Return of the Fallen Volume 6 Chapter 66



Author: Blue_Rat


Oren began rattling things off one after another and Kazuki was having a little trouble keeping up.

“Wait, you’re going far too fast. You said you were able to change the direction of your aura. You don’t mean the actual direction of the energy but rather the pressures downward direction. Am I right?”

Oren gave a nod.

(“Sorry about that. I’ll try to slow things down. For what ya said, you’re correct. My attack changed the direction of the pressure. Normally when one releases their aura out into the world. The natural pressure that comes with it pushes things down or rather the energy itself is just that heavy. So the area ya aura covers is weighted down by the aura itself. Ya good so far?”)

Kazuki gave a nod and Oren moved on.

(“The spiral attack that I hit ya with earlier, one thing that makes it different is the directional change in pressure. Instead of it weighing downward I redirect the weight of it, extending it outward. This might sound confusing but I assure ya it’s simple when ya think about it. If ya recall I made mention of changing the weight of ya aura. If the pressure is naturally falling or pressing downward then by decreasing its weight and reducing it to nearly nothing ya can then send it upwards. After you lighten ya aura’s weight you send it rushing at ya opponent. At the moment of impact like a flip of a switch, ya turn the weight back on. Not only do ya turn it back on but ya focus all of ya aura that would normally cover a wide area down to a single focal point. This gives ya aura real physical impact. If ya can pull out the potential of ya aura and match it with ya strength, the blow can be devastating. Ya with me so far?”)

“So far but how can one lighten the weight of their aura? That I don’t understand.”

Oren could see how it could be confusing. After all, he had said that Aura has weight to it because it is energy and energy has to follow some rules being apart of nature.

(“It’s good ya noticed that. In order to lighten ya aura’s physical weight, ya have to change how ya aura behaves.”)

Kazuki tilted his head in confusion.

(“I know what ya thinking, how does one change the way aura behaves and why does it matter. I’ll answer the second part first. The reason is simple. By changing the way it acts ya can thereby change its uses, giving ya access to a trove of different techniques ya can learn and use. As to how one changes the way their aura behaves, ya have to look at the pressure or weight it exudes. This goes back to why aura has physical weight in the first place and that as I said is because it is a powerful energy and energy has rules it must follow within nature. However just because there are rules does not mean those rules can not be bent slightly. Tell me, knowing what ya know can ya come up with any idea as to how one would lighten their aura knowing that aura at its very base is just another form of energy?”)

Kazuki stood there dumbfounded.

(How the hell can you make energy lighter?)

Kazuki had learned many things back on earth and actually had some extensive knowledge about science but this question stumped him. Kazuki in the end could only shake his head.

(“It makes sense ya couldn’t answer it because it was partly a trick question or rather I didn’t give ya the full details. Aura, I said, is just like any other energy and that in fact was a lie.”)

Kazuki wasn’t even made hearing this, just confused.

“Why give me riddles when time is a factor?”

(“Rather than a riddle, I was simply trying to understand the depths of ya knowledge on ya aura. Ya see aura is not just another form of energy, it is a materialization of power using the soul. It is connected with ya mind, ya body but most importantly ya soul. Ya soul, in its simplest form, is a conglomeration of memories, emotions, experiences, and more. Essentially ya aura is an extension of ya soul. Now, someone that can use wind magic for example. What do ya think would happen if that person used the experiences, memories, and so on with their aura.”)

Oren went quiet before gathering his aura in front of him, the very next moment a gust of wind began to spin in the air and a tiny mini-tornado formed in front of him. It spun for a few moments creating a cool breeze in this underground prison.

Kazuki couldn’t believe his eyes seeing this.

(Magic! He used magic with his aura!)

“Oren how?”

To this question, Oren shook his head.

(“If I could use magic down here do ya think I would still be chained to this wall. Even if I could use magic it would still be difficult seeing as how these shackles are made from orichalcum and as ya know unless orichalcum has inscriptions on them, they absorb nearly all energy. orichalcum leaves aura be but magic it drinks it in like a dry sponge. No, what I just showed ya was just an imitation of magic. The wind that spun up was simply my aura moving around copying the nature of wind to a certain degree. I’ve used wind magic many times in my life and all of those memories and experiences are embedded within my soul. By drawing those experiences out and into my aura, my aura can then imitate the exact motions of a wind spell.”)

Kazuki felt irritation and frustration.

“What is the point of that. So you made the air twirl how does that teach me how to lighten…”

Kazuki’s words paused in his throat as he began to think.

(He said it was an imitation yet I clearly felt a breeze. That was more than an imitation. If he could create that breeze like that doesn’t that mean his aura was constantly changing its weight. How else would it be able to create that airflow.)

Oren smiled from ear to ear and asked teasingly.

(“Kazuki you’ve gone quiet, what’s wrong?”)

Looking at Oren Kazuki wondered if this ape was really trying to teach him in a swift manner. After a moment though he pushed that thought to the side as he realized paths were starting to open up before him, and ideas were flooding his head.

“With this aura control/imitation, how far off or rather how closely can it imitate magic? You created that breeze just now but is that the extent of it, could you make a real tornado or an actual flame?”

Oren held his foot up and Kazuki could sense Oren gathering aura.


A small flame materialized into the world and hovered quietly above Oren’s foot.

For the first time in many months, Kazuki saw fire.

(“Small fires like this are simple. By rubbing my aura against itself, I can produce a large amount of heat due to the friction, the fuel for it to burn is actual my aura itself. This has little to do with magic as anyone can produce the same effect by rubbing two sticks together.”)

Oren added more aura to the flame and it quickly grew to the size of a head. Using his aura, he lifted the flame and made it dance around the room. Every so often it would grow in size or shrink. After about a minute Oren lost interest in it and snuffed it out.

(“As ya saw it grew bigger and shrunk according to how much aura I used to fuel it. Again this has little to do with magic and more with the nature of fire. As for a tornado, just like the flame, it comes down to how much aura I use. The more I use, the bigger it will grow, the less, then the less it will be. When I said it is an imitation of magic that may have been wrong. To be more accurate, one could say aura can imitate nature itself to a certain degree. The idea though is that one who uses magic has experience and memories creating these elements of nature so, with that in mind, they can then use aura to imitate the elements of nature rather than real magic. So as ya saw, when I reduced the weight of my aura attack I was using more aura to do so. By copying the way wind moves I lifted up my aura attack with an imitation of wind.”)

“Wait wait wait, that’s a lie then you said you were lightening the weight but really your just lifting the weight. These are two different things.”

Oren’s expression went blank for a split second before he replied.

(“Hmm, I suppose ya right. Oh well, on to the next. Now that ya know ya can use ya memories to imitate nature with ya soul why don’t ya try to imitate the wind?”)

Oren completely ignored Kazuki’s complaint or rather just didn’t care and moved on to the very next thing, causing more frustration to build inside Kazuki. In the end, though, Kazuki let it go as his eyes were now opening to a brand new world.



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