Chapter 64 Part 2 – Why do people turn hostile over small conflicts? Countess Rosenthal recounts the night my mother became ill at heart. There was a hidden, sad reason for it.

That is the reason why the countess tried to help Cornelia from the shadows.
She heard that Cornelia is not familiar with the high society.
In that case, she would help Cornelia from the shadows so that she could remain unblemished and dignified as she is.
She felt that it was the only thing she could do for Wendell.

When Cornelia was tricked by her parents-in-law, Marquis Vygod and his wife, into going to an evening party of the 「red nobles」, it was the countess who secretly arranged for Wendell to hear about it. She also offered her mansion as the venue for the evening party because she thought she would be able to keep an eye on Cornelia if it’s held there. Countess Rosenthal was serious about protecting Cornelia.

…… Until she met the timid Cornelia again that night.

The countess was as shocked as if she had been hit on the head with a large hammer.
She did not expect Cornelia to be so unfamiliar with the high society.
In contrast to her radiant appearance at the coronation ceremony, her appearance this time was lackluster.
And above all, she didn’t like her servile attitude that seemed as if she was trying to please everyone around her.
The way she got flustered by the continuous ill-natured questions was even worse than the performance of someone in a debutante.

For the sake of her beloved Crimson Duke Wendell, Cornelia is trying to get used to the aristocratic society, which she was not very good at. Even though she was being ridiculed and pushed around, she persevered courageously. The countess understood her feelings. But no. That was not enough.

The countess bit her lower lip behind her folding fan.
She desperately suppressed the urge to yell at her.
The Crimson Duke is the living legend of Hydrangea.
His name is equivalent to 10,000 reinforcements for the soldiers on the battlefield.
Even in the face of desperate odds, they will be inspired by his presence.
And yet, why is his spouse Cornelia excessively trying to flatter these fools?
Her actions itself are a disgrace to his dignity.

The unfortunate discord between the two women began here.

Countess Rosenthal did not know that Cornelia was tricked into going to the party by her parents-in-law, Marquis Vygod and his wife. Cornelia also had no way of knowing what was going on in the mind of the countess, who was supposed to be her only ally here, nor did she understand why she was being stared at by a group of beautiful ladies with a lot of cronies. She was covered in cold sweat and averted her gaze. Even though she was a prodigy in archery, Cornelia was not good with socialization. Her mind was already overwhelmed just by the fact that she’s attending such a glamorous evening party.

That action of hers also displeased Countess Rosenthal.

How can the spouse of the Crimson Duke be intimidated by her?
If she was not good at socializing in the high society, she should not have come out here.

The Crimson Duke was famous for keeping his wife Cornelia out of the public eye.
He laughed, 「I don’t want my wife to be exposed to the eyes of other men, it’s the possessive desire of a mere man.」 In aristocratic society, where socialization is so important, it was extremely absurd. Still, those who saw Cornelia’s beauty at the coronation ceremony were convinced by his words, even though they still laughed at him.

…… The Crimson Duke was willing to become a laughingstock in order to protect the honor of his beloved Cornelia.
He knew very well what would happen if she were to be exposed to the nasty eyes of the nobles on the stage.
And yet, the protected Cornelia herself ruined that thoughtfulness of his.

She was like a stupid beast who has come here to trap herself.

Why can’t she see that her own value will plummet and that her spouse’s value will drop as well!?
How foolish, the countess thought in despondency.
Had she overestimated Cornelia?

At this point, however, the countess still maintained her composure.
At least, she had no intention of abandoning Cornelia.
However, fate had begun to roll toward a cruel ending.

「…… Hohoho, I wonder what the duchess likes to do for a hobby?」

「I can play a little music ……」

Asked the pompous lady beside Cornelis.
Hearing her question, Cornelia answered enthusiastically.
It was a thoughtless act.
Conversations held in high society are different from casual chatterings.

It is necessary to carefully discern the other party’s true intentions and dance gracefully to it.
There was no time for Countess Rosenthal to stop her.
It further reinforced her disappointment.
But there was a reason why Cornelia, who is usually cautious in her actions, had gotten ahead of herself.

「…… Cornelia, you have a deep knowledge about paintings, don’t you?」

In a sickeningly coaxing tone, her mother-in-law, Marchioness Vygod, interrupted the conversation.
Cornelia’s green eyes shook with confusion.

「Eh ……? Paintings?」

Her mother-in-law had taught her to concentrate and study on the topic of music in preparation for this evening party. She was told to not forget to appeal about that and to actively participate in the conversation. She also told her that she would support her. That is why she responded to the question.
The naive Cornelia still did not realize that it was a trap.

「M-Mother-in-law? Why are you ……」

Her feeble voice of doubt was drowned out by the onslaught of questions from the 「red nobles」.

「How promising. The people here are all fascinated by paintings.」

「Those who cannot understand the beauty of paintings are not human. They are beasts.」

「So, duchess, which painters and works of art do you like? I like ……」

Then she said the title of the painting displayed in the entrance hall of the palace and the name of its painter.

「His paintings are truly wonderful. What does the duchess think about him?」

「Y-Yes, I think he’s wonderful too.」

‘…… What a ridiculous response!?’

Countess Rosenthal was stunned. Cornelia’s response would surely receive negative points.
From where she was, she couldn’t see that the Marchioness Vygod beside Cornelia was nudging her to urge her to quickly reply.

As soon as Cornelia vaguely chimed in, a burst of laughter erupted.
They deliberately tested Cornelia by naming a painter who did not exist.

「It seems like the duchess likes to appreciate artworks.」

The ugliness of everyone’s thinly veiled laughter was accentuated by the fact that they were all dressed up.
Marquis Vygod and his wife had informed them in advance that Cornelia was not familiar with paintings.

「Now then, let us talk all night about the history of the factions in the royal palace. The painting enthusiast duchess. When talking about the ancestors who rejuvenated the kingdom, that person is ……」

Those people attacked even further.
It was a dirty set-up.
Countess Rosenthal had also been caught in this trap several times when she was young.
Cornelia’s complexion was pale.
She could not even tell whether what they said was a lie or the truth.
She felt like crying.
She realized that the musical knowledge she had spent a month pounding into her head was not helpful at all in this situation.
She had not studied anything else other than what her mother-in-law had suggested to her.

「About paintings, I-I ……」

Even so, the honest Cornelia tried to confess her ignorance as soon as possible.
That was the only way to avoid a fatal blow at the price of being ridiculed.

That’s okay. That is the right response.

Countess Rosenthal appreciated the courage she mustered in isolation and helplessness.
She started considering what she could do.

The countess decided that she would talk about music, struck up a conversation with Cornelia, and pretend to be on good terms with her. If she joins the conversation, she would be able to control the topic and isolate Cornelia from the malice of Marquis Vygod and his wife. The 「red nobles」 also would not be able to interfere. She has that level of power. After thinking so, she was about to step out to offer a helping hand.

But her feet stopped dead in their tracks.

Marchioness Vygod was rebuking Cornelia.

「Cornelia, you certainly told me that you were knowledgeable about paintings, didn’t you? Or are you trying to tell me that my old ears misheard you? In order to cover up your ignorance, you are trying to humiliate me here ……!! Ahh, I can’t believe that I’m being humiliated like this at my age. Why are you staring at me with such a scary gaze ……」

「Ooh, my dear wife. I can’t believe that my beloved son’s wife would bite us on the back. Is this the reward for being a good person? Everyone, please sympathize with my wife’s grief.」

Marchioness Vygod twisted her body and touched the corner of her eye with a handkerchief.
Voices of false sympathy spring up.
Her husband, Marquis Vygod, deliberately held out his hands and performed a cheap drama to appeal to the people around them.
Cornelia did not notice the cruel sneer in their eyes and continued to speak evasively.

「…… No …… I-I’m not saying that mother-in-law has aged ……」

Then she softened her expression and smiled earnestly.

「I’m sorry. I misspoke.」

Cornelia apologized.

The bitter taste of disappointment spread inside Countess Rosenthal’s mouth.

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