Death’s Daughter Chapter 124




Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


I stared at the tiger, I am pretty sure I have heard the words ‘Seed of Divinity’. What exactly did that mean, I am pretty sure that it is something amazing and most likely not something that can be gained by doing your everyday things. I tried to find something different about him, but no matter how I looked he looked exactly the same.

“Byakko, what do you mean by me showing you the way?”

“Master, every creature looks for a way to break through the mortal boundary and become a greater being worthy of seeing the gods. I have never thought that by losing in a fight to you and submitting will allow me to have a chance of breaking through.”

That didn’t explain anything, but I guess it is a good thing. Most likely I did something when I gave him a name. Oddly enough, I don’t remember anything like this happening with Triton so I guess just giving a god’s name is not enough. Heck, I should just be amazed that I was able to create named monsters twice already. It’s not like everyone can do that. Maybe I should ask Thanatos-sama about this once I meet him and I am sober enough to actually ask what I need to ask.

I left Byakko at the wall after making sure he doesn’t go on a rampage. I entered the inn through the side window and after telling Mylene-san, who was already accustomed to my weird antics, what I wanted to eat I sat down in the corner of the dining room and activated my stealth and hiding skills.

I had a good reason for doing all this, whenever word about me being at the inn spreads around town a horde of guests comes knocking at the door all wanting to meet me. And it is always because they are looking for something. Because of this I found out even though they are able to resist the urge to do anything to me, but whenever they want something, they will think of me subconsciously and come seeking advice, money or favors.

This is how I was able to figure out that the power of the title is much stronger than I expected at first since the resistance they have will slowly crumble the more time they spend near me.

I really needed to come up with a way to get rid of this title and stop my further promotion at the guild. I had some ideas as how to do that once Yoru comes back and some members from the clan arrive, but until then it will be problematic. I cannot have any more strong monsters approaching the town, and I cannot allow people to keep on bothering me while I am relaxing.

While I was musing over how to deal with my problems, I thought back to the first time I fought against the Goblin King and the den that I closed off that day. If I say I am going into secluded training I can move there since it is within the boundary that I can travel to. I just need to make sure it doesn’t shrink.
The crowd had gathered at the dining room and they were all asking about me. Luckily my hiding skills were really high and I was not bothered while I had my dinner. I could not continue hiding like this. I need to get out as soon as possible. I left a note for Mylene-san on her counter and went towards the Guild.
The guild room was mostly empty since it was still early evening and people have not come out to drink, but I didn’t relax and only cancelled my stealth when I was standing directly in front of Nino-san.

“Good evening Nino-san, I have a question for you.”

“Goodness gracious, you scared me Naoko-san. You really are good at hiding these days even I cannot detect you. What can I help you with?”

“Can I turn in remains of monsters without actually being present here? I mean can I send them via Byakko or someone else.”

“Normally speaking that is not something we allow, but in some special cases it can be allowed. Usually that is the case when a party does huge exterminations and cannot carry all the monsters’ materials they might be granted permission to have a porter bring it to the Guild to sell the materials. But your status is somewhat special, so maybe the guild master will allow it. You can ask him personally, he is in his room. Just make sure you come up with a really good reason for asking this.”

He pointed at the guild master’s room, but didn’t follow me. By now I was very familiar with this office since I have visited it so often lately. I knocked and waited for the answer. I think I have a good reason already and don’t need to think further about it.

“Naoko-chan, what brings you here? I got the feeling that lately you were trying to avoid this place and the guild in general.”

“Guild master, I am planning on doing some secluded training to try and improve as well as comprehend my magic further, but sadly I would not be able to focus on training if I have to come back here every so often to sell the monster materials, so would it be possible to send them through Byakko, the tiger outside? Being surrounded by corpses when training brings bad energy and it might affect me badly.”

I could pass this lie, I already had a ton of corpses of monsters in my inventory that I didn’t dare to show at the guild since they would have caused a commotion and I would have gained more contributions. Let’s just hope he forgets about my infinite inventory space.

“What brought this on, you trained before but never in seclusion? You can do what you did before since it obviously didn’t bother your training.”

Tsk, time for plan B, make things urgent.

“Well I don’t plan on staying near the town this time around. I will be receiving some guests soon and I will have to prepare for that. Also if I keep on going back I will lose a lot of precious time and I am already on a tight schedule. You see the people that will be coming are all strong and promising talents of the guild.”
He was mulling over something, maybe I was able to sway him with this.

“Then why don’t you stay at the town, since people are coming here I assume they will be staying here and not somewhere outside in the wilderness. What you are asking for is really not easily give out and I don’t want to break the rules even for you Naoko-chan.”

Another no go. Since that is the case I need to raise the stakes and make him give it to me willingly and with enthusiasm.

“Actually I didn’t want to say this since it might scare people, but if I decide to stay in town and practice my magic I might accidentally flatten it. You see lately I have thought about a certain usage of magic meant for large-scale monsters, much larger than what I encountered before. Since I don’t exactly know how this magic will turn out, it might even destroy the entire town if I lose my focus even for a second. I can remain at the town if there is no other hope, but…”

I stopped mid-sentence and gave the guild master a significant look. I could see his resolve dissolving as he took out a contract and a red guild card. This red card will be given to the porter and that person can accept and turn in request in my name as well as sell all materials. If it is lost a penalty of fifteen gold coins needs to be paid. I signed it and with a left his office with a pep in my step.




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