Ruler Vol 3 Chapter 20




Author: Anit666

Editor: Weasalopes

【3rd person’s POV】


「I have a job for you.」

Reishu received a message from Jack.

「A job?」


What does he want now? Reishu thought.

「Order all the commanders to pull back their armies and retreat. In the meantime, I will handle these lizards.」

「L-lizards…..? But if we fall back now, just who would fight this war?」

「Well, first of all, the soldiers don’t even have enemies to fight. They are just being assaulted by their own dragons. Second, if you don’t mind the countless and useless sacrifices our side is making, then you are free to go ahead and give them the order to fight. I couldn’t care less.」

Reishu was speechless at this rebuttal. Jack was right. Their army served no purpose by remaining here. They were just dying by the claws of their own dragons.


「After doing that, go and help Liera and the others in their fight against the Commandments. Liera should be able to handle them, of course, but it wouldn’t hurt to be careful. Not to mention you would just get in my way by remaining here.」


Reishu murmured weakly. He was a bit taken aback when Jack called him a nuisance, but he knew that Jack, the one who pushed back the large dragon with just a punch, was right. So he obediently followed Jack’s orders and contacted Alicia.

「Alicia. Order the army to fall back.」

「What? Why?」

Alicia was also confused at this sudden decision, but she soon recalled the state of the battlefield and decided to accommodate Reishu’s demands.

「No, wait. I understood. I’ll order them right away.」

She then sent a message to every commander on the battlefield.

「Commanders! Have your forces retreat! Protect them from the dragons until their withdrawal is complete, and then proceed to assist the Heroes against the Demon King and her Commandments!」


Every Commander replied as such, and they soon started the extraction.

The surviving soldiers were happy that were finally going to escape this Hell, but they were also furious over their powerlessness to be unable to extract revenge for their fallen brothers.

Jack oversaw the retreat from the sky, and after being satisfied that his orders were being followed, he turned towards the dragons.

“Now then, lizards. You have clearly forgotten your place. Now come at me, all at once, and I shall show you what Hell is!”

The dragons, who still retained enough sanity to comprehend human speech, were enraged when a puny human provoked them like this. And so they roared in rage and pounced on him, ready to tear apart his flesh and make the lowly human know his place.

But the one they were facing was none other than Adjudicator. And for him, these dragons weren’t even enough for a warm-up.

He gazed at the dragons coming at him, sighed in his heart just what a pain in the ass this whole affair was, rolled his sleeves up, and let his arms dangle lifelessly to his sides. The wings behind his back disappeared into thin air: there was no use for them in a simple skirmish.

The dragons, seeing Jack’s apathetic and lifeless eyes, thought that the human had given into despair. So they flew even faster to kill him and feast on his flesh.

The first dragon that reached Jack opened its maw to swallow him whole. The dragons behind him lamented that they wouldn’t get to eat the impertinent human. However-

“How impertinent.”

Jack mumbled proudly and punched the dragon trying to gobble him up. The head which had been punched exploded and a rain of grey brain matter and blood fell on the ground. The lifeless body, unable to flaps it wings anymore, also followed suite.

The dragons froze in their spots, but their hearts were soon filled with smouldering rage over the death of their comrade. The mindless beasts had yet to realise that the opponent they were facing was too much for them to handle.

Jack looked over them with disinterested eyes, and decided that he would kill all of them without getting a single drop of blood on his clothes. That was the challenge he had issued to himself to make this slaughter at least a little bit amusing.

And so the dragons pounced on him. Some attacked with their claws, some tried to bite him with their fangs, some fired their signature breaths at him to burn, freeze, tear, cook or poison him to death. The sky was in a complete state of pandemonium.

The area around Jack was filled with countless dragons. His left, right, front, back, up and down were occupied by dragons prepared to kill him with any means possible.

Even the Commanders leading this army, even Liera would be hard pressed against these many dragons and would have no choice but to flee with her life. Perhaps the only one who could think of trying to kill all of them and then walk out of it alive was Regina, the Demon King.

But of course, the Adjudicator was much stronger than her. So slightly bigger than the norm lizards about whom he knew more than the lizards themselves posed no possible threat to him. Heck, even Bahamut and Shiggurath together wouldn’t be able to scratch him.

And so, the massacre started. With each passing second, dragons continued to fall. They had been killed in the most brutal and gruesome ways. Some dragons’ wings were torn apart, the others had their chest torn open and the heart crushed. Some were missing their heads, while others had been torn in half. Some bodies were bent at abnormal angles, while some had been blasted to so many pieces that it was difficult to even count them. Making the soldiers retreat was the right choice, or else a lot of them would have died by being crushed under the falling corpses.

And all of this was done by a single man, Jack Hargreave.

And although he was busy slaughtering these animals, his attention was focused on Samuel and Regina’s battle. He wasn’t worried about Sam, he was just interested in how it would proceed.

He could see that Sam was being pushed back in battle. The number of Reginas had multiplied by two, and both of them were simply playing around with Sam. His brain which was faster than the quantum computer recently developed back on earth had already calculated the probability of Sam’s victory, which came out to be 1.69 x 10-59. But his calculations were based on the current Sam.

Just then, both the Reginas used a combination move to finally put an end to their battle: Sam had been impaled by Regina’s black sword.

A moment later, when Sam tried to take out the sword lodged in his chest, the sword burst and his right torso was blown up completely, with his innards flung out, his bones destroyed and blood flowing out from his body at an alarming rate.

At this rate, Sam would die in a few moments.

But Jack wasn’t worried, because he knew that an attack of such a level couldn’t have killed Samuel Hayden. However, there was one thing that he hadn’t expected.

“Oya? Isn’t that the Devourer?”

He muttered confusedly. The next moment, he understood everything. And when he did, he couldn’t help but let out an exhausted sigh from his mouth.

“Haaaahhh…….. are those people dumb or something? Fuck. Anyway, what’s done is done. Sam will handle everything later.”

He swiftly reached a conclusion and stopped thinking about it, because if he did then he would surely get a headache. So he continued killing dragons left and right. Just then, his eyes met with Regina’s.

Jack saw a hint of joy in her eyes, perhaps because she thought that she had killed her enemy.

This pitiful child, Jack thought.

He felt a bit pity for her, similar to the pity a father would feel for his child. And so he just shook his head and sneered, trying to convey that it was not over yet. That she still has to fight. And that this time, she would lose.

Somehow, the news of Sam’s death had already been spread on the battlefield. The soldiers had lost their will to fight after losing their Hero. Chloe had fallen in despair, Cornellia was screaming in grief, while Reishu and Liera also seemed saddened by Sam’s death.

“Sam! Shit!”

Reishu also couldn’t stop himself from shouting.

“Huh? You are still here?”

Jack asked in a cold tone.

“Y-Yeah….. forget about that for now! We have to help Sam!”

Reishu, who had been struggling while fighting the many dragons who were still after him, rebuked Jack in desperation.

“Ah, don’t worry about that.”

“What are you-”

“I said don’t worry: Sam will handle himself. Surely you are capable of following simple instructions.”

Jack sighed in exasperation once again. This was a mentally exhausting day for him. Reishu, on the other hand, couldn’t comprehend why Jack was so carefree.

Still, Jack thought it amazing just how many people had started caring for Sam in a span of just two months. But that was to be expected from the charismatic leader of the Dark Realm.

And that’s why Jack murmured.

“How naïve.”

Because he knew what was about to come.




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