Return of the Fallen Volume 6 Chapter 8



Author: Blue_Rat


An overwhelming exhaustion washed over Kazuki and he found his mind slipping in and out of consciousness until finally, he could no longer stay awake, and he fell into a deep sleep.

His body continued to mend itself while Kazuki found himself once more in his soul word.

He opened his eyes and found himself leaning with his back to his soul tree. Not too far away, Kai and Danny were sparring with one another. Both stood opposite of the other and slowly but surely, they inched closer and closer toward the other.

In their hands, they each held a branch from Kazuki’s soul tree and had identical stances. Finally, when Danny felt he was at the perfect range, he swung the branch down with incredible speed. Kai didn’t hesitate to counter and the two exchanged several strikes, each one missing the other by a hair’s breadth.

Kazuki watched this for a while before he wondered to himself.

(Why are they not using their energy? Not only that, Kai isn’t teleporting around during this fight. The two are purely using technique and technique only.)

The two continued to strike at one another. After a bit though, the advantage was clearly in Kai’s corner. Danny stepped in and thrust forward. Kai was ready for this. With a pivot off of his back foot, he spun around Danny’s blow and slashed at the side of Danny’s head. Danny smirked and his wrist flickered. At the same time, his blade turned 180 in his hand and the two simultaneously stopped an inch before their blades struck each other.

Kai nodded in acknowledgment before tossing the branch in his hand at Kazuki’s soul tree. The branch flew in the air before landing perfectly from where it was torn. The piece of the branch then fused back with Kazuki’s soul tree and Kai added.

“Danny your skills have improved tremendously. Your technique is nearly equal to mine, except when it comes to using energy. I still outclass you greatly there, haha.”

Danny smiled but still shook his head.

“Your movements are smaller and quicker than mine and you waste almost nothing to perform such actions. I can only contend with you now because you are both a great teacher as well as your soul has weakened too much. If we had real bodies, you would trounce me every single time.”

Danny then walked over to Kazuki’s soul tree and affixed the branch in his hand to it, A moment later, the branch fused back with the tree albeit at a much slower rate than Kai’s.

Kai chuckled softly but neither confirmed nor denied Danny’s words.

Kazuki walked over with admiration.

“Danny, your skills have improved that much, and yet you’re still so damn humble. You know it’s fine to brag every now and again.”

Danny shook his head.

“When you think about how long I’ve been doing it, it’s not really all that impressive. Ever since I died I’ve been in your soul world Kazuki. You know the time difference is insane. It’s been over a year in the outside world since I’ve died but it’s been over 100 years in here. Plus since there’s not much to do and there’s no such thing as sleeping in here nor is there eating or running out of stamina, the amount of time I can train is even more. Who couldn’t reach my level with that same amount of circumstances?”

Kazuki and Kai both rolled their eyes at this moment before they simultaneously slapped Danny’s back. Danny went flying forward and slammed face-first into the soul tree.

“What the hell was that for!?”

Kazuki crossed his arms.

“What do you mean? When someone compliments you, just learn to shut up and take it. How you ever captured a woman’s heart when you’re so damn awkward still baffles me.”

“I…I…This and that are completely different.”

“Danny, Kazuki’s right. You may not be alive anymore but at the rate, you’re going, when I’m gone for good, you’re gonna be such a lonely downer in here.”

Danny went silent for a moment before he gave up and sighed. As soon as he sighed, Kazuki and Dannyeyes one another and held up another hand to slap him. Danny jumped to his feet and waved his hands in surrender.

“Ok ok, I give up! I’ll accept the damn compliment so put your freaking hands down already assholes!”

Kai and Kazuki then erupted into laughter, which in turn caused Danny to laugh with them as well. After a while, the three settled down, and they all sat in a small circle and began discussing Kazuki’s circumstances.

“Little dummy, watching your moves out there was pretty smart. You found those clackers’ weakness so quickly. I would have kept trying to cut them into ribbons and id have no choice but to run away but you broke their ears and then ran away. I guess that means your not half bad, hehe.”

Danny raised a brow.

“Kai, you called those bug-like things clackers. I’ve looked through Kazuki’s memories many a time and gone over all the books and other information he’s got in here but I’ve never read or heard of any creature called a clacker.”

“That’s because I made the name up. Those things kept rubbing their ugly insect legs together and made that clicking clacking noise, so I decided to just call them clackers.”

Danny nodded but he wasn’t sure the name was appropriate.

“The name though, it doesn’t seem to flow from the tongue smoothly. Why not call them clickers instead?”

Kai shrugged his shoulders.

“On earth, I watched Kazuki play a few of those video game thingy. In one of them, I saw a creature do something similar to those clackers. I don’t want to be a copy cat so I call them clackers instead of those other things from that last of them game.”

Danny gave Kai an odd look.

“What a weird line of thinking you have Kai.”

Kai shrugged his shoulders once more.

“Anyway, back to the main topic at hand. Kazuki, you’ve pointed it out yourself but you have a few important things that need to be done. Let’s get the unimportant or rather the thing that is of no help right now out of the way. For the mystery about you and Kai’s adoptive parents, it’s obvious they have some kind of connection to the higher realm and to gods. Whether they are gods themselves or not is still something up for debate. After our encounter with Retsu Gai, we know that gods can descend to this lower realm and inhabit a much weaker form, making them part god or demigod or whatever. So it’s possible your foster mom and dad are real gods and they simply inhabited those human forms while raising you tow and your sister. The magic your mom used to steal your mage core, as well as Kai’s, is no doubt some form of highly advanced magic and seems completely out of place with what we know of this world. These compounded with the compasses and there is no doubt there’s a connection to gods. This however doesn’t matter right now.”

Kai took a breath before he continued.

“The important part is the godly aura coming from said compass. It looks like you have figured out how to control it somewhat. In doing so, the godly aura is suppressing the Azirian blood in your head, preventing you from being taken over or dying, still not sure on that part. At the same time, your body is filled with dark energy from this trench and the aura is preventing the concentrated and dense dark energy from running rampant inside of your body and killing you. Added to that is this abyssal trench itself. There is danger everywhere and it came come from nowhere at any time. It seems impossible to climb out with those tough spikes and creatures both big and small will see you as something to munch on. The number one important part is for you to survive. In order to survive, you will need to learn to control this godly aura better so it becomes something akin to second nature, like breathing. That way, even if god forbid you pass out again, this aura will move automatically to help protect you. After survival comes finding a way out of this hell hole. I suggest while training that aura you stick to the wall and explore alongside it and look for a way to climb out of here. Beyond that, you should also try other ways.”

Kazuki was like a kid listening to a teacher and kept nodding his head.

“Otherways, like what?”

Danny thought for a moment.

“This world is different from our own in many ways but one thing that is absolute throughout the universe is rules. This world has rules and magic itself has rules. For this place to ignore such rules, it can not be. How could some random ass trench block all magic. I theorize there is something within this tench that is specifically interfering. If you come along something strange, I wouldn’t be surprised if you actually found the reason this place messes with magic. Not only that, this place interferes with magic yet is soaked in dark element. Are you telling me there are magical beasts down here that haven’t already been destroyed by the overwhelmingly pure dark element. It’s understandable with you. You have the godly aura protecting you from the dark element but what about those magical beasts. How are they not being poisoned by this strange atmosphere? Things are weird down here, far too weird. Maybe if you can find out how they are able to cope with the dark element and not die, you might find a way to copy them. If you can use dark energy as they do, maybe you can get yourself out that way.”

Kai nodded.

“Yea what Danny said.”

Danny and Kazuki both looked at Kai as if to say, [“Really”].

Kai didn’t care though and just kept nodding.



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