Chapter 281 Part 1

Inside the Instant Portal, Adele started cooking immediately.
I believe I said to keep it simple, but.
She’s not really holding back?
I recall Zangetsu and summon Bunraku.
I’ll get him to help her.

What’s Irina up to?
Continuing to gather information.

Then, what about me?
I don’t have anything to do.
But that makes me feel guilty!

「Do you mind having a match or something?」

「Me too! Mine too!」

I was asked to spar.
Adele summoned a Big Crab, Kan-chan.
He’s only level 4.
And Irina summoned a demon, Souen.
He’s only level 2.
Isn’t the level gap a little large?

Well, let’s get them some backup.
I’ll recall Helix and summon Radical.
It’s three on one.

「Is that okay?」

「Oh, but please do try to use weapons that won’t be too brutal!」

That’s right.
I’ll use a wooden sword.
The Big Crab’s weapons are its own claws, so that can’t be helped.
What’s the demon’s weapon?
It’s a spear.
It should be a tough fight if they take advantage of the difference in range.
That’s okay.
I’ll figure it out.

《Summon Monster『Radical』Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat》

One fight, one victory for me.
Even so, Radical levels up.
Even though I used enhancement spells to make up for the level gap, I only took one hit.

Radical’s AGI has already increased.
I put the other point in STR.

Radical Viper Lv1 -> Lv2 (↑1)
DEX 10
AGI 17 (↑1)
INT 11
STR 11 (↑1)
VIT 15
SPI 10

Bite Wrap Scent Detection Heat Detection Conceal Poison

「Oh, wait a minute. Souen leveled up」

「Got it」

While waiting for Irina to operate the virtual window, I thought:
Even three against one, I’ve got a lot of breathing room.

「Adele, Irina. Could you add one?」


「It’ll be five against one you know?」

「No, six on one」

I’m adding one too.
I recall Heather and summon Keimei.

Adele brings out a slime Sue-chan.
Irina adds a Big Crab, Scissors.
This is indeed a lineup worth seeing!
Two Big Crabs for tanks, with a demon and Radical between them.
Keimei is in the rear as support, and the slime is waiting at the demon’s feet.
The problem?
The vanguard is too large, but that’s okay.

Slime, huh?
Without attack spells isn’t that impossible?
No, as originally planned, I’ll take them on with a wooden sword.
It’s inevitably going to be a tough fight.
But that’s good.

《Summon Monster『Radical』Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat》

After two battles, I have one win, one loss.
And Radical leveled up.
Was I careless?
No, the one loss was a time out!
I- I’m not upset or anything!
Getting poisoned by Radical did hurt, but it’s impossible to fight a slime without attack spells!
I mean, being an equal match is necessary to have a nice difficult battle, but.

Radical’s STR has already increased.
I put the other point in DEX.

Radical Viper Lv2 -> Lv3 (↑1)
DEX 11 (↑1)
AGI 17
INT 11
STR 12 (↑1)
VIT 15
SPI 10

Bite Wrap Scent Detection Heat Detection Conceal Poison

「Keith-san! Let’s have dinner after the next round!」


What’s the scent of Adele and Bunraku’s cooking?
It’s meat.
It smells good.

Back to the 6v1!
Come at me!
Even without attack spells I won’t give up!

《Summon Monster『Keimei』Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat》

Too bad.
I lost through time out.
I think I put up a pretty good fight, but.
In fact, the wooden sword in my hand doesn’t seem usable anymore.

Keimei’s SPI has already risen.
I put the other point in INT.

Keimei Imp Lv7 -> Lv8 (↑1)
AGI 23
INT 23 (↑1)
SPI 25 (↑1)

Flight Levitation Echolocation Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery [Small]
Light Attribute Dark Attribute Earth Attribute

《Summon Monster『Keimei』Level Up!》
《Please go to the Status Menu to access the Class Change options》

The Class Change conditions are met.
Even though I fought with all my might and lost, I’m happy.
It’s a very annoying contradiction.

But the notifications don’t stop there.

《Summon Monster『Radical』Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat》

It’s too fast!

Radical’s VIT has already risen.
I’ll put the other point in SPI.

Radical Viper Lv3 -> Lv4 (↑1)
DEX 11
AGI 17
INT 11
STR 12
VIT 16 (↑1)
SPI 11(↑1)

Bite Wrap Scent Detection Heat Detection Conceal Poison

It’s so fast that I don’t even have time to ponder about how to get the numbers to line up.
Apparently Adele’s slime’s in the same spot.
The slime, Sue-chan, seems to be leveling up.
Its level is now five.
In fact, Sue-chan the slime was the most active one in our fight.
No doubt about it.
It became the biological armor of the demon Souen, and prevented tons of my wooden sword attacks.
An affinity?
It’s a wooden sword you know.
Of course it’s bad.
And Souen the demon’s level is now 4.
It’s also growing fast.
And the two big crabs both seem to have levelled up once.

Well, calm down.
I’ve gained experience.
It’s my fault that I lost so many games.
Besides, my summoned monsters leveled up, and Keimei can change classes.
Oh, yeah.
I’ll navigate the class change while we eat.

Should I go with an Incubus?
Or should I make her a Succubus?
I already know the answer, but.
I removed her equipment and did the class change.

Keimei Imp Lv8 -> Succubus Lv1 (New!)
AGI 24 (↑1)
INT 25 (↑2)
SPI 27 (↑2)

Flight Levitation Echolocation Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery [Medium] (New!)
Shapeshift (New!) Spacetime Attribute (New!) Light Attribute Dark Attribute
Earth Attribute (New!) Water Attribute

The succubus that appeared gives off the feeling of a humble girl or something?
You can come further forwards, you know?
Oops, can’t forget to give her some equipment.

Adele and Irina, with their eyes on the succubus, gaze at her with interest.
As if to escape from their gaze, Keimei hid behind me.
Are you shy?
Now that I think of it she didn’t like standing out as an imp either.

「You’re going with a succubus this time?」

「Are you going for that fusion?」

「Of course, I am」

The rest depends on Radical.
At the moment, the only one who hasn’t changed classes is Radical.
The two of them have exasperated faces, but they also seem to accept it.
What’s wrong with it?

「That aside, to think you can level up in a 6v1 against Keith…」

「Mysterious, right?」

「Keith-san seems to be a mass of experience, doesn’t he?」

It’s true that I forbade attack spells, but I didn’t hold back.
I was totally serious.

「Both of you can challenge me too you know?」

「I refuse with all my might!」

「What do you expect me to do against you?」

「Really? If you work together I think you can figure something out?」

「We’d need at least 2 tanks」

「And if possible two more for support!」

That’s an entire party!
Isn’t that too much for me?

「Putting that aside. What’d you get from the information gathering?」

「It’s not looking good」

That’s the conclusion of Irina’s investigation.
By ‘not looking good’ what does she mean?
There are reports of encounters with demons from to the west of Remut, from W1 to W4.
But not many.
Some players have reported that they hunted them, but many have escaped.
At this point, there have only been two reports of players dying.
Irina’s assessment is that they’re relatively quiet.
On the boards, people are starting to talk about the possibility that the main attack will come from the W5 map or beyond.

And there have been reports of demon encounters on maps to either side of W1 through W3.
Although there doesn’t seem to have been any actual fighting.
Maybe the range of the event is pretty broad because it’s just in the west?

「I’ve received contact. Some of the people who were planning to participate in the summoner meet-up and want to participate in the event are coming」


「Haruna and Konohana, along with Hyodor-kun and his partner have apparently already arrived at Twilight Castle」

「How many people do you think there are be in total?」

「About forty Summoner-type players, I’d say. And there’ll probably be more」

「That’s pretty fast」

「They say it’s like a festival」

「It sounds like they’re using Return Home to shuttle people from Remut to Twilight Castle!」

I see.
They’re using the Return Home, huh?
The reason why Mio logged out earlier is probably because he was setting his target for Return Home.

「Apparently they’re started to search the area from Twilight Castle in unions of 3 to 4 parties」

「Well, it is the time that the meetup should have been」

「Haruna-chan and Konohana-chan seem to be heading this way」

「Oh! That’s very proactive!」

It’s kinda, you know…
It really is becoming like a festival, isn’t it?

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Comment (1)

  1. Hikikomori

    Thanks for the treat.

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