Chapter 49 Part 13 – A memory from the previous「108 times」. The conclusion. They are dying, but their feelings transcend time. And the loop begins again.

Cornelia looked down at Scarlet who was cleverly pestering her and spoke to her as if she were troubled. Scarlet’s shoulders jumped.

「You must have felt sorry for Arnold and couldn’t bear to just watch, so you stepped in to help. You can’t deceive my eyes. Mother does listen to everything you say. You are much smarter than I am and you are a kind girl who always puts others before yourself. But the way of archery is different. I will not allow you to interfere, even if you are my beloved daughter.」

Cornelia’s sharp rebuke created a harsh atmosphere that made her unable to say anything.

Scarlet had been trying to make excuses like, 「Umm」, 「It’s because」, 「Uhh」, and so on, but she eventually dropped her shoulders and slumped down as if she had given up, saying, 「…… Yes」.

Arnold’s ears became red as he realized that the whole fuss had been an act that she did for him. He was ashamed of himself for having unquestioningly taken Scarlet’s words at face value. Although she was about half his age, Scarlet was much more mature than he was.

「…… I didn’t realize that …… Sorry, you even exposed your underwear for me ……!!」
「Ehh!? Underwear!? Exposed!? W-what are you talking about!?」

Scarlet got impatient and fumbled with her buttocks. She bent her head, turned around to check, and started spinning around. It seemed that not all of it was an act. Arnold thought she was like a puppy chasing its own tail.

「…… I don’t mind if you consider mother as a demon. The Melville family has dedicated its life to passing on the path of archery to the next generation. This mission has taken precedence over the love between parent and child. Mother also has the blood of that demon flowing in my veins. I intend to teach Arnold all the skills I have and make him rise to an even higher level than myself. For that purpose, I can become both a demon and a devil.」

Cornelia said resolutely. Her cold, dignified beauty was breathtaking.
It was as if she was a different person from her reserved, normal self.

Towards the harsh love of his master, Arnold remained sitting, forgot about all the pain and weariness, and shed tears. The evaluation from his respected master permeated his heart. It was enough to make him feel like it was okay even if he was to die now. A numbing sensation enveloped his entire body. Worried about him, Scarlet crouched down and peeked at him.

In the fierce love of his teacher, Arnold sat down, forgot about his pain and fatigue, and burst into tears. The evaluation of the teacher I admire is deep in my heart. He even thought he could die. The emotion of numbness wrapped the whole body. Scarlet is worried and crouches down and looks into it.

「…… Are you okay? Does it hurt? Arnold ……」

Unable to reply properly due to sobs of emotion, Arnold shook his head frantically.

Scarlet saw this and with a determined look she put her hand on Arnold’s arm guard and pulled it out in a flash. She did not give Arnold time to resist. Once Scarlet made her decision, her movements were lightning fast, and even Bradd, a genius in martial arts, would be caught unguarded. Then she rolled up her own skirt, pulled down her white chemise, nipped in at the end, and tore it open with a ripping sound.

「…… I understand, mother, but please allow me at least to apply first aid to the wound.」

Cornelia nodded.

Scarlet used the torn fabric as a bandage and wrapped it around Arnold’s bloody hand. The whiteness of the fabric and the exposed white skin of her leg were conspicuous.

「…… S-sorry about this. Thanks ……」

Scarlett gave a bold smile at Arnold, who stammered out a thank-you as he turned away, having trouble keeping his eyes on her.

「Don’t get me wrong. I was only doing for you what mother couldn’t do because of her position. I have no intention of getting along with you at all. Don’t get all worked up just because mother thinks highly of you. I will surpass you one day, fair and square, as your rival. …… No matter whether you like it or not.」

Of course, Arnold was not stupid enough to take those words at face value.
These words were Scarlet’s way of hiding her embarrassment.
The kindness of both mother and daughter was the same, though in a different form. In the light of their love, he felt as if he could see the far goal he was aiming for.
Only in the last, sad part of her sentence, a glimpse of her true feelings peeked out. Scarlet is not as talented with a bow as Arnold. Unfortunately, she would not be able to carry on Melville’s name.

But to Arnold, Scarlet’s eyes were far more beautiful and valuable than the large ruby she wore on her chest. Even if she didn’t have a talent for archery, she’d still be …… Arnold muttered to himself. Arnold realized how he felt.

「…… I – I think I ……」

Arnold almost said it as if he was moved to do so, but then he swallowed the words.

He was not qualified to say the rest of the sentence now. But someday, when he is acknowledged by master Cornelia and when he is satisfied with himself, he would definitely ……

「…… I also consider you …… as my best rival. You have a talent for archery, though not as good as mine. Hah, try to catch up with me if you can. I’ll be higher up when you do.」

He intentionally spoke ill of her to encourage her. Cornelia seemed to notice Arnold’s true meaning, when he changed his tone in mid-sentence, and nodded with a kind gaze. Scarlet seemed to be slow to that sort of talk and was taken aback, but she quickly regained her composure and extended her hand.

「…… It’s a promise!! But you’re just a kid, so don’t overdo it. …… Thank you for telling me I have a talent for archery.」

「Yeah, I’ll be waiting for you. I promise. Heh, what’s up with that meek tone? Come at me like you always do. With that crazy tone of yours. …… And thanks for being concerned about me. …… Hey, what’s with that look on your face. I guess we’re even now.」

Both of them looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Arnold entwined his little finger with Scarlet’s, which she held out to him with a smile, and Arnold swore.

‘I’ll do my best to make sure you don’t catch up with me. So keep chasing after me. I’ll always be there to protect you.’

It was a promise that Arnold would not say out loud. In his mind, he kissed the back of her hand. Her carefree smile squeezed his heart sadly. It remained in his heart forever, like a flower in his memory.

…… The consciousness of the adult Arnold overlapped with that of the child Arnold. The young Scarlet and the sleeping Queen, too.

‘…… Ahh, Bradd. I know exactly what you meant now. Scarlet’s …… that child’s smile is the best. That’s why you said you’d die for it. You’re right ……’

The intense pain had returned along with reality.

Undeterred by the agony of having half of his body burst open, Arnold drew his bow until the limit.

‘…… Master, I realized the reason why I draw my bow. …… I want to protect this person. …… Your daughter’s, this person’s smile ……’

Arnold smiled and quietly muttered.

Of course, Arnold had never studied under Cornelia, who had died prematurely, nor had he met Queen Scarlet as a child.
It would be more natural to assume that Arnold’s memories were not of reality, but that his clouded consciousness on the verge of death projected the illusion that Alisa had just shown him. Arnold knew from experience that he had seen such illusions in extreme conditions, such as on the verge of freezing to death. Even so, Arnold could not dismiss what he had seen as an illusion. The vivid sensation still remained.

No, it is not only remaining. Because she is still standing in front of Arnold, as if to encourage him.

「…… You’ve done great to arrive at the answer. Now draw your bow. Melville’s arrow is invincible when protecting someone.」

With her bow at the ready, Master Cornelia bent her head and smiled gently at Arnold over her shoulder.
The fur she wore on her back swayed. Long leather boots covered her slender legs. Her green-colored clothes made her look like a guardian spirit of the forest. He immediately recognized it as the Melville’s war costume that he had heard so much about from the rumors.
Her eyes had the same green shade as the forest and were telling Arnold to please protect her daughter.

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