Chapter 322 (Forum) Part 2
907. Nonomura
I’m all primed and set up!
➲ Summoners Assemble! Thread ★53
Give me Mermaid-type Summoned Monster pictures!
908. Mine
Good job
➲ (image) (image)
909. Monfort
Good job
I have no choice, huh…
➲ (image)
910. Tsutsumishita
Good job, good job
➲ (image) (image)
911. Shaela
Good job
There’s no helping it, is it…?
➲ (image) (image) (image)
912. Suruga
Wonderful job
By the way, let’s go hunting with my waifu!
➲ (image) (image) (image) (video)
913. Haruna
Your post needs correcting, but good job
But please, everyone, don’t be reckless!
914. Adele
Good job
Someone’s got all excited lol
915. Irina
Good job
Absolutely unforgivable
916. Konohana
Good job, but still…
917. Nonomura
( ̄ー ̄)
———————————- (Continued below) ———————————-
【S1W5】 Strategy Information By Map Thread ★2 【Sheep and Goat Grazing Lands】
1. Goudi
This thread collects information related to clearing the S1W5 Map (plains).
Its area portal is the Altar of Blessing.
Furthermore, if you are trying to obtain items, forming a union is recommended.
You’ll find a link to the General Information Thread and other Map Threads at >>2.
Please start the next thread once posts go over
Speed up or Become a VIP to unlock.
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