? That’s a bit too hard for you I think.」
「I’ll show you some easy magic instead.」
Kay seemed pretty interested in that though.
Tant seemed quite interested in it as well. Magic really excited a lot of kids.
So Cruz, Femm, Moofy, Shiggy, and I left Tom’s house.
Cruz had her lion mask on like usual.
Also, Cruz was riding on Moofy. She really stood out.
「Hmm hmm hmm」
「Moo moo moo」
Cruz and Moofy were in good spirits. Even so, the people of Elkay seemed quite scared.
Moofy was so cute that she shouldn’t scare anyone, but that wolf mask…
After walking a bit, we got to the area in question.
A thug was walking near us, saw Cruz, and jumped,
「Um…can I ask you something…」
Cruz said to the thug, but the thug acted like he didn’t hear anything and started walking away quickly.
「Didn’t he hear me?」
「Want to chase him down, Moofy?」
Cruz was ready to chase him down. I guess I should stop her.
No need to scare guys like that too much.
「Wait Cruz…He might have heard you and was just busy.」
「Maybe you’re right, Al. Maybe he had to go to the bathroom. He looked like that.」
After walking a bit, I saw Damian a ways away.
I remembered that Cruz had never seen Damian.
Damian saw me and started scrambling away.
「Get him, Femm.」
『Leave it to me!』
Femm shot at him like an arrow. Damian was caught immediately.
Femm bit onto the back of Damian’s shirt. Femm didn’t try to knock him over.
However, he was scrambling to get away so much that he fell to the ground.
「N…nothing! I haven’t done nothing! I mean it!」
He was so scared his arms and legs were flapping on the ground.
I caught up to them.
「Damian, long time no see.」
「Y…yeah! What can I help you with?! I told you I’d do nothing wrong!」
「So why did you run?」
「T…the lion mask! I just…」
「I see.」
I could understand that.
Cruz got closer to his face and said,
「So you’re the legendary Damian that bullied Tom? I’ll remember your face! Nice to meet you.」
She was totally threatening him, probably because she was pissed that he bullied Tom.
「Eeep! Sorry! SORRY!」
「No need to be scared. If you do nothing wrong from now on, that is…」
「Yes, I promise never to, ever, EVER again!」
I put my hand on Damian’s shoulder.
「Damian, the reason I’m here is to ask something.」
「Y…yeah! Ask away!」
「Do you know of any orphans living around here?」
「Huh? They are I guess…but I haven’t done anything bad to them.」
So Cruz followed up with,
「Glad to hear. If you did, you’d know right away.」
More threats. Damian’s face turned white.
I then asked with a kind voice,
「So, do you know WHERE they are living?」
「There’s no way I would know that.」
But even so he did tell me what he did know.
Lately where the kids had gotten food and where they slept.
「I see, if you see any, be kind to them.」
「Sure! I’ve learned my lesson!」
「And if you see them, tell them they can get food and snacks over at Tom’s house.」
「Make sure to tell other kids you see too, okay!?」
Damian nodded over and over.
With that, I was sure we’d find all the orphans quickly.
Either Damian or the other kids would tell them.
From there, we went to the places that Damian had told us about.
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