Return of the Fallen Volume 4 Chapter 83



Author: Blue_Rat


Triska’s eyes shot open and she calmly spoke.

“Feel my power and accept your death.”

At that exact moment, Degra and Mei both felt as though they had crashed headfirst into an unmovable object. A force of wind exploded away from Triska shattering Degra’s dark lance and slamming into Mei and Degra, launching them into the distance.

Mei and Degra were barreling out of control and it took everything in her power to restabilize herself.

Blood poured out from both of their mouths from this attack and they could only land but it wasn’t over. The four funnels of concentrated air had already touched down and gained strength, twisting into 4 large tornadoes.

These four tornadoes struck the land like a bomb and began dragging anything and everything in their paths into them and up into the air. Men, women, those with enhanced bodies and those with magic, Triska’s people or Degra’s, none of it mattered. If they were in the tornadoes path, they were taken.

Kazuki had just been ready to take flight with Shin but as soon as he witnessed this, everything was thrown out the window. Kazuki grabbed Tsura’s still unconscious body and Shin grabbed Danny before the two rushed to Sam and the others side. Asuna as well ran over and Degra and Mei weren’t far behind.

The men who were just attacking Nunully and Kimi turned tail and fled as quickly as they could. What could they do against a tornado? How could you possibly stand against a force of nature they thought.

It wasn’t just them. The two sides that had been fighting for their life was now running for it instead. At this moment most assumed, Triska had gone mad or insane and there was nothing more they could do but flee.

Kazuki thought differently though.

(She’s willing to sacrifice her own people to destroy Degra and us. This woman only cares for power.)

Kazuki reached Nunully’s side and pointed above them.

“We need shelter, make a dome.”

Nunully didn’t argue and stamped her staff into the ground. A dome big enough to cover everyone started to form. Dense thick ice crawled up from the ground and climbed upward, encasing them all in a dome of ice. This wasn’t enough though. The dome was heavy, incredibly so but the force of four tornadoes began to lift the top up.

“Nunully! Use your ice to give this thing some roots! Dig them into the ground and stone beneath us and tangle them up! HURRY!”

Nunully’s blue eyes started to glow as she willed her power forth. With the image of a tree root system in her mind, she controlled her ice as though it were several arms. The ice, bound to the dome dug itself deep underground. Twisting turning sometimes even forming knots. By the time her ice roots were finished, it looked like long snakes stretching beneath them.

The dome became solid and stable and no longer threatened to fly away.

Degra took this opportunity to laugh at their failure.

“So this is how we die. Stuck in a bubble, just waiting to be crushed or shredded by her wind.”

Mei reverted back to her human form and trembled. She quickly put on a dress but still couldn’t help but shake in fear.

“Big bro big sis, what do we do. Big bro Danny is dead and mama won’t wake up. I…I’m scared.”

Kazuki tried to lift his arm but his shoulder hadn’t healed and the motion caused him to grunt in pain. Still, he managed to smile.

“Mei Mei, don’t think about that right now. Big bro, I’ll figure this all out ok?”

Mei was too terrified to even answer but jumped in Kazuki’s arms desperately. Kazuki could only manage to hold her with his good arm and just held her for a moment before he pushed her away.

“Mei, give me a moment to think of something. Can you do me a favor and try to cheer up big sis while I figure this out?”

Mei nodded and wiped a few tears from her face before running over to Asuna and the others.

Kazuki grew quiet as he tried to think this through. Nunully’s dome had bought them some time but who knew how long this would last. Kazuki didn’t even know if the tornadoes raging outside would go for another five minutes or another five days, there was no way of telling.


The sound of dozens of trees being torn from the ground rang out and a few even pounded into the side of the dome. Several long cracks formed on the side of the dome and stretched out. Nunully quickly directed her power to the damaged spot and the ice fused back together.

This happened again and again, and repeatedly Nunully would have to repair the cracks before it was too late. Kazuki could already see the toll it was taking.

“Degra, how do we get out of this, there must be someway right?”

Degra looked at Kazuki as if he just heard the stupidest thing ever.

“If I knew a way out of this, do you think I’d be stuck in this tomb with all of you? Damn, to think she really had such a power. I knew her control over wind was strong but to this extent. She really will stop at nothing to see me dead.”

Kimi growled at Degra.

“You speak as if you knew she was capable of this.”

“Capable maybe but knowing whether or not she could actually use it is a different story entirely. I mean, I’ve known her for several years and we’ve fought a few times but she’s never revealed this. She’s truly going all out to take my neck.”

Kimi didn’t buy it.

“You two have fought repeatedly but she’s never used this ability. Are you sure you’re not just lying?”

“For what reason would I lie!? You saw what her power is doing. If I knew about this beforehand, I would have never have left Gentis city, my underground empire be damned.”

Kazuki was trying to clear his head and come up with a plan but something was bothering him.

“Degra, how come she never used this attack beforehand. She’s had a way to deal with your ability all this time but only now pulls this. I don’t get it. She could have ripped your world apart long ago and taken everything from you. You mentioned a balance of power between you, her, and the city lord but her power defies all of that. She completely tips the scales and can wipe you all out and claim it all. Why wouldn’t she use her power before?”

Degra himself began to wonder before something came to him.

“Hmm, it’s probably because I haven’t left Gentis for more than a decade. I suppose I have yet to give her the chance to use it. With me in the city, the casualties would be enormous.”

Kazuki waved that one away in an instant.

“You think she’s concerned with the lives of innocent people? Did you not just see what she just did to her own men. Nah, there has to be another reason.”

Kazuki thought for a moment before he recalled something Degra mentioned the other day.

“Didn’t you say she has a sister? Could it be she won’t use that move in the city because her sister is there?”

Degra thought for a moment before answering.

“No, while I do believe she does care for her sister, as a matter of fact, I’m betting on it, I doubt she would hold back for that reason alone. Especially when the solution to that is to simply move her sister to someplace safe. Another city, another country, where I can’t touch her, hehe. No, when I think about it, I’d say it comes down to one reason or rather one person. Garn.”

Hearing that name, everyone’s ears perked up.

“Garn, what does he have to do with this?”

“If hundreds or thousands of people suddenly die in one of his cities because some thugs started a battle in the middle of the streets, where in this wide world could we go without him finding us. He would surely seek our heads. Outside the city is different though. At least I think I get what Triska is thinking. Out here in the middle of nowhere, if she kills hundreds of people, that may be bad but the ones she’s killing are criminals and murderers, the dregs of society. Garn wouldn’t give two shits no matter how many of us die. If she kills a few hundred criminals and that allows her to deal with me. She’ll face no consequences. As a matter of fact, she’ll only see a mass boon to her wealth, power, and territory. It’s no wonder she doesn’t care about her subordinates. A sacrifice anyone in her position would do in a heartbeat. Kill a few hundred rats to rule a city, not a bad deal, don’t you think?”



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