Chapter 285 Part 2

Well… there actually is a problem.
Aren’t there too few Majins around?
They’re a hassle because I can’t lure them in with Call Monster at all.
Is there no better way?

《【Two-handed Spear】 Level Up!》
《Summoned Monster 【Nias】 Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a stat of your choice.》

The time is 10:10 PM, huh?
Nias has been brilliant in this battle just now.
I think the group of Racchango had over 50 of them.
And they came with a Pantomime Master riding on an Airavata to boot.
Being able to put such a large group of monsters to sleep with her Cursed Song and Magic Melody was huge.

It’s a satisfying level up.

I’m very happy to see that she’s earned the Evade skill.
And there’s a new empty slot available for her as well.
There are two options to fill that in: Light or Dark.
Let’s go with Light.

Nias’s AGI has increased automatically upon leveling up.
I’ll choose STR as her second stat increase. 

Nias Merrow Lv6 → Lv7 (↑1)
 DEX 20
 AGI 20 (↑1)
 INT 25
 STR 10 (↑1)
 VIT 10
 SPI 18

 Two-handed Spear Evade (New!) Aquatic Shapeshift Night Vision Cursed Song Magic Melody
 Light Attribute (New!) Water Attribute

But that’s all for Nias.
Her MP bar is almost depleted.
Which Summoned Monster should I replace her with?
I recall Nias…
And summon Bunraku.
Because of his bow and arrow.
He’ll be great for shooting airborne monsters down.
He can also shoot at any monster that falls to the bottom of my Pitfalls.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have an archery contest between him and Goki once in a while?

That leaves me in the front line.
A group of Racchango might overwhelm us with their sheer numbers, though.

And my 【Two-handed Spear】 is Level 12 now?
Will that let me obtain the 【Pole Weapon】 skill?
I guess I can expect that to happen.

Let’s keep moving while hunting.
We still have a long way to go.
We gotta keep going until the Majins appear.

《Summoned Monster 【Florin】 Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a stat of your choice.》

The time is 11:20 PM.
We’re getting closer to the boundary between the W5 and W6 maps.
I can’t stay up all night just because there’s a lot of battles to be fought.
This is a little inconvenient.

Florin’s DEX has increased automatically upon leveling up.
I’ll choose SPI as his second stat increase. 

Florin Poisonous Bat Lv2 → Lv3 (↑1)
 DEX 18 (↑1)
 AGI 24
 INT 12
 STR 12
 VIT 12
 SPI 12 (↑1)

 Bite Flight Echolocation Evade Ambush Suck Blood Poison

I should log out soon.
Of course, there’s something I’m concerned about.
It’s the Instant Portal.
What will happen if a group of Majins come to wreck the place?
It seems that I could be forcibly teleported to the last area portal I passed through.
There’s no penalty to stats like when you respawn after dying.
What should I do?

Oh well.
If it’s daytime, I can make the distance back in less than two hours by riding on Zangetsu.
So even if I’m forced back, it’s not that big of a distance.
I’ll deploy an Instant Portal here.
Should I log out now?
No, before that, let’s do something about the Gold Ore I’ve obtained.
I have already set aside Adele and Irina’s share of these spoils, so it’s not a big amount.
I’m going to refine it into Gold Ingots.
Let’s proceed with what I’ve managed to get today.
Even though my Item Box has plenty of room, I want to keep it light.
That’s just how my worrying disposition is.

The time is now 11:30 PM.
I’ve finished processing all the Gold Ore with the Refine spell.
I still have a little bit of time…
Should I do a quick sparring session with Goki?

Something’s coming.
It’s a Lesser Gryphon.
And there seems to be a Majin riding on its back.
Oh no.
The effect of my Night Vision is wearing off!
This could leave me vulnerable to attacks.

A second Lesser Gryphon passes overhead.
And, as expected, there’s a Majin on its back.
An Exorcising Priest.
That can’t be good.

A third one arrives as soon as I’m done extending the duration of my Night Vision.
What should I do?
I won’t wait here.
I’ll beat them before they can beat me.
If we kill that Exorcising Priest preemptively, even we alone will have a chance of defeating them!

What about buffs?
It’s not like we’ll be able to use those anyway.
But we can immediately start using Martial Arts.
Volff, Florin, Goki, Bunraku, and Tigris leave the Instant Portal.
Let’s start attacking immediately!

The kukri I throw hits the mounting Exorcising Priest.
Immediately after that, I thrust the Akasagarbha Spear into the Lesser Gryphon’s head.
Tigris bites into its right wing shoulder.
Arrows fly one after another towards the mounting Exorcising Priest, and Florin’s attack finally brings it down to the ground.
Volff rushes to finish it off.
From my position, the Lesser Gryphon is in the way.
I pull out my spear, and this time I drive it into its torso.
At the same time, I unleash an offensive spell.

「Pulse Laser Burst!」

Was my spell first?
Or was Tigris biting its wing off first?
At any rate, the Lesser Gryphon’s HP bar drops to zero.
Volff has already killed the Exorcising Priest.
Two Lesser Gryphons to go.
And their two Majin riders.

The two Majin are Jugglers, huh?
We’ve dealt with the Exorcising Priest in advance.
So these guys’ aren’t as threatening anymore.
All that’s left is to steadily deal with them.

《A Skill Link has been established! You can now obtain the Weapon Skill 【Pole Weapon】!》
《【Wind Magic】 Level Up!》
《【Steam Magic】 Level Up!》

It was a tough fight, but we managed to pull through.
Victory at the expense of the Instant Portal I had deployed.
I’m still dissatisfied with the fact that I’m not getting any item drops from the Lesser Gryphons.
A certain fact can be implied from this battle.
You could call it a revelation.

This is the second time I’ve been attacked by demons while inside an Instant Portal.
So they’re clearly targeting Instant Portals, right?
In that case, why not take advantage of that?
Majin cannot be summoned with Call Monster.
But as far as results are concerned, them coming to smash an Instant Portal is the same as summoning them.

Should I give it a try?

I deploy another Instant Portal.
Then I recall Florin, replacing him with Telomere.
Of course, I use reinforcement spells to buff both myself and my Summoned Monsters.
And then we wait.

Just wait.

Should we have a sparring session to pass the time?
No, that would be a problem if we suddenly get jumped on by monsters.
Let’s not act rashly.
Though waiting patiently is definitely not my forte.

I restlessly pass the time.
Maybe they haven’t seen us yet?

Well, eventually they do come.
A Majin riding on a Lesser Gryphon.
Is it a Knife Thrower?
And then a second one.
Another Exorcising Priest riding on a Lesser Gryphon.
What about the third one?
I’m not waiting for it to come.
Our priority should be the Exorcising Priest anyway.
We leave the Instant Portal and attack the Lesser Gryphon and Exorcising Priest which had landed just now.

Good to see you!
Instead of a nice greeting, I throw a kukri at it, and lunge with my spear.
Since Telomere is here, the Exorcising Priest is quickly defeated.
It seems that Telomere has also managed to fire several Dark Strips onto its Lesser Gryphon, and it was now under the Darkness status effect.
Whoa, wait a minute.
Oh well, it does help, though.

After that, we remained dominant throughout the rest of the battle, and successfully hunted the remaining Majin and Lesser Gryphon.
So, as far as results are concerned, using an Instant Portal gets you ambushed by these kinds of monsters.
Although we were completely prepared for them, I feel that we defeated them easily.
I guess we were able to reduce their strength thanks to us being the ones ambushing them in the first place.

The time is 0:10 AM.
I ended up staying up until the next day in the end, but this is a big discovery.
I use the Return Home spell to warp back to the Silent Bamboo Woods.
Let’s stop using Instant Portal.
It looks like I want to go hunting Majin.

I wonder if I can do the same thing to hunt them during the day?
It can’t hurt to try.

Protagonist Keith
Race Human Male Racial Lv 29
Job Grand Summoner Lv 15
Bonus Points Remaining 24

 Set Skills
 Sword Lv 12 Two-handed Spear Lv 12 (↑1) Joust Lv 10 Club Lv 12 Dagger Lv 12 (↑1)
 Rapier Lv 10 Rope Artes Lv10 Staff Lv 22 Punch Lv 19 Kick Lv 19
 Joint Lock Lv 19 Throw Lv 19 Evade Lv 19 Block Lv 19
 Summon Magic Lv 29 Spacetime Magic Lv 17 Sealing Lv 11
 Light Magic Lv 17 Wind Magic Lv 18 (↑1) Earth Magic Lv 17 Water Magic Lv 17
 Fire Magic Lv 17 Dark Magic Lv 17 Ice Magic Lv16 Lightning Magic Lv16
 Tree Magic Lv 16 Dust Magic Lv16 Lava Magic Lv16 Steam Magic Lv17 (↑1)
 Alchemy Lv 13 Pharmacy Lv 9 Glassmaking Lv 8 Woodworking Lv 11
 Synergy Lv 21 Appraise Lv 21 Identify Lv21 Discern Lv 7 Cold Resistance Lv 9 Grab Lv 17 Horsemanship Lv 18 Precise Manipulation Lv 20 Ropework Lv 10
 Jump Lv 10 Acrobatics Lv 10 Heat Resistance Lv 12 Climb Lv 9 Balance Lv 10
 Dual Wield Lv 18 Disassembly Lv 17 Swimming Lv 6 Diving Lv 6 Throw Object Lv 6 Dash Lv10 Endurance Run Lv10 Hide Lv4 Conceal Lv4
 Physical Reinforcement Lv 18 Mental Reinforcement Lv 19 Speedcasting Lv 19
 Magic Effect Amplification Lv 18 Magic Range Expansion Lv 18
 Petrification Resistance Lv6 Sleep Resistance Lv5 Paralysis Resistance Lv6
 Confusion Resistance Lv4 Dark Resistance Lv4 Unconscious Resistance Lv7
 Charm Resistance Lv1 Poison Resistance Lv2

Summoned Monsters

Obsidian Mystic Eye Lv9 → Lv10 (↑1)
 DEX 15
 AGI 24
 INT 24 (↑1)
 STR 15
 VIT 15
 SPI 24 (↑1)

 Peck Silent Flight Far Sight Night Vision Ambush Sense Danger Divine Hearing
 Wind Attribute Water Attribute

Nias Merrow Lv6 → Lv7 (↑1)
 DEX 20
 AGI 20 (↑1)
 INT 25
 STR 10 (↑1)
 VIT 10
 SPI 18

 Two-handed Spear Evade (New!) Aquatic Shapeshift Night Vision Cursed Song Magic Melody
 Light Attribute (New!) Water Attribute

Shishiku Chimera Lv5 → Lv6 (↑1)
 DEX 15
 AGI 25 (↑1)
 INT 18
 STR 26 (↑1)
 VIT 30
 SPI 15

 Bite Roar Scent Detection Heat Detection Night Vision Conceal
 Predator Fusion Poison Breath Light Attribute Fire Attribute

Florin Poisonous Bat Lv2 → Lv3 (↑1)
 DEX 18 (↑1)
 AGI 24
 INT 12
 STR 12
 VIT 12
 SPI 12 (↑1)

 Bite Flight Echolocation Evade Ambush Suck Blood Poison

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Comment (1)

  1. Hikikomori

    Thanks for the treat.

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