Chapter 62 Part 4 – Two great rivals cannot coexist. However, Alisa proposes an unexpected offer to 「The Bradd from the True History」.

Ageros’s words were filled with a passion that surprised even himself.
Alisa laughed.

「…… Fufufu, you are willing to exchange your life in return for honor. Men are really simple, they have a weakness for knightly tales. Women are more realistic. While dreaming of the prince’s arrival, their hands stab to death anyone who stands in their way. Oh, well. What a pity, Bradd. You should hand over the role of knight for your beloved Margaret to your older brother.」

「Don’t be ridiculous. Margaret and I …… did not have that kind of relationship.」

The 「Bradd from the True History」 smiled bitterly, but he felt somewhat relieved.
It was because he realized that his brother Ageros still had humane feelings.

「I didn’t think you would give such an order to my older brother. Margaret-sama is a hard-working person. I hope she gets rewarded this time ……」

「Ahahahaha!! What kind of misunderstanding are you having? Do you really think that I purposely ordered Ageros for the sake of Margaret’s happiness? What a softy you are. In fact, it’s the opposite. I did that in order to involve Hydrangea in an even bigger war.」

「What ……」

「Alisa-sama ……」

When Alisa suddenly burst out laughing, not only 「Bradd from the True History」 but also Ageros felt daunted. That is just how malicious Alisa’s laughter was.

「Ahahaha, just think about it. The foolish prince and queen’s call for help will give the four great kingdoms an excuse to intervene in Hydrangea’s affairs. They would never let go of that right. The more Margaret rejects the interference of the four great kingdoms, the more they will become desperate and get serious. Then they would soon start sending troops. Moreover, there are several kingdoms that are stronger than this kingdom. If she takes even one wrong step, the future that awaits Hydrangea is a burnt field and the cession of territory. In other words, Ageros, you have to be prepared to make enemies of all four great kingdoms. How’s that sound? Don’t you think it will be a great training?」

It was equivalent to a death sentence for Ageros, who was sickly and had little endurance.
Ageros turned pale and fell silent, while 「Bradd from the True History」 became angry and flared up at Alisa.

「You bastard, what a dirty trick ……!!」

Alisa brushed it off calmly.

「Oh my, you’re barking up the wrong tree. All of that will be brought about by the royalty of this kingdom. …… Through the measures that Scarlet had made, the royal family has gained power and wealth. Power is a poison that drives people crazy. Even if someone was a good person in the previous 「108 times」, under different conditions, that person can easily become evil. Knowledge of the future does not always lead to good outcomes. Even with all her experience as a queen, that girl is not very cognizant of that. If it was me, I would have given power to the royal family after killing all the possible candidates for succession except for Princess Margaret. Well, it’s too late now. After all, the four great kingdoms have already been invited into this kingdom.」

Alisa’s idea was terrifying, but she hit the nail on the head.
The two of them can only stay silent and listen to her.
Especially the 「Bradd from the True History」, who knows firsthand how stern and competent Alisa was in the 「True History」.

「If Margaret wants to keep Hydrangea alive during her ruling, the only way is for her to marry into one of the four great kingdoms and become a queen of that kingdom as well as the queen of Hydrangea. However, that will not happen. Do you know why?」

Alisa asked the question with an expression like a cat teasing a mouse.

The 「Bradd from the True History」 answered with an unpleasant expression.

「…… The reason is probably Scarlet. If they take Margaret-sama as their spouse, they will not be able to claim the title of the successor of the『True Emperor』that they can have by marrying Scarlet. Those who truly aim for the unification of the continent want to have Scarlet as their wife at any cost.」

「That’s correct. Because of Seraphy’s ploy, the four princes are unable to tell whether Scarlet is a man or a woman, so they’re currently refraining from laying their hands on her. But they are seriously considering abducting her in order to find out her gender.」

「…… Even if it’s the four great kingdoms, Scarlet will not be defeated so easily. Not to mention that this time the duke’s mansion has been fortified and her father, the Crimson Duke, and her mother are alive and well. There’s also the〈Lawless Crew〉, Seraphy, and the Imperial Guards ……」

The 「Bradd from the True History」 refuted, but Alisa’s next words easily dispelled it.

「…… Ahahaha, are you trying to say that Scarlet can depend on her family and allies. And that she also has the knowledge cheat. But you know what? This time, it is not only me, Scarlet, and you who have the memories of the loops. Solomon does too. He has become the running dog of 「Time」 to correct history. He seems to have his own agenda though, which should be why he is in an alliance with me for the time being ……」


Those words of hers had the power to make the 「Bradd from the True History」 become speechless.
He couldn’t hide his shock at the unexpected betrayal of his former sworn friend, but he also admitted that it was possible for Solomon, who was a demon of learning, to have done it.

「That’s right. He has even been given all the special abilities of the five heroes. On top of that, his body has been strengthened and he is armed with knowledge and techniques. …… He’s strong, so strong that even you and I could lose our footing. And there is a possibility that Solomon is not the only running dog of 「Time」. The movements of the four great kingdoms are very suspicious. I don’t know who it is, but I smell a person who has the knowledge of the loops lurking behind the scenes.」

「No way ……」

「Don’t underestimate a woman’s sense of smell. I wonder if you’ll be able to protect Scarlet, when you can barely maintain your existence inside the ruby. It’s not just the young Bradd’s body that’s at its limit. It’s your soul, too. If I defeat you right here and now, you will probably never appear again. For me, this is the best opportunity to destroy my greatest enemy.」

「Tch ……!!」

The 「Bradd from the True History」 mustered up the little remaining energy left in 「him」 and directed it toward Alisa, who was clad in an icy atmosphere.

「Ahahaha, with that body that has reached its limits, you’re going to fight me?」

A sharp blow of air hit the sky.
That was the answer to Alisa’s taunt.
「He」 excessively concentrated 「his」 senses to unleash an all-or-nothing blow.
The atmosphere tensed up.
With a determination that 「he」 would not mind whatever happens to 「him」, everything was converging toward the blow.

However, the desire of 「Bradd from the True History」 to recover from a hopeless situation was meaningless in front of Alisa.

「…… Ahahaha!! Come, Managallam.」

Alisa extended one hand like the goddess of the moon.

In response to her call, a huge silver white beast suddenly appeared to protect Alisa. Even with its long muzzle and sharp fangs, its appearance somehow looked divine. The mane on its back shone in the moonlight and its crimson eyes looked down on the 「Bradd from the True History」 from above.

Its size was so huge that it even made one of the Seven Phantoms, Phantasma, look like a child. It was truly a testament that it is a direct descendant of the demon dog Gallam.

「Fufu, I wonder if that made you a little surprised. The demon dog Gallam has 5 offspring, but Managallam is my favorite among them all.」

Alisa caressed the demon dog Managallam, who bent down like a small mountain and brought its face closer.

The 「Bradd from the True History」 realized that he had been driven into a corner.

In this world where time seems to have stopped, Managallam was able to move freely.
That meant that this demon dog had mastered the same level of ‘Dark Illusion’ as the rest of them.
Since all of them were on the same playing field, 「he」 would have no other choice but to fight against this huge demon dog with brute force.
But in terms of pure strength, this dog is probably unbeatable.
If he were to fight both Alisa and this demon dog at the same time, he would not stand a chance in all likelihood.

At that moment, Alisa made an unexpected proposal.

「Bradd, let’s have a truce.」

The 「Bradd from the True History」 could not believe his ears, but Alisa continued regardless.

「The young Bradd who owns that body will become the trump card against me. I will give you time to nurture him. In exchange, I want you to stay out of my way. I want to live together with Scarlet. Fufu, like sisters, like best friends, like lovers, always together ever since we were young ……」

Alisa’s cheeks blushed and she let out a sigh.

「Cry and be thankful. Instead of you, the imperfect man, from now on I, a woman, will protect Scarlet by her side. To the point that she will be captivated with me in both body and heart. If you reject this offer, then …… I will mobilize all of the Seven Phantoms and over 200 demon dogs to scorch Hydrangea right now. Ahahaha, so what’s your answer?」

Alisa let out a terrifying smile.

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