ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 227



Translator: Kurehashi Aiko

Editor: ryunakama

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 227: Making 6th Grade Into 1st Grade Some More



There is a mannequin right in front of me.




It is a mannequin that, compared to ShangriLa Frontier’s standards, is not all that impressive and possesses only the bare minimum of AI. It can only move in a simple patterns and fight in a simple patterns, while holding a simple bamboo sword in its hand.


「…… Fuh」


I easily avoid its attack and pass it, at the same time gently striking the hand that was holding the bamboo sword.


「…… S Grade.」



There is a mannequin right in front of me.




It is a mannequin that, compared to ShangriLa Frontier’s standards, is not all that impressive and possesses only the bare minimum of AI. It can only move in a simple patterns and fight in a simple patterns, while holding a simple bamboo sword right above its head.


「…… Fuh」


I easily avoid its attack as it rushes forward, passing it and delivering a fancy blow right into its back.


「…… S Grade.」





There is a mannequin right in front of me.




It is a mannequin that, compared to ShangriLa Frontier’s standards, is not all that impressive and possesses only the bare minimum of AI. It can only move in a simple patterns and fight in a simple patterns, while holding a simple bamboo sword in a downward stance.


「…… Fuh!


This one goes in earlier than the one before it, but I easily manage to avoid it and pierce it torso with a well-aimed thrust.


「…… S Grade.」





There is a mannequin right in front of me.




It is a mannequin that, compared to ShangriLa Frontier’s standards, is not all that impressive and possesses only the bare minimum of AI. It can only move in a simple patterns and fight in a simple patterns, while holding a simple bamboo sword in its hand.




It was a blow that surpassed all of its predecessors. It was way faster than the one who rushed in and way more precise than the one that came after it.







There is a mannequin right in front of me.




It is a mannequin that, compared to ShangriLa Frontier’s standards, is not all that impressive and possesses only the bare minimum of AI. It can only move in a simple patterns and fight in a simple patterns, while holding a simple bamboo sword above its head.


「…… Fuh」


It approaches like the one that rushed into me. But it was not enough. In a single moment, a flash that was too fast for it to react to, I slash the mannequin across the forehead and its body sinks to the floor.







There is a mannequin right in front of me.




It is a mannequin that, compared to ShangriLa Frontier’s standards, is not all that impressive and possesses only the bare minimum of AI. It can only move in a simple patterns and fight in a simple patterns, while holding a simple bamboo sword above its head.




Do not let it affect your judgement. Impatience can blunt even the most refined of blades. While I’m feeling down that it did not go down with a single blow, there will be no need for the third.


「…… S, grade.」





There is a mannequin right in front of me.




It is a mannequin that, compared to ShangriLa Frontier’s standards, is not all that impressive and possesses only the bare minimum of AI. It can only move in a simple patterns and fight in a simple patterns. But it was not something to be afraid of. It was not my enemy.


The grade here was B.



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