The Rising of Tanaka – 86





 Thanks to the Imperial Tournament Festival, Oedo Imperial Capital continued to thrive day after day.

On the other side of this glamorous festival, Tanaka and the others were moving in order to stop a conspiracy that had yet to be fully revealed.

「It may be true that we mustn’t refuse requests of a beautiful girl, but what an outrageous thing it turned out to be. Good grief.」

The sky above the imperial capital. In the background of the night sky where no one could see, our protagonist, Tanaka, was flying while unleashing good grief variable pitch formula. Today, too, he was dubiously on the move with his protagonist-likeness in a 50% off bargain sale.

As he drifted around in the air in such a manner, Tanaka reached his destination.

「As expected I have no choice but to check this place out.」

The location was the center of the Empire – Oedo Castle.

As he stared down at the castle, Tanaka recalled the discussion from several days prior.

In the end, the situation was that they didn’t know anything about the purpose of the demon hardliners. To put it bluntly, it could be said that Torte and the others were being outmaneuvered.

However, that was something natural. As those of hardliners had been brewing their schemes and on the move for more than ten years. Even when Torte was scrambling to build up the forces of the moderates. Even behind the scenes when the hardliners and the moderates were fighting for power. They had been making steady progress. There was no way such a gap could be overcome so easily.

After much deliberation, they decided on several objectives for the time being.

First of all, about the tournament festival, they might not know the concrete objective of the hardliners, but as there was no way it was merely them participating in it, it was decided to make a move with preventing them from winning as the goal.

However, it was not as if they could simply attack their participants in the dark. If they did that, the Imperial Capital would surely fall into chaos and on high alert. This side would have their movements sealed thereafter, and there was no telling what kind of movement the hardliners, who possessed not a little clout with the influential people, would perpetrate beyond the sight of this side.

That’s when Toby, who was now Yashichi’s companion, came into the picture.

If he continued to win, for sure he would eventually face the participants arranged by the demon side. If he could win against them, that would mean the scheme of the demons would be one step further away.

It was rather overbearing, but it was decided to move in the direction of employing this frontal attack to stop them. Being imposed with trouble without the person himself knowing it, it seemed that Toby’s bad luck was still in perfect shape as usual.

And then, the problem here was Toby’s ability. According to Yashichi, he was by no means weak at all. However, in this strategy, depending on the situation, at worst there was the possibility that he might even need to aim for the champion seat. Putting that into consideration, the extent of his ability might be kinda unreliable.

Then, an important fact came to light here. It was that Eclair had registered for the competition. According to her–.

「It looked somewhat interesting, so I kinda just registered–. No, I expected as much, that’s why I registered. Yes, I already foresaw that it would be useful to you, young Miss….」

「Stop lying!」

And then, Torte’s sermon continued for a while after that. Let’s note it down here that Éclair seemed to be secretly happy while she was being scolded. In addition to that, it seemed that Tanaka-san was impressed with Comrade Éclair for skillfully wielding the ‘I expected as much’ line, but since it was not something important, I’d refrain from getting into depth about it.

That was why they unexpectedly obtained two arrows, but even then that didn’t change the fact of how difficult of a situation it was to stop the hardliners from winning. There, Yashichi brought up the idea of him personally giving special training to the two, and it was readily approved.

Thus, Eclair and the caught up Toby were plunged into a hard schedule of training with Yashichi while competing in the tournament.

Torte, on the other hand, was keeping a close eye on the hardliners in the Imperial Capital while sending out instructions to her compatriots in the demon territory.

She was intending to return to the Demon territory and personally take lead in dealing with the hardliners army, but Eclair threw a tantrum on going with her.

Needless to say, Tanaka took advantage of this opportunity and made his move. Him sleeping while standing the whole time wasn’t just for show. Tanaka, who had saved up his handsome man power for this exact moment, used up all of his accumulated 0 points to unleash handsome man skill, Nikopo. But of course, it failed.

The despair of Tanaka-san at that moment was something beyond description. He was assaulted with the sense of loss akin to that of failing to drain the hot water from an instant yakisoba and ended up spraying everything all over sink-san.

However, he was nonetheless a man who had even made a name for himself as the UFO faction representative in the Second Instant Yakisoba Debate.

In spite of wallowing in despair, he proposed for the moderates to take refuge in Tanaka Kingdom – Ero Dorado. That patronizing attitude of his could be said to be just barely enough to maintain his pride as a little man he was.

Torte was skeptical about Tananka’s proposal at first, but with the advice of Yashichi, whose trust in Tanaka was already maxed, the matter was settled.

Thus, each of them started to move in order to fulfill their respective duties, but…. Speaking of the duty of Tanaka-san in question…

「The only one who can act as the substitute of Big Bro, the strongest Hero, is me, huh. Phew, I can only blame how much of a capable man I am.」

That was right, Tanaka’s duty was to investigate the objective of the hardliners in Yashichi’s place. And then, Tanaka’s target was this Oedo Castle.

「Speaking of conspiracy, the speculation of oily old men going fap fap at the whirlpool of power is only a matter of course. As someone who has gone through thousands upon ten thousands of anime and manga, I can tell. There’s no doubt about it! In other words–, this castle is terribly fishy.」

What a calm and accurate judgment, Tanaka.

Thus, Tanaka landed on a large roof that noticeably stood out among the castle’s buildings.

Tanaka checked the situation of his surroundings. There happened to be a tower-like building, which stood towering over its surroundings, right in front of him that looked as if a princess might be imprisoned in it.

「Th, this situation is!」

It was unknown what he was thinking, but Tanaka started to unsteadily walk down the roof. Eventually, those steps turned into a sprint as he furiously dashed through the large roof.


Yes, this was a situation that all men dreamed of at least once: ‘Dream thief of the princess’s heart’. This was a huge jump event that couldn’t be avoided in its course.

However, this was an event of the highest degree of difficulty where you had to put your life on the line. Originally, it was supposed to be a non-little-man event that Tanaka should have overlooked.

However, Tanaka possessed a levitation technique. With this, the highest difficulty event was instantly downgraded into akin to that of a tutorial level where failure was absolutely impossible.

In that case, as far as Tanaka was concerned, he had no choice but to ride it. This big wave!


While letting out shouts in high spirit, Tanaka furiously continued to move down the roof.

Then came the fateful B-jump.

The moment he took his last step–. Along with a grand noise, he stepped through the roof.

Haru Empire, the oldest in the world. This was the moment that for the first time in its long history that it had received a powerful reconnaissance attack on its main castle.

Tanaka fell down alongside the debris. However, for some reason, he didn’t unleash his levitation magic.

At this moment, Tanaka thought. This is a delicious situation in its own way.

What in the world. In such an emergency situation, Tanaka-san’s meaningless performer spirit ended up being activated.

But then again, the man over there was the sovereign of little men, Tanaka. He would not commit the folly of failing to land and dying. He landed magnificently on the floor.

At that moment…

A sharp stab attack flew toward his throat.

For an ordinary person, that would have been the end of their life. However, in Tanaka’s case, that was not the case.

The assailant continued to stare fixedly on Tanaka with an expressionless face. They were inwardly surprised to see Tanaka standing in a daze there at the point of the sword that should have pierced his throat, but they didn’t let it show. They were on utmost alert as they could not perceive his movement as he evaded the sword.

「Who are you?」

And then, Tanaka was also in the middle of a surprise. It was not because he was suddenly attacked. It was because there was a beautiful woman in front of him.

At first, she reminded him of Mikoto. She was dressed lightly and wielding a thin sword. The reason she gave off a very similar impression to Mikoto wasn’t only because of her equipment, but also her black hair.

However, he could not afford to remain surprised. He couldn’t afford to do nothing in the situation of ‘In front of a beautiful woman’. Tanaka invoked his forbidden Osare skill.

「The moon(thrust) sure is beautiful, isn’t it?」

「…Is that so?」

The effect was not transmitted at all.



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Rising of Tanaka in Another World

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