Return of the Fallen Volume 5 Chapter 21



Author: Blue_Rat


Etora struck a pose and flexed his biceps. Etora was tall, around 7 feet or so but his frame was thin. His biceps as well were barely noticeable and nothing to brag about but Kazuki knew he wasn’t full of shit. Kazuki went quiet thinking about his strength but Etora took it as Kazuki dismissing him.

“What want me to prove it?”


Kazuki was lost in thought when he felt a powerful force tugging at him. The next thing he knew his entire vision blurred and he felt his body lighten. This had only lasted for maybe half a second before Kazuki found himself on top of a mountain peaking out over the valley.


Etora smiled and pointed down the mountain and into the valley. Following his finger, Kazuki could just barely make out a house nestled quietly deep within the valley.


“That’s big bros house down there. I had to take you all the way out here, otherwise big bro will get pissed if I mess up more of his stuff.”

From this distance, it was clear that Etora had moved them both several miles away almost instantly. This wasn’t teleportation, this wasn’t magic at all. It was pure speed. The only thing Kazuki could compare it to was teleportation though or maybe the speed of lightning. Except there was no trace or feeling of magic nor the chaos of a lightning bolt.

“To move at such a speed, how is that even possible? Not just the speed but the force of moving that quickly should have ripped our bodies apart. Our cells should have literally torn and exploded from moving like that without the protection of magic or something else, yet we’re both fine.”

Etora nodded.

“How can my own body tear apart from my own power, that wouldn’t make much sense now would it. For you though, I simply covered you in my aura. That way you can move with me without dying.”

“An aura, you have one too?”

Etora took a step backward and a strange pressure spread out around him. Kazuki felt his breathing become heavy in an instant and it was difficult to even move. Even if he could he wouldn’t dare to as Etora’s aura felt like it would pierce through him and kill him on the spot were he to even try.

Etora raised a brow in curiosity.

“This is my aura, it’s one of the reasons why Garn couldn’t crush my spirit while I was imprisoned in that damn floating island of his. With this, I can kill someone without even touching them but of course, there’s no fun in that. The things you can do with an aura, well one of its many uses allows me to use my strength properly. Without it, I probably wouldn’t be able to walk without crushing everything beneath my feet. You speak as if you have an aura but that shouldn’t be the case. By my estimates, your soul shouldn’t be powerful enough to make one, plus for a human to have an aura…that’s incredibly rare. Show me.”

Kazuki looked inward for a moment but a moment later he shook his head. He didn’t have an aura. He was absorbing godly aura from hos compass but most of that energy was used up when Kai helped to preserve Danny’s soul. Right now, Kazuki could feel almost none of it remaining.

“I, don’t have an aura.”

Etora nodded matter of factly.

“Of course not. Even in this world, it is something rare. For a random human to poses, something like this would basically be a miracle. Only if you’re a demigod or an actual god, otherwise it’s something incredibly hard to manifest. Only a genius such as I can…”

Etora could see he was starting to sound arrogant and cut himself short.


“Anyway, enough about my aura it has nothing to do with my power.”

Etora picked up a fist-sized rock and held it in front of Kazuki.

“Here take this rock.”

Kazuki held it within his hands with a question mark above his head.

“Now what?”

“Put your finger through it.”

Kazuki didn’t quite get it but he complied. Using a bit of strength, Kazuki pushed his finger into the rock until there was a hole in it. Etora took the rock back and examined the hole staring at Kazuki through it. He then took the rock and pushed his own finger through it, making another hole. He then tossed it back.

“Take a look.”

Kazuki looked it over but only saw two holes and nothing else.

“Ok, now what?”

“I know you have a sword right? Take it out and cut the rock in half.”

Kazuki shrugged his shoulders before taking out a steel sword. Tossing the rock in the air, Kazuki slashed at the rock dividing it into two nearly equal pieces.

Etora nodded before he made a gesture for the sword. Kazuki obliged and handed it over.

“This sword is pretty sharp.”

Kazuki nodded.

Etora then took his finger and with little power he simply dragged a single fingernail across the blade.


The sword was cut in half and the top half fell off and landed on the ground.

Kazuki was slightly surprised but not overly. He had seen Reya bite through metal so this wasn’t too incredible a sight.

Etora saw this coming and moved on. He reached into his nose and with a small tug, he plucked a hair from within. A little green was still attached but Etora flicked that little nuisance away and held the hair up to the sword. Once more, Etora barely did anything and simply dragged the hair across another part of the blade. Once more…


Another portion of the steel blade was cut and fell to the ground with a clink. This time, Kazuki’s full attention was on Etora.

(A hair cut a blade, How is that possible!?)

A million questions ran through Kazuki’s mind. Even if someone was incredibly strong, even if someone reached the 7th stage as a Mage, there was no way they could cut a blade with a single hair. Maybe with magic, it could be done but just a piece of one’s body, a hair, not possible. Yet here Etora was in front of Kazuki doing this as though it were a parlor trick.

“My body, every single inch from my head to my toes, from my skin to even a single hair, is very very tough, hehe.”

Before Kazuki could process any of this, Etora grabbed him by his shirt collar and leaped off the top of the mountain. Once more Kazuki’s vision blurred and he felt a pull on his entire being. The next thing he knew he was at the base of the mountain. Etora carefully set him down and patted any dirt from his shoulder before Etora teased.

“This hair alone is stronger than nearly all creatures in this world.”

Eora said that casually but Kazuki didn’t doubt it. Etora loved seeing Kazuki’s dumbfounded expression though and decided to step things up a little.

“Hmm, as long as I put it back I don’t think big bro will be too angry at me. At most he can only scold me, after all, I’m not gonna destroy it.”

Etora stood next to the base of the mountain.

“Now have a look at this.”

Etora flattened his hand like a blade and inhaled deeply.


With a mighty shout, he slashed horizontally at the base of the mountain.


A large line ran from one side of the mountain to the other. Etora bent down and placed his hands between the cut and his aura spread out in every direction. Lifting it up, the entire mountain slowly began to rise up. Inch by inch, foot by foot until the entire mountain was held up above his head.

Kazuki’s eyes went wider and wider at first he was completely awed but his very next was how could Etora not sink into the ground. All that weight focused on a single point. Etora should have been pushed into the ground and the mountain should have cracked open having all of its mass gathered just overtop Etora.

The answer though was solved right away. Kazuki could feel Etora’s aura spread out all around him. He could feel it under his feet and he could also sense that it was under the entire mountain. Kazuki recalled what Etora said just moments ago.

(He said if he didn’t have it he wouldn’t be able to walk without crushing the ground beneath him. So his aura must be dispersing his strength properly or controlling it in some way. So aura can be used like this as well.)

Etora moved a hand away and held the entire mountain with one hand. He then proceeded to push the mountain above his head and lower it doing a few reps. The effort he exerted seemed to be minimal. Etora could see Kazuki was lost in thought and thought e had gotten bored.

(Not impressed, let see you keep that calm expression after this.)

Etora placed both his hands underneath the mountain and with a strength that made no sense, Etora threw the mountain high up into the air. Kazuki who was standing there deep in thought felt agush of wind as the mountain accelerated upward faster and faster until it broke over the clouds.

Etora had a toothy grin and he shouted.

“Watch this!”

As the mountain began to fall back down, Etora pulled his fist backward before punching upward.



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