Return of the Fallen Volume 4 Chapter 14



Author: Blue_Rat


“1st Form, Blade of Wind…HOWL FOR ME!”

The tiger beast in front of Kai grew alert. As the matted fur all over its body stood up, it felt a sense of danger from the small human child in front of him.


The beast fought against its natural instincts. Flapping its twisted up wings, it charged at Kai like a demonic shadow.

Kai’s eyes grew sharp and focused. The beast’s movement seemed to slow down in his vision and Kai returned the branch to his side and took a drawing stance. Lowering his waist slightly, his feet spread just right and his drawing shoulder tucked in, Kai inhaled deeply.

The beast appeared in front of him before one could blink and Kai released his breath.


The moment his breath came out, his abdomen contracted with all his might before he released the tension and his arm extended outward in an arch. The blade or rather the branch erupted from his side as he drew it from an imaginary sheath. The beast’s instincts screamed at it internally as it sensed the incoming danger but it was far too late to fall back, the two were too close. The beast snapped open its jaw and aimed for Kai’s swinging arm.

An inch away from Kai’s side, the branch, whipped through the air. Five inches further from his side and the wind began to tear creating a low whistling effect. Finally, when the branch was extended fully, followed by a flick of Kai’s wrist, the branch shredded the air and a howling effect rang in the two’s ears at the same time. The beast large mouth bit down at Kai’s arm but the blade at this moment seemed to separate into two and then three. Whether these were illusion’s after images or real, only Kai knew.

The sharp teeth missed Kai completely and instead it was Kai’s strike that landed. The tree branch slammed into the side of the beast’s head and knocked it sideways like a puppet with cut strings. The Beast’s large house-sized body spun about several times before it came tumbling toward the ground. Before it crashed though Kai’s body moved.

He teleported next to the beast and he returned the branch to his side.

(Again, HOWL FOR ME!)

Kai drew the branch and the air howled as he sliced at the beast. The deformed arms attached at its side were sliced off before it could defend itself. Still, it didn’t sit idly by and twisted its wings at Kai, to try and slap him out of the air and try to regain it’s balance before it crashed. Unfortunately, for the beast, Kai was no longer playing.

Kai didn’t even need to teleport and again drew the branch from his side.


One of the wings was sliced completely through and with a flick, the blade turned around mid-swing and accelerated backward, slicing through the second wing.



The beast hit the ground hard with a loud thud. The wings and arms that were just cut off started to dissipate into light particles and fade away.

Kai smirked at the beast below.

(You may be a mutated fused abomination but you can’t face my technique. I really am a geniu…)

Before Kai could finish that thought, the beast climbed back to its feet and shook the damage off. On the side of its face, three marks could clearly be seen from Kai’s branch. It’s head dangled low from its neck as though it were broken. The beast whipped its head upward and a large *Crack* was heard. The red glow in the beast eye grew more intense and it released a might roar.


The wings and arms that were cut away and were disappearing into the void, reversed from destruction and regained their form. The very next instant they flew up into the air and raced toward the beast as though they were being guided back home.

*Chckk Grckkk*

The body parts landed on the beast with a dull impact like soft dough being slapped and reattached themselves to its body.

With a hard flap, the tiger beast returned to the sky and stared at Kai with a maddening look.

(Hmm, this beast has become confident because it didn’t die when in truth It only lives because I allow it. How stupid of it. If little dummy didn’t need you alive, I would have already taken your head from your body.)

The tiger launched itself forward without warning.

“Another frontal attack, and here I thought you were actually starting to learn.”

Just as the beast approached and went for a bite, it suddenly opened it’s wingspan out fully causing it to stop mid-air just as Kai swung his sword. The beast flapped its wings again and flew past Kai’s side with its sharp taloned foot. Kai was a bit slow this time in his reaction and brought the branch up to his side in delay.


The beast turned around and stared at Kai with a toothy grin. Kai didn’t have to look down to realize what had happened. A few particles of light appeared on his side as a gash opened upon him. Instead of blood flowing, a few particles of him vanished into the void. Kai grabbed at his side and covered his wound, the next instant he wiped at the wound and it was gone. In its place, his body seemed to shrink an insignificant and unnoticeable amount.

Aggravated and annoyed with both the tiger beast and himself, Kai gripped the branch tighter in his hands.

“It seems you wish to piss me off. Congratulations, you’ve done just that. Now you will experience pain.”

(I can’t take your head without killing you but you’re still a soul fragment and your powers aren’t infinite. If you’re like me, then reforming your body requires something to maintain itself. Let’s see how small you can get without dying.)

Kai returned the tiger a fiendish grin and teleported forward.



Abura’s eyes snapped open and he found himself naked on top of a frozen lake. Although he felt no cold due to his fat, he still felt a shiver as he saw that all of his clothes were taken from him and Kazuki sat comfortably a few feet away.

“What…what did you do to me? You took advantage!?”


“Hey you big meanie, I’m talking to you.”

Abura ran over at Kazuki and punched him in the face.


Kazuki’s nose broke on impact and blood spurted everywhere. Kazuki was thrown backward from the blow and landed on the ice face down.

Abura wondered why Kazuki didn’t defend himself and wondered if his fist had simply been too fast or something.

Inspecting his fist, he grew curious.

(Why didn’t he move away or try to block? Am I just that amazing?)

Abura looked at the still unmoving Kazuki laying face down and back at his fist. Nodding to himself he figured it was true.

“Of course I’m this amazing. Boss will be so proud of me. yep yep yep, hehehe”

Abura ran over to Kazuki and turned him over. There was a calm expression on Kazuki’s face as though he were unaffected by the punch.
At first, he thought Kazuki was dead and grew terrified but then he leaned closer and felt Kazuki’s breath tickle his ear.
Abura felt disgusted by that and kicked Kazuki in the side.

“Don’t do that, that’s yucky.”

Abura accidentally used to much strength and Kazuki’s body was sent rolling a dozen feet away and almost fell into an open hole in the ice. Abura grew panicked as he raced ahead and grabbed Kazuki before he sunk to a frozen death.

“Phew, I’m too strong.”

Abura was again curious about Kazuki. He wondered if maybe Kazuki was faking it. He felt that if someone hit him that hard, he would wake up right away but seeing no movement, he decided Kazuki was simply knocked out in a deep sleep. Abura nodded and looked at his fist with glee.

(Yep my punch was just too amazing, no one can fake sleep that good. I just knocked him too hard. Hopefully boss won’t get mad if he stays asleep like this. I won’t be blamed will I?)

Putting on his clothes Abura looked around and found his boot. Picking it up, he found several broken Nexar crystals and Beast cores. Seeing the Beast cores, he immediately jumped backward in shock, fearing they may go off.

Abura remained still for a moment before he relaxed a little.

“Scary, too scary.”

Abura slowly approached and breathed in relief when he sniffed the air and felt no magic coming from the items whatsoever. He did though find something odd. A small golden compass sat in the center. Picking it up, Abura gave it a curious sniff. As soon as he did, he smelled something he’d never smelled before but he knew right away it was something incredible.

“This…this is a treasure!”

Abura put everything on and tried to store the compass in his storage ring. As soon as he did though.

*Tzzt tzzt*

A small arch of electricity sparked up on both the compass and his storage ring. This didn’t discourage Abura though, instead, his expression grew more excited.

“Boss will love this. I not only got Kazuki but I also got a treasure for the boss.”

Abura put the compass around his neck. The chain connecting it was barely big enough to go around his neck but still he managed.

Abura was so happy that he skipped around before he picked up Kazuki and slumped his limp body over his shoulder.

He tried to fly in the air but found he was very tired, so instead, he decided to run but as soon as he tried he noticed that his boot wasn’t working properly. Taking it off, he saw that there was a crack through the inscription in his boot.

“It’s broken, since when?”

Abura felt heartbroken. This was his favorite boot. Not the left one but the right but now it was ruined. Abura almost wanted to cry but then he remembered the treasure around his neck.

(Boss will reward me won’t he. I bet he’ll give me even better cooler boots. Ones that won’t break and I’ll be super super fast just like before. No, I’ll be even faster.)

Abura nodded to himself and his happy mood returned. Sniffing the air, Abura’s brows furrowed.

(Why is boss’s smell so far away and it’s getting further away.)

“Ah, thinking is too hard. I’ll just go meet boss, he can help me think.”

Grabbing Kazuki by his ankle, Abura shrugged his shoulders and simply began to drag Kazuki behind him.



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