Return of the Fallen Volume 1 Chapter 50




Author: Blue_Rat


Garn gently wrapped Alice’s remains in a clean cloth and stored her body within his ring.

(If only I could use a Mind Frey on you. My poor child, forgive this old fool for being too slow. If only I could have gotten to you sooner. Alice, I swear I will find the culprit no matter the cost and your soul will rest easy.)

Garn took to the skies but had to come to a sudden decision. Rust was traveling in the opposite direction that Kazuki and the others were heading. If Garn took the detour to apprehend Rust then the Lodian Wasps might have already devoured the young heroes by the time he reached them. Plus, he still wasn’t 100% sure that Rust had actually done anything. At the moment, everything was speculation and Rust was highly suspicious.

(Should I risk losing precious time to catch Rust or should I rescue the young heroes.)

Garn felt disgusted that the thought even dared cross his mind.

(Bah! What the hell am I thinking?)

Garn took off at his fastest speed, towards the east.

(My life is of little concern when compared to the future the young heroes can build. Alice, I was too late for you but I will not be too late for the young ones. Rust, don’t think that there is any place in this world that you can hide from me.)

Sam was still recovering from mana sickness and could only rely on Shin to carry him. Asuna was in front and led the way, with everyone else in the middle and Kazuki bringing up the rear.

They had fought all day in the early morning then been pursued multiple times and fought multiple times with the armored Scron wolf cub and now they were being chased by a large swarm of Lodian Wasps. The fact of the matter was, they were all on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion.

These bugs had followed them for several miles and were close in speed to them but because Kazuki and the rest had to circle around obstacles like trees, shabby and muddy terrain, and their already tired bodies slowing them down, the Lodian Wasps constantly gained on them. The fact that the bugs could fly gave them an added advantage. Since they could avoid all obstacles by staying at a certain height, the closing gap between them and the heroes only shrank further.

Danny looked back and could see the Lodian Wasps were just about upon them and turned pale white.

“Ryuta, can’t you blast them with some fire or something? You haven’t used your magic once today, you should have plenty of power to spare.”

“I’ll try, you just focus on what’s in front of you.”

Danny turned around and almost collided with a tree. With a close brush, he took Kazuki’s advice and concentrated face forward.

Since his Mage Core still hadn’t been reforged yet, Kazuki could only use his ancient hand symbols to perform magic but to do so required concentration. That and the fact that he was trying to gather power while running and almost exhausted, was something truly difficult to do.

(Damn, if only I had a spare moment then I could probably clear out half these little bastards in one go.)

Kazuki shook his head.

“It’s no use, I can’t concentrate while running like this.”

The Lodian Wasps got closer and closer, so close in fact that they could be heard buzzing only a few inches from behind Kazuki.

(Damn, I can increase my speed with Ki but in doing so these Wasps will go after the others once I pass them, should I just leave them behind. If they die in battle I can’t be blamed for that. No, I may be cold but not to that level. Should I just say fuck it and actually…)

“I’ve got this.”

Kazuki’s mind was spinning on what to do when Kimi shouted from the middle and her ring began to shine.

“Everyone get ready to close your eyes when I say.”

Asuna slowed her pace slightly and grabbed Kimi’s shoulder with worry.

“Wait! if you use another spell you might collapse with mana sic…”

Kimi completely ignored her words and shouted.


Asuna reflexively slammed her eyes shut.

“Solar Flare!”

An orb of light floated in front of the Lodian Wasps and exploded forth releasing a bright blinding light.


It was only for an instant but the buzzing behind them immediately ceased. Everyone opened their eyes and looked behind them catching the sight of the swarm raining to the ground.

*thud thud thud thud thud*

The ground softly pounded for a moment, as their bodies crashed into the ground.

Everyone inhaled and exhaled a huge breath of relief.


Wiping the sweat from their brows, all eyes focused on Kimi. Shin smiled and set Sam on the ground for a moment.

“Nice one Kimi, talk about reaching deep, hehehe.”

Kimi shook her head.

“I’m just glad we…”

Kimi’s eyes began to roll up in her head and she collapsed to the ground. Asuna ran over in horror.

“Kimi! Kimi!”

Kimi’s vision blurred and cold sweat poured from her body in large drops. She could feel her muscles twist and spasm repeatedly, causing a wave of pain to wash over her body again and again.

Danny rushed over to her and knelt down. Examining her for a second, he knew the cause.

“Kimi, can you hear me? If you can hear me you have to try and meditate. Right now you’re experiencing Mana Sickness. Remember what Garn taught us. You have to concentrate your mind on your element and feel for it in your surroundings. Take slow deep breaths and concentrate.”

Kimi was truly trying her best but no matter what she did she couldn’t focus right now. The mental and physical exhaustion combined with the pain brought on by the mana sickness left her too weak to concentrate and right now she could only think of the pain.

Danny could tell that Kimi wasn’t responding. With her shallow breaths and twisted facial expression, the pain she suffered seemed to only be getting worse. Danny knew exactly what she should do and how to do it but there was no way to force her. Seeing his friend in so much pain, Danny grew panic and scared.

“Kimi please, you have to try and concentrate. Guys, she’s not listening what do we do? She’s in so much pain, we have to help her, we have to do something.”

Danny started to hyperventilate. His face paled further and he looked like he was on the verge of passing out.

Asuna walked over and slapped him across the face.

“Danny, breath, this is no time to panic especially when your friend’s suffering. If you have time to do that then you have time to help me figure out what to do.”

Danny snapped back to reality, a single tear rolled down his face and he rubbed his now reddened cheek in pain.

“I don’t think you’re supposed to slap someone when they’re hyperventilating. Aren’t you supposed to give them a bag to breathe in or something?”

Asuna shook her head.

“How would I know, it worked though, didn’t it?”

Kazuki had knelt down next to Kimi and gently held her hand. Passing a bit of his ki into her body, a warm sensation began to fill her and her spasming muscles started to relax. Kimi felt herself slowly calming down a bit. Kazuki leaned forward and whispered something into her ear.

(This girl risked her life and helped save me, the least I can do is help her through this.)

A few seconds later and Kimi’s breathing began to relax. Slowly but surely she fought through the pain and she concentrated on the magic in her surroundings. Feeling her element, her Mage Core like a sponge began to drink in power. The twisted expression upon her face faded and her normal cute appearance slowly returned to normal with each passing breath.

Danny, Shin, and Asuna all looked over in equal parts shock and equal parts surprise. Kimi’s eyelids fluttered before she slowly opened them. She struggled to sit up but found no energy to do so. With a weak smile, she said only a few words.

“Thank you, Ryu…ta.”

Kimi’s eyes once more shut and her breathing relaxed completely. With that, she fell asleep.

Asuna asked curiously.

“Ryuta, what did you do?”

Kazuki stood up and beamed a smile.

“Everyone knows that in order to calm a maiden you must touch their hearts. hahaha.”

Everyone stared at him as though he were an idiot. Feeling a mountain of pressure from their eyes, Kazuki submitted.

“Fine fine fine I’ll tell you. I simply said a few encouraging words.”

Asuna and Danny stared at Kazuki, full of doubt. At the same time, Shin just felt amused.

“What I did, I really did give her some encouraging words.”

Asuna rolled her eyes.

“Oh really, tell me, what words could you have possibly said to get to Kimi’s heart.”

Kazuki smiled confidently.

“Hehehe, I simply told her what she needed most to hear at the moment. I said, [ “Sam needs you.” ] She responded just like I thought she would.”

Everyone suddenly had blank expressions. If that’s really what Kazuki said then it actually made sense. Everyone there knew of Kimi’s feelings for Sam. They had thought it was just a silly crush up to this point but the way Kimi reacted in the cave when Alice was going to transfer the cure-all potion mouth to mouth, told them that Kimi’s affection might actually be genuine.

Shin grabbed his sides and started laughing hysterically.

“Hahahahaha, so it was that, huh? No wonder no wonder. Ryuta, you really do know how to get to a maiden’s heart. So then what words would you use to get to Asuna’s.”

An awkward silence filled the air but in response to that, Shin could only laugh harder.

Kazuki was put on the spot but he knew exactly how the real Ryuta would respond.


Shin’s laughing came to an abrupt end as everyone looked over at the fallen Lodian Wasps. Some of them began to flap their wings as they slowly started to twitch and move about.

Danny was the first to figure out what had happened.

“Shit, Kimi’s attack merely stunned them, we have to run.”

Asuna went into action.

“Shin, you carry Sam, Danny, you’ll grab Kimi, Ryuta, do you think you have enough time to throw out a fireball or two?”

Kazuki shook his head.

“It’s better if we just run. My fireballs won’t even slow them down.”

“OK, Ryuta, you bring up the rear again, while I’ll lead the way. Alright, let’s move.”

Just as Asuna took a step forward something crashed hard in front of her or rather landed. A cloud of dust was kicked up in front of her blocking her vision. Asuna pulled out her dagger and took a fighting stance, however an attack never came. A gale of wind was pushed out in front of her, clearing the dust away.

Asuna with her guard still up suddenly blinked before she called out.

“Master Garn!”

Asuna leaped forward and embraced the old man. A rush of emotion hit her and she felt relief like no other wash over her.

Garn was not one for hugs but with the loss of Alice, a hug was exactly what he needed at this moment. With one hand he held her tight.

“Are you OK, young Asuna?”

Asuna’s eyes watered a bit from this question. She had put on a brave face up to this point but truthfully she had been terrified this entire time. Still, she continued to be brave and wiped the forming tears at the edge of her eyes.

“I’m fine, Kimi and Sam, and those bugs.”

Garn nodded his head and gently moved away from Asuna.

“Stand back.”

Everyone was happy to see Garn and quickly rushed behind him. As the Lodian Wasps began to recover, Garn would give them no chance to take to the skies ever again.

Waving his staff in the air he ordered.


A fireball the size of a fist formed in front of his staff and rapidly grew and grew. Soon it was the size of a melon and then a boulder. Within less than a second it had grown almost 20 feet in diameter.


Garn ordered his flame forward and like an all-consuming giant it crashed down upon the swarm of Wasps.


A wall of flame climbed nearly 50 feet high and turned every last Wasp into nothing more than ash. This had all transpired in less than two seconds.

The Wasps that had chased them for miles and miles and miles. The very same Wasps they could do absolutely nothing against. The same Wasp that exhausted them so, were all killed in a flash by Master Garn.

Everyone stared dumbfoundedly. Master Garn ignored their looks of awe and wrapped everyone in his barrier. Floating high up above the clouds, Master Garn looked down at the Mirian Swamp below in disgust.

“It’s time to go home.”




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