Chapter 303 Part 2

《This is the resting place of the dead》

《Leave all who have life》

《If you want to pass through the gate of the dead, surrender your life》

《And once you do, you shall become our brethren》

Can I skip through the Info screens?
I refuse to surrender my life with everything I’ve got.
What else will come out to greet us?

 Skeleton Guard Lv.3
 Event Monster Demon Undead
 Enemy Target Active
 ??? ???

 Skeleton Mage Lv.2
 Event Monster Demon Undead
 Enemy Target Active
 ??? ???

 Skeleton Ranger Lv.3
 Event Monster Demon Undead
 Enemy Target Active
 ??? ???

 Skeleton Trooper Lv.1
 Event Monster Demon Undead
 Enemy Target Active
 ??? ???

 Skeleton Horse Lv.5
 Event Monster Demon Undead
 Enemy Target Active
 ??? ???

 Black Wraith Lv.3
 Event Monster Demon Undead
 Enemy Target Active
 ??? ???

As expected, it’s a bunch of skeletons.
There’s a mix of various kinds of skeletal monsters, and about 50 of them in total.
Some of them are on horseback, so how should I count them?
Wait, there’s one of them that isn’t a skeleton, right?
Using Sense Magic tells me that that one is the most troublesome one.
Its level of magical power is on a whole other level.
Well, I guess I’ve already decided what I’m going to do.

「True Fighting Spirit!」 「Bless!」 「Meditate!」 「Intelligence Attack!」

The distance between them and us is getting closer.
Obsidian and Telomere take the lead and aim for those at the rear guard.
Of course, I also used the spell I had selected and activated.

「Enervate Undead!」

A free-for-all battle ensues.
I’ve had free-for-all battles before, but this is the first one to be like this.

In a sense, this battle may be a good opportunity for me to experience the horror of the Undead.
The skeleton-types won’t stop moving until the souls they have in two separate sections of their bodies are destroyed.
We would often find ourselves unable to do that whenever they surrounded us.

Trying to deal with them with only physical attacks can get exhausting.
That’s why I’m including spells.
I’ll rely on offensive spells in this fight.
They deal heavy damage, and can reach the souls after they’ve been exposed from their bone cages.
I can attack with my staff, or with my offensive spells.
It would be nice if I could tailor that combination freely, but it’s not that easy.
That’s why it’s important to have my Summoned Monsters’ assistance.

Telomere scatters flames from the sky.
On top of that, Shishiku unleashes his Breath attack, and Raibun rains lightning over a wide area.
I also use Fire Storm, an AoE Fire Magic offensive spell, burn them all down.
This instantly reduces the skeletons’ HP bars, forcing them to take a certain action.
They start recovering, but…
Let them!
After another Fire Storm and a second shower of flames from Telomere, only a few skeletons remained.
A skeleton Trooper riding a Skeleton Horse.
And the lone Black Wraith.

Senki crushes the Skeleton Trooper along with its Skeleton Horse to death.
Wait, aren’t these guys technically already dead?
He wasn’t even aiming at their souls, he simply crushed everything that was in front of him.
The skeletons’ markers don’t come back, so I guess he killed them.

The Black Wraith, too, was shredded to pieces and scattered away by Obsidian’s Wind Blades.
Looks like that took care of it.

This ended up being finished surprisingly smoothly, didn’t it?

Looks like this isn’t over yet.
The pile of bones is moving.
Something emerges from it.
What is that?

 Skeleton Tyrannosaurus Lv.3
 Event Monster Demon Undead
 Enemy Target Active
 ??? ???

Another one, huh?
But I’ve faced a similar opponent before.
Compared to the Tyrant Dragon Tyranno, this one is relatively small in size.
It’s also small compared to the Slave Beast – Turtlesnakes, and Kim Kui Slaves.
This guy’s a small fry.
It can’t compare to us.

However, Senki appears to be facing the challenge head-on.
Seeing how he took on that Skeleton Mammoth head-on as well earlier, I’m not surprised.
Oh well, what can you do?
Let him have his fun.

《We only pray》

《We only become a cradle to nurture life》

An Info screen?
Does that mean we won?
We’ve already destroyed all of the Undead’s souls.

《S2W4 Map’s Area Portal cleared!》
《You have gained 7 Bonus Points. You currently have a total of 12 Bonus Points.》
《【Ice Magic】 Level Up!》
《【Dust Magic】 Level Up!》
《Summoned Monster『Senki』 Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat.》

There we go.
Time for Senki’s Class Change as well.

Senki’s AGI increased automatically upon leveling up.
Let’s choose DEX as his second stat increase.

Senki Lesser Ogre Lv11 → Lv12 (↑1)
 DEX 16 (↑1)
 AGI 25 (↑1)
 INT 6
 STR 33
 VIT 33
 SPI 6

 Punch Kick Throw Object Block Evade Climb Throw
 Joint Lock Self-Regeneration [Slight]

《The Summoned Monster 『Senki』has cleared the conditions for Class Change!》
《Please go to the Status Menu to access the Class Change options》

Will do.
But let’s slow down for a moment.
I have to check a few things first.
And all of us have to recover.
The last one was actually a very tough opponent.
Honestly, it was crazy that we were able to challenge it head-on and defeat it.
Only now that thought comes to my mind.
Senki’s fighting spirit was that much greater, and the results of that battle were probably the reason he managed to Level Up.

This place definitely seems to be an area portal..
Looking at the wide-area map, it appears to be a graveyard of everlasting darkness.
Definitely not the kind of area portal where you can sit and relax!
But it definitely looks like an area portal.
I think I can log out safely here.

Even so, the surroundings don’t seem to have changed at all.
It’s still pitch black all around.
I thought that would change after releasing the area portal, but…
That doesn’t seem to be the case.

Well then.
Shall we get Senki’s Class Change done?
Well, I’m pretty sure of what’s going to happen.
He’ll drop the Lesser part of his species.
I hope that’s the case.

But there’s some work to be done before that.
Let’s remove all of his gear.
I’ve seen an Ogre here before so I know how big they can get.
And that one was of an average size.

It was very big.
Definitely bigger than how Senki is now.
So removing his gear is absolutely necessary.
While we’re at it, let’s use Fusion Identification as well.

《This Monster cannot be fused.》

All done, then.
Shall we get this going?

 Class Change Options:

Just as I thought.
And it’s the only choice, too.
Not that I’m complaining.
It’s a prompt decision.

Senki Lesser Ogre Lv12 → Ogre Lv1 (New!)
 DEX 16
 AGI 27 (↑2)
 INT 6
 STR 37 (↑4)
 VIT 37 (↑4)
 SPI 6

 Punch Kick Throw Object Block Evade Climb Throw
 Joint Lock Rend (New!) Self-Regeneration [Small] (New!)

【Ogre】 Summoned Monster Battle position: Ground
 A demonic beast. Its main means of attack is fighting with his hands and legs.
 It is feared due to its fighting prowess and self-healing ability.
 Tough, strong, and nimble, it is suitable for front-line combat.

《This Monster cannot be fused.》

He’s huge!

But we’re in trouble.
His gear clearly doesn’t fit him anymore.
I’ll have to ask Saki for help with this.
I put Senki’s old gear away.
Shall we use Return Home to go back to Twilight Castle?

Ah, wait.
I’ve got Telomere with me.
It’s dark here, but it’s daytime everywhere else.
If I keep her with me as we warp back, she’ll be in big trouble.
Also, Senki, Shishiku, and Raibun might be a little too scary-looking for those over there.
Let’s recall them all.
The only one to remain with me is Obsidian.

Well, then.
We exit the area portal before using Return Home.
I wonder if Saki is there…

It’s daytime in Twilight Castle.
The time is 1:40 PM.
Will I make it in time?
Is Saki still logged in?

The inside of the castle seems to be reasonably lively, even down to its core.
There aren’t many players here, but all of them seem to be very energetic.
We seem to be in high spirits.
That’s a good thing.

「Oh? Coming back here already?」

「There’s been some developments.」

Hannes is serving as the storekeeper at the temporary Production base.
When I asked him, he told me that he couldn’t do any farm work here in Twilight Castle.
The players who normally he goes hunting with had already regrouped and gone hunting without him.
Therefore, he stayed here as a storekeeper.
Well, it seems like he also has 【Trade】 as a Sub, so it doesn’t look like staying here will be a waste of time for him.

Hannes guided me to a temporary workshop.
It actually doesn’t look like a temporary workshop at all, it looks like a full-fledged one.
In addition to leather manufacturing, there is a woodworking shop, blacksmith shop, and even a kitchen.
This place is really turning into a base.

「Hey, Saki! You’ve got a customer!」

「Huh? Hannes?」

Saki seems to be immersed in her work, as her eyes are fixed to her workbench.
She has completely changed from a normal girl into a true factory auntie.
She’s wearing work clothes that cover every part of her body but her face.
Her getup makes a lot of sense.
After all, there are several other similarly dressed players being busy all around.

「His gear? You mean he can’t wear it until it’s remade?」

「It’s completely useless as it is now.」

「How big are we talking?」

「I can’t summon him here…」

This place is too small for Senki.
Way too small.
I feel like he could end up inadvertently destroying the whole room.

We go to a different room so that I can safely summon Senki.
This room seems to be a lunchroom.
Right now it’s just me, Saki, and Hannes.

「How am I supposed to measure this?」

That’s what Saki lamented as soon as she saw Senki’s size.

But she pulled through.
Hannes gave her a hand, and once they finished taking Senki’s measurements, Saki seemed to be deep in thought.
Is there something worrying her?

「Do you have his previous equipment on you?」

「Yes. I do.」

「Let me use it to shorten the delivery date! It’ll also make it so that it’s cheaper in terms of processing and material costs」


「I have Bull and Horse hides already tanned and pasted together. I can re-tailor them to finish this even faster.」

I have no objections with this.
I’m counting on you, Saki.

I leave the room after receiving a certain item from Saki.
What is that item?
This one.

【Armor: Faceguard】 Bull and Horse Faceguard Grade C+ Rarity 5
 Def+15 Weight 2+ Durability 400 Destructive Power Reduction -1
 A leather faceguard made by pasting hides from a Phantom Horse and a Fighting Bull together. For horses only.
 The leather is thick and durable.

As expected from Saki.
Her ability to work so fast is a great help.
Now, let’s equip Aotsuki with it.
I would also like to experience flying on her for the first time.

Protagonist Keith
Race Human Male Racial Lv31
Job Grand Summoner Lv17
Bonus Points Remaining 12

Set Skills
 Sword Lv12 Two-handed Spear Lv12 Joust Lv12 Club Lv14 (↑1) Dagger Lv13
 Rapier Lv11 Rope Artes Lv11 Javelin Lv9  Pole Weapon Lv8
 Staff Lv23 Punch Lv20 Kick Lv20 Joint Lock Lv20
 Throw Lv20 Evade Lv20 Block Lv20
 Summon Magic Lv31 Spacetime Magic Lv19 Seal Magic Lv13
 Light Magic Lv19 Wind Magic Lv19 Earth Magic Lv19 Water Magic Lv19
 Fire Magic Lv19 Dark Magic Lv19 Ice Magic Lv18 (↑1) Lightning Magic Lv18
 Tree Magic Lv18  Dust Magic Lv18 (↑1)  Lava Magic Lv18 Steam Magic Lv18
 Alchemy Lv15 Pharmacy Lv10  Glassmaking Lv8 Woodworking Lv12
 Synergy Lv22 Appraise Lv22 Identify Lv22 Discern Lv7 Cold Resistance Lv9
 Grab Lv18 Horsemanship Lv19 Precise Manipulation Lv21 Ropework Lv11
 Jump Lv11  Acrobatics Lv11  Heat Resistance Lv13 Climb Lv12 Balance Lv13
 Dual Wield Lv19 (↑1) Disassembly Lv18 Swimming Lv6 Diving Lv6 Throw Object Lv11
 Dash Lv12 Endurance Run Lv12 Hide Lv7 Conceal Lv7
 Physical Reinforcement Lv20 Mental Reinforcement Lv20 Speedcasting Lv20
 Magic Effect Amplification Lv20 Magic Range Expansion Lv20
 Petrification Resistance Lv6 Sleep Resistance Lv6 Paralysis Resistance Lv6
 Confusion Resistance Lv4 Dark Resistance Lv4 Unconscious Resistance Lv8
 Charm Resistance Lv1 Poison Resistance Lv3 Silence Resistance Lv3

Summoned Monsters
Obsidian Mystic Eye Lv10 → Lv11 (↑1)
 DEX 15
 AGI 25 (↑1)
 INT 24
 STR 16 (↑1)
 VIT 15
 SPI 24

 Peck Silent Flight Farsight Night Vision Ambush Sense Danger Divine Hearing
 Wind Attribute Water Attribute

Senki Lesser Ogre Lv12 → Ogre Lv1 (New!)
 DEX 16
 AGI 27 (↑2)
 INT 6
 STR 37 (↑4)
 VIT 37 (↑4)
 SPI 6

 Punch Kick Throw Object Block Evade Climb Throw
 Joint Lock Rend (New!) Self-Regeneration [Small] (New!)

Yukiwa Mist Lv8 → Wraith Lv1 (New!)
 DEX 5
 AGI 5
 INT 25 (↑2)
 STR 1
 VIT 3
 SPI 22 (↑1)

 Flight Shapeshift Physical Attack Permeability MP Absorption [Small] (New!)
 Dark Attribute Water Attribute


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