Ruler Vol 1 Chapter 27




Author: Anit666

【Shiggurath’s POV】


“I’ve listened to all of your answers. And I must say, you people know very little about him. That’s kinda disheartening, so allow me to take in you lost lambs, and shed light on what our Lord and Saviour Samuel Hayden actually is.” (Jack)

The way he said that reminded me of a priest preaching about his revered God. Does Sam have his own religion or something?

Well, let’s see what he can tell us about Sam.

“Let’s see…… If I were to borrow Shiggurath’s words, then Sam is indeed a monster, roughly speaking. But he is also much more than that. Sam follows only one rule in his life: Progress takes sacrifice. That means Sam is capable of making ruthless sacrificial gambits to achieve his goals. He’s the type of guy who’ll fight and destroy the whole world just for you, but after doing all of that, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill you if he considers it necessary.” (Jack)

Huh? Is he sure that he isn’t exaggerating it?

But…….. progress takes sacrifice, huh. That sure is a nice expression. But it might actually turn into something devastating if one follows it no matter what.

Just how twisted someone has to be like that?

“Moreover, he never trusts someone blindly. He’s always ready for betrayal. He’s a master manipulator, and is able to trace anyone’s thought processes, habits, characteristics, emotions and reactions to a given situation. He’s someone who can predict everything, and then manipulate you to write a story that he scripted. His power is not noteworthy, what’s truly fearsome is his intellect.” (Jack)

He reported excitedly.

I’m not even sure that he’s seeing us anymore. It’s more like he’s just reminiscing about the past.

But based on what he has told us, seems like asking him was a waste of time.

There’s no way a human, especially someone who’s from a peaceful world like Earth, can have such capabilities.

But assuming that whatever Jack has said is true, then Sam is the worst opponent that someone can have. After all, there’s nothing more dangerous than someone who’s both very strong and knows how to use his brain.

Though actually being able to do that would require tremendous skill, which I’m afraid Sam doesn’t have.

Without paying heed to me and my disinterest, Jack continued speaking.

“What I’ve told you is just the tip of the iceberg. Also, you all are misunderstanding about why Sam did what he did. Why did he act as someone average back in our world? Why did he agree to become a Hero and defeat the Demon King despite not even trusting the folks from the Holy Kingdom? Why did he decide to learn this world’s language and spent most of his time in the library? Why did he become an adventurer? Why did he decide to help Cornellia? Why did he form a contract with Shiggurath? Why did he let those two commandments live? What is he thinking? Try to find an answer to these questions. And I assure you, all, or most of your answers would be wrong. Let me tell you one more interesting fact: it’s highly probable that everyone in this room, the people with the Holy Kingdom, the Demon Army, the elves, and even the Demon King are all just pawns dancing on the palm of Sam’s hands.” (Jack)

The fuck is he talking about?

Though I must say that Jack sure knows how to convince someone.

The way he said all of it almost convinced me that he was telling the truth, thus rendering me speechless. I didn’t know what to say. It was as if his soul itself was imploring us to believe him. The two girls besides me were also the same, thus making it hard for us to refute him directly.

Sam is supposed to be the Hero, right? Is this how a Hero is? Assuming all this to be true, he’s even more vicious than the Demon King, and perhaps those damned Gods as well.

I would have believed Jack had I not formed the contract with Sam.

Yes, there’s no way he’s capable of that. No, he must not be capable of that.

“In the end, I’d like to give you ladies one final advice. Always keep this in mind: No matter how much you think you understand Sam, you actually don’t.” (Jack)

He walked out of the room after saying this, leaving all of us with two questions: Just what the hell is Sam, and whatever Jack told us is the truth or not?

If it is, then I’ll have to reevaluate Sam.

【3rd person’s POV】


Alicia’s room, the Royal Castle in the Captial city Gundia.

There were currently four people in that room: Alicia, the owner of that room, and Reygus, Liera and Olivia. Since the room belonged to the second Princess of the Holy Kingdom, it was large enough to easily accommodate those four people. They were sitting on the sofas around a large table, while sipping tea and exchanging information, particularly of the recent invasion on the palace by the Demon Army.

Reygus always had doubts about why they always had to report to Alicia in this manner, especially when it was related to something so important. But there was no helping it. This was how Alicia was: she always preferred to exchange information while having a tea party.

“So Liera. Please report about what happened while we were away.” (Reygus)

That’s correct. During the attack, Reygus, Olivia and Alicia were out. Alicia had gone to meet a noble in another city, while Reygus and Olivia had gone to collect information on a new dungeon that had recently been discovered on the outskirts of the merchant city Blatan. Liera was the only one who was present when the demons invaded.

“Yes. The Demon Army had attacked us in the evening. Moreover, they were accompanied by two of the Four Commandments. However, they were successfully repelled. In fact, the commandments were critically injured. We lost 40 soldiers on our side though, and Chloe was also badly injured. But she’s fine now.” (Liera)

Liera reported flatly.

“Oh! That’s good! So you managed to repel two of them at once huh. As expected of our vanguard.” (Reygus)

Reygus praised Liera for her achievement. But Liera smiled, and spoke.

“Now here’s the twist. I wasn’t the one who injured and repelled them.” (Liera)

“Huh? You didn’t? Then who did that? Did the knight commander also fight? But he shouldn’t be in the city right now……” (Alicia)

“No, he didn’t. The ones who did that were Sam and Jack.” (Liera)

“What?!” (Reygus)

Everyone was surprised. But who could blame them? The Four Commandments were the strongest after the Demon King, and right now only Liera, Reygus and Olivia should be capable of defeating them. Sam was strong, yes. There was no doubt about that. He was even able to hold his ground while battling against both Liera and Reygus simultaneously, a feat that only the strongest are capable of.

However, Liera and Reygus weren’t serious at that time. And after fighting him, they had already devised more than 200 ways to defeat him under a minute. And the Four Commandments, although not on the level of Liera and the others, were still much stronger than Sam. Then was Jack. He should be much weaker than Sam. In conclusion, those two should not even be alive after directly facing off against a Commandment.

Yet, Liera was saying that those two almost killed not one, but two of the commandments. If this was true, then…

“W-what kind of joke is this, Liera. How’s that possible?” (Olivia)

Olivia stuttered while asking.

“I understand your confusion Olivia, I really do. But that doesn’t deny the facts. In fact, let me tell you something more. You might be thinking that Sam and Jack had to give it their all to defeat the Commandments, and that they would also have suffered heavy losses and penalties while doing so, correct?” (Liera)

“You mean to say that this isn’t how that happened?” (Olivia)

Liera sneered after listening to Olivia, and once again spoke in sterner tone.

“15 seconds. 15 seconds was all the time that Jack took to literally cut off a commandment’s lower half of the body. While Sam didn’t even use his swords or guns, but still managed to rip off the arm of the other commandment.” (Liera)

“Hueh?” (Oliva)

Olivia leaked a stupid sounding voice.

Everyone was shocked speechless. Absolute silence descended upon them. Everyone waited, waited for Liera to do something like start laughing and then say that she was just kidding. But time went by and Liera still didn’t say anything. Her silence was more than enough to convey that what she had said was the truth.

Reygus now spoke up.

“Oi oi Princess Alicia, just what kind of monsters have you and Azell summoned? It’s been only a month, and they are on the level of being able to decimate the Commandments. And guess what, we weren’t even aware that those two had become that strong.” (Reygus)

“I….. I don’t know. Just…. what are they? Moreover, you just said that you didn’t know that they were that strong. This implies that those two had been hiding their power. Especially Jack. We thought that he was a normal Hero, but he’s more of a monster than Sam. Doesn’t this mean that the Heroes didn’t trust us right from the beginning? That they were deceiving us just in case we decided to betray them?” (Alicia)

Alicia summed up the thoughts of everyone present in the room.

“Also, Sam has managed to befriend the First Princess of the Elven Empire, Cornellia El Lucent. And that Cornellia can use Healing magic that was able to completely close a large hole in the chest of Chloe.” (Liera)

Alicia was stunned.

“What?! So he has already partnered up with the elves?! This is bad! If his relations with them improve anymore, then he might start treating them as an alternative to us. In the worst-case scenario, he just might leave our side and join the Elven Empire.” (Alicia)

Alicia panicked upon hearing the news.

“But he won’t be able to go back to his world without the magic formation in the summoning room, would he? Then let’s use that fact as a restraint to stop him from leaving our side.” (Olivia)

“Yes, but we would have to use it carefully. We cannot let him think that we’re threatening him.” (Reygus)

“We also need to draw him away from that damned elf. Also-” (Alicia)

The three then started discussing about how to stop Sam and the others from defecting. The Heroes were a major power, a power that could destroy the current balance of this world. This was especially true for the current Heroes, as this was the first time in history that three Heroes had been summoned instead of just one. Moreover, two of those three Heroes were literally Monsters capable of destroying countries on their own.

The Holy Kingdom and the Elven Empire were currently at peace, but that was only for the sake of appearances. The current rulers of that Empire, the parents of Cornellia, were a part of the group of elves that considered themselves superior to humans. Only a fool would let people like them get a hold of such great power.

Liera, who had been silent until now, spoke up once again.

“Oh, and Sam has also formed a contact with a dragon named Drache.” (Liera)

Each one of them stopped speaking. All of them had faces that said ‘What did she just say?’ Their problems were still not over, after all.





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