Return of the Fallen Volume 4 Chapter 45



Author: Blue_Rat


The room was a near all-white with a golden trim around the ceiling. A crystal a silver-white chandelier hung from the center and was alight with bright crystals. A large kingsized bed aligned with silk soft sheets sat in the middle of the room. Mei was, of course, the first to run and dive at the bed.

Before she landed though, Tsura scooped her up and out of the air before scolding her.

“Look at you, you’re covered in filth. Do you want to turn the bed into your personal pigsty? Your hair is greasy and your hands have oil and crumbs all over them from the food. No no no this will not do, come with me.”

Tsura carried a reluctant Mei towards a large bathroom off to the side.
Nunully was staring at Kazuki’s back before Tsura turned around.

“Nunully, what are you doing, are you not joining us?”

“Eh, uhm yes.”

Nunully tore her eyes away from Kazuki and followed Tsura and Mei in, a small grumbling under her breath.

With a bit of quiet, Kazuki sat down in a meditative position and closed his eyes. His mind focused and when he reopened his eyes, his brother was already staring at him.

“So you’ve returned, it’s been a while.”

Kazuki thought about the time difference between the outside world and his soul world and agreed.

“Sorry about that but I’m sure you’ve observed what’s happened since we last chatted. I was just trying to do my best to get everyone here. Even when we got here a few inconveniences ended up happening. Now that we’ve gotten some supplies and a room, I can actually take a breath.”

“Yes, I saw. That Degra character wants to use you.”

“Hmm, and why do you say that?”

Kai crossed his arms over his chest.

“Isn’t it obvious? Why else would he allow you to leave so easily?”

“You think that was easy, I’d hate to see what was difficult then.”

Kai pointed at the clouds in the sky and replayed a few of Kazuki’s memories. The clouds sped up and reshaped until a memory began to play.

“You may have struck a bit of fear in him but he seems the type to get over that quite quickly, otherwise, there’s no way someone like that becomes a boss of the criminal underground. You saw how many people he had working under him. He’s not the only 3rd stage Mage and he has several 2nd stage and first stage Mages as henchmen. When your attack melted the gold through the floor, it was only a few seconds before some of hs Mages put your flames out. If they didn’t work fast enough, your blue fire would have gone through another floor.”

Kazuki felt smug and proud but Kai wasn’t praising him and delivered a punch to the back of his head.


“Little dummy, don’t get full of your self. Are you really playing a fool or are you the fool?”

Kazuki was a little lost.

“Listen to my words. He had Mages that snuffed out your blue flames in an instant. Were you to really go up against his organization entirely and those few water Mages resided behind a large group, how would you get to them. There water and ice would rob you of your greatest weapon. They would snipe your flame from afar and soak you from head to toe than what?”


“Yeah, oh. Plus, you didn’t see all of his forces but you, on the other hand, showed most of your hand. He knows you have odd energy different from magic but he also knows you use that dangerous blue flame. Even your speed, he knows that he might not be your equal in that department. How much of an advantage would you have been in if you held that detail back? You could have gotten in close and when he thinks he has you, you suddenly accelerate all at once and deliver the killing blow. Now that he knows you have this terrifying speed, I doubt he’ll engage you in close combat again. You need to stop reacting so much and take considerations for a few things before you go wild.”

Kazuki felt Kai’s words hit him repeatedly like a hammer. Kazuki considered himself smart but he had made so many mistakes all at once. When it came to combat, his brother truly was steps ahead of him. Even now Kazuki tries his best to not just react to situations but sometimes, his instincts just seem to take over. Just like that time when he was fighting Zetsu and he lost himself to anger or when he recently fought Aburah. Once he reforged his Mage core, he released all of his pent up aggression and fucked Abura up.

“But how does any of this mean, he’s trying to use me?”

“A guy like that, do you think that type of person can let a humiliation like what you delivered to him, do you think he could let that go?”

Kai shook his head.

“You stole from him and then when he confronted you, you called him a liar then after he held his employee as a hostage you admit it but you kick his guard’s asses repeatedly and even wound him. Also when he told you to pay back your debt, you two minced words again and then you melted his money and destroyed part of his business before threatening him and then just walking out. Tell me, could you let such humiliation go?”

Kazuki rubbed his head in frustration.

“What in the 7 realms of hell, should I have just let that asshole be. He threatened me first and forced my hand so to speak. What would you have had me do, just lay down and take that shit!?”

Kai appeared before Kazuki and was about to punch him on the head once more. Kazuki was a little more prepared this time and saw it coming and blocked. Just as Kai’s fist came down though, his arm split into three and struck Kazuki in stomach, chest, and chin, knocking him on his ass.


Kai stood in front of him.

“Did I say that you should just give in and let people roll over you. I simply want my baby bro to think for once. Had you went with his men first when they told you to come with them instead of fighting with them, the whole situation could have been overturned. You could have thrown that Degra fella off right from the start. You didn’t even imagine that someone would discover your ki and so you use it willy nilly without even trying to understand your opponent. When he told you to pay back your debt you could have simply said yes. Then right after you leave his underground you gather supplies and then just leave the city. Your literally just here to get supplies and shit. You could have agreed and then never seen him again after one or two days but no, your first instinct was to fight and for what, some women who dealt you dice.”

Kazuki stretched his back painfully.

“I get it, I didn’t think and made a mess of situations that could have all gone a whole lot smoother but its too late, whats happened happened.”

“No, you don’t get it. This man let you go after suffering that humiliation when he could have gone all out with you and his men. Instead, he’s thinking about the bigger picture, one which involves you. You already know he has men following you. That man who you framed with blue candy.”

Kai paused for a moment as the memory was played out in the clouds up above. Kai’s serious expression lightened a bit and a small chuckle came from him.

Kazuki smiled.

“That guy never saw it coming and the face he made when he pulled it out of his pocket, priceless, hehehe.”

Kai sighed.

“Truly devious, not that I hate that side of you. Look, all I’m saying is that you need to be a bit more tactful sometimes. When your out in the midst of the chaos and no amount of planning can help you, I understand following your instinct, I really do but remember sometimes thinking ahead will save you from ever having to rely on something so unreliable.”

“So you think my instincts aren’t reliable?”

Kai tilted his head before he threw out another punch. Kazuki tried to block again but the punch split into three once again and struck him in two out of three places. Kai shook his head.

“And what did your instinct tell you about my fist just then. Or will you try and claim you didn’t listen to your instinct on that one and you want another chance to prove how reliable it actually is.”

Kazuki smiled and shook his head.

“No, my instincts told me that your punches wouldn’t kill me and guess what, they were right, hehehe.”

Kai’s eyelid twitched before he sighed once more.

“Look here, you little dummy.”

Just as Kai was about to scold Kazuki once more a voice rocked the entire city.




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