Death’s Daughter Chapter 37




Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


I kept on thinking about my status as I went downstairs to the guild main hall. First the
elemental affection jumped up by quite a large amount. I think something like that happened last time I was drunk as well but not in such manner. But the more important thing was the appearance of space magic. I didn’t know that it existed in the first place; maybe this type had not been discovered in this world yet. I will definitely have some fun with this magic later on.

Leaving those thoughts aside for the moment I took a deep breath before entering. It is bound to get noisy considering all that went down yesterday. All that gossip and staring, I needed to be ready. I pushed the door open and walked inside.

“The Empress arrived! Everyone she is here!”

“Sweet Lord, it really is her.”

What the hell? There are way too many people in this room; don’t you have jobs to do? Why is everyone here? Also do not announce that I am here the moment you see me, be happy internally. Also what is with the Empress? Queen was already bad enough but now it seems I have gotten a promotion of a sort. A ton of people rushed towards me bombarding me with questions.

I was slumped. Is this how Hollywood stars feel like when fans approach them en masse? It sucks big time. I looked around to find my way out and quickly found it.

“Please excuse me everyone, can you let me go to the board, I came to take a request, we can talk as I choose it.”

“Uwah…so polite”

“Marry me Empress!”

No thank you, as soon as I reached the board I grabbed the first thing that came under my hand and began moving towards the counters while everyone followed like ducklings.

“Good morning Naoko-san, things are quite lively today don’t you think. How can I help

“Don’t give me that mocking look Nino-san, can you please process this, I need to get out, this is simply too much for me now. I’m sorry for the entire ruckus last night.”

“Subjugation of a Wind Bear, since you already went against one I won’t need to give you advice I am sure. And don’t worry about last night. There are two less Black Hand members and you have shown all of us quite the spectacle. It is better that things are lively and not dull.”

As he was processing the request, I tried my hardest to ignore the whispers behind me. Or should I say conversations, they weren’t even trying to conceal their gossip. I am here you know, I can hear everything you say and there is way too much information in those conversations that I definitely do not want to hear.

“Here is your guild card, and there is a note left for you. Your beloved left it in my care, telling me to pass it on to you.”

The piece of paper that he passed onto me was folded in half. I read it and immediately turned bright red. “Thank you for allowing me to witness such a beautiful night my sweet Nao-chan” is what was written in that note.

“Thank you Nino-san, but he is not my lover, why did you address him as my beloved?”

“Is he really not your lover, the way you curled around him and kissed him gave quite the impression towards everyone present?”

I did what? Why is my drunk self so shameless? I turned completely red and barely muttered a word of thanks to Nino-san before I stumbled out of the guild. The crowd tried to block me but I was able to wiggle through it. It was definitely necessary to lay low.

I ran towards the location mentioned at the request. Wind bears are tough because of their thick hide that will not allow them to get hurt easily. It was also a good time to experiment with the newly gained space magic. I was more or less familiar with how it should work so using it didn’t come with much difficulty. I must be glad that space magic is popular in novels.

[Blink] that I knew allowed me to teleport instantly anywhere within 30m radius for as
long that place within my sight. Another important matter is that all momentum is lost the moment I teleport. For example; if I was swinging my sword downwards and mid motion used [Blink] then I will land in my destination in the same position but I won’t be swinging my sword.

This is important to know. And the downside was that it took a lot of mana to cast this magic. I will have to use it sparingly.

Found the bear. As soon as I set my eyes on it I prepared for battle and immediately
engaged it. This time instead of attacking its hide I just called upon fire elementals to burn the bear from within and finished the battle rather quickly.

[You’ve received 995 EXP from Wind Bear.]

I collected its corpse and behind it noticed several smaller tracks. Following them I came across a small cave.

[Tracking LV10], SKILL: [Locate has been learned]

Upon hearing the notification message I immediately checked the description. It was a passive skill that helped me find what I am looking for, similar to a very strong hunch. Following that hunch I dwelled deeper into the cave and came across a pair of Wind Bear cubs. The bear outside must have been their mother. I felt terrible upon seeing them and I simply had no heart to kill them.

Seeing them calling for their mother and looking for food, I took out some meat I had in my inventory and gave it to them. They didn’t shy away from me, but eagerly started to eat the food I gave them. I waited until they were finished and then the two of them approached me and fell asleep right there next to my feet. I decided. I am definitely taking them with me. I will raise them and then I shall become a monster tamer. Thankfully there is no penalty on what I can or can’t learn in this world.

[Class: Tamer has been unlocked]

[Skill Taming LV1 has been learned]

I picked up the two cubs and turned to go back to Orzak. I decided to give them temporary names; Ichi and Ni until I come up with something more fitting. When I arrived near town it was already dusk thanks to my very slow pace that I didn’t want to pick up as I didn’t want to deal with people at the guild calling me all the embarrassing names.

Before I even entered the gate I was met with a butler that intercepted me. Let’s hope it is nothing troublesome But hearing the next words I gave up that hope.

“Naoko Maeda, the Queen of adventurers, Elemental Empress of Orzak you have been summoned by Duke Kasim of the house Loren, second of his name, ruler of Loren Dukedom, under his Majesty the King.”

Oh snickers now what?




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