Ruler Vol 2 Chapter 5




Author: Anit666

【Sam’s POV】


“Good. Keep all of this in mind, because I’ll now explain magic spells.” (Jack)

Finally. This is what I’ve been waiting for.

“Now, if you have understood what mana is, then it should be easy for you to understand how magic spells work.” (Jack)

Easy to understand? How?

Jack, who perhaps noticed my confusion, started explaining again.

“Let’s take Fireball as an example. As the name suggests, it’s just a big ball of fire. But how does that work? Like I just told you, mana can exhibit the property of any type of material. So, some part of the mana used to cast Fireball is converted to exhibit the property of a combustible material so that it can burn. In the other part of the mana, all types of energies get converted to Heat energy, which in turn ignites the first part. This is how a Fireball is formed. Since none of the laws of physics are being broken, it’s easier to cast.” (Jack)

Ah, I see. It’s now clear to me how magic spells are cast.

“Now, let’s take an example of your Fireball. Tell me, how do you do it?” (Jack)

“I create a ball of pure Hydrogen gas, and surround it with air which has an increased concentration of Oxygen gas. Then I use mana to light the Hydrogen up, thus creating my fireball.” (Sam)

“That’s the basic difference between your method of casting and a normal magician’s method of casting a magic spell. They imagine just the result, while you try to imagine the whole process. That’s why your magic spells are much more efficient and powerful than the normal ones.” (Jack)

Well, I know that, of course. That’s why I cast spells in that way. But that’s exactly why I am unable to understand how to use time-manipulation magic, because I don’t know the process to do it.

“However, that only works when you are casting the simpler spells. What about the more complex ones? Let’s take your decomposition as an example. Are you confident that you can direct the mana to follow the correct procedure? Like, can you tell the mana in what kind of force or energy it should convert to separate the constituents of a molecule?” (Jack)

Isn’t that the main reason why I cannot use Decomposition yet?

“Your face is telling me no. Then, what about the spells which try to break the laws? I’m sure you were thinking that you would start imagining the result the moment a violation of the laws was required, but would that really work? And even if you can make it work, it would require you to improve your mana control which in turn would take a lot of time.” (Jack)

“That’s……” (Sam)

I didn’t have anything to say to that.

“You remember what I said about mana? That it consists of every type of energy and force out there?” (Jack)

“Yes.” (Sam)

“Scrap that idea. I was lying.” (Jack)

“What?” (Sam)

“Yes. I don’t know what mana is made up of. The only thing I know is that it has the power to bend reality to the user’s will.” (Jack)

Huh? Then what was the point of all that talk?

“Understand this, Sam. By trying to use Science, you are limiting the power of mana. Mana is something that can never be explained by your measly Science.” (Jack)

“What am I supposed to do then? Are you saying that I should use cast magic spells just like everyone else? That I should just imagine the result?” (Sam)

“Of course not. I’m just asking you to keep the processes simple: there’s no need to make them complex. If we take Decomposition as an example, then instead of imagining every part of the process of decomposition, you can just instruct the mana to separate the neutrons, protons, electrons and quarks: there’s no real need to tell mana to how to do it. Mana can do that on its own.” (Jack)


Ah, I see. So this is where I went wrong. I was trying to tell mana how it should achieve the result. In other words, after paving the path to the desired result, I was trying to tell mana how to walk on it. Instead, what I should do is that I have to show the path to the result to mana, for it is perfectly capable of walking on its own. I’m sure this revelation would be beneficial for me.

Well, this has cleared all my doubts, at least for now. Though I’ll have to admit that Jack has become excellent in explaining things.

“I understand. This should help me in developing my magic spells. But you’ve become quite good in explaining things, haven’t you? You even explained my shortcomings through Science, thus making it easier for me to understand. Seems like forcing you to study it was the right thing to do.” (Sam)

“Hmph. Look at you, getting all smug after forcing me to learn something I didn’t want to. Be ashamed of yourself.” (Jack)

Jack grumbled with a displeased tone.

“Hahaha yeah yeah. I’ll keep that in mind, sensei.” (Sam)

He scowled at me, but soon gave up with a sigh.

“Anyway, what type of magic spells are you developing? Something outrageous, I believe.” (Jack)

Outrageous? How rude.

“What are you talking about? You know I won’t do something like that.” (Sam)

He stared at me with a face that screamed ‘Liar!’. Geez.

“I’m trying to improve my Decomposition, and develop Demolition. I’ll also develop some large-scale annihilation magic spells, and some illusion spells. I’ll also try to create an instant death spell.” (Sam)

Jack looked at me like he was looking at a monster and stepped back a little bit as if he was afraid of me.

“I’ll take back my words. You aren’t doing something outrageous.” (Jack)

Finally. Someone who understands me.

“What you’re trying to do is outright nefarious and dreadful. I mean, instant death spell? Why would you need them? And you’re also developing your Decomposition and Demolition. Do you plan to take on the whole of God’s Realm by yourself?” (Jack)

“Hhahaha of course I’ll never do that.” (Sam)

“Hahaha yes, you won-“ (Jack)

“I’ll fight the Hell Guards. All of them, at once.” (Sam)

Jack’s expression froze and he stopped laughing at once, looked at me widened eyes and scratched his head as if trying to comprehend what I had just said.

When it dawned on him that I was talking about the Hell Guards, he got flustered and spoke hurriedly.

“No no no no no no no no. What are you talking about? You’ll fight the Hell Guards? What type of joke is that?” (Jack)

I remained silent with a small smile on my face, to convey that I was serious about doing that. Jack also remained silent for a while, but he then understood that I was serious.


He stomped his foot and screamed furiously.

“You know what you’re talking about?! They’re the HELL GUARDS! The administrators of this universe! You know it better than me, don’t you?! They are the strongest beings to ever exist, feared by the Gods and even by the Ruler of Life, Lockheart! Death is the only thing that awaits the one who goes against them! And you say you’re going to fight all of them at once?! You think you’re strong enough to do that?! Huh?! Let me tell you, you’re not! Was it Maxwell who planted this idea in your head?! Bring him out right now! I’ll fucking kill him!” (Jack)

Uwaaah! He got angry, too angry. Though I can understand his anger. Even I would have acted in the same way if our positions were reversed. They are the Hell Guards after all. As the name suggests, they are the guardians of Hell, the place where everything begins and ends. Also known as the Judge among Gods, they are the ones who pass judgement on them. If this universe was a company, then the Hell Guards would be the board of directors with all the voting rights, the Gods would be the employees and we normal people would be the consumers.

If the Hell Guards deem that a God, or anyone else no matter who it is, is not fit for the role he has been given, they would descend to pass judgement upon him. And there’s only one judgement that the Hell Guards pass: death.

In this entire universe, no, in this entire dimension, there’s no one who is strong enough to go against them. Not yet, that is.

However, I have to pacify Jack right now. Looks like it’s time to switch to the Overlord mode.

“Hargreave…….. who do you think you’re talking to?” (Sam)

“Huh? Wha-” (Jack)

He stopped speaking suddenly. He should have understood by the tone of my voice and my words that I’m not speaking to him as Sam, his friend, but as the Overlord, his God.

“Shut up! I know who I am talking to! You’re just a reckless brat!” (Jack)

Oh yeah, I forgot. That doesn’t work on him. Good grief.

I tried to speak in the gentlest of tone to make him understand my point.

“Please calm down Jack. As you’ve said, I understand the dangers and futility of this endeavour better than you. They’re the Hell Guards after all. But you should also understand that the very fact I’m considering this option means I have a way to pull it off.” (Sam)

“You have a way to pull it off? Seriously? Just what is it?” (Jack)

“Maxwell, Fallen Down and Tzeeneth.” (Sam)

I listed the three critical things. And then I revealed my true plans to Jack. Every step, every outcome, every sacrifice. Everything. This war with the Demon King Regina isn’t even worth considering. But it’s still a necessary stepping stone for me.

After explaining everything to Jack, I asked him one last question. I don’t want to him to have any regrets after all.

“Jack. My ambitions will most probably swallow your life. Knowing this, would you still follow me?” (Sam)

He smiled wryly, and spoke in a haughty tone.

“Hayden…………… Who do you think you are talking to? The answer should be obvious, no?” (Jack)

And he returned to me the same words I had spoken to him earlier. The very fact he isn’t shouting in rage right now means that he has understood that my plan can succeed, no matter how small the probability of that happening is.

But whew, just as I expected, he still wants to follow me huh. I’m unable to understand the reason behind such behaviour, but there’s one thing I do know: I’m grateful to him for all that he has done for me.

“I see.” (Sam)

Yet, this was the only thing that came out of my mouth. I hope that a time would come when I can thank him properly. Until then………


And so we started Rododactylus.





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