Chapter 37 – Part 2




EDITOR: Ryunakama

「I don’t recall asking you for help. And that’s not mentioning those beasts. Their quality aside, there is no way a mere human can deal with their remaining numbers. If you are a human then do as humans do, abandon me and save your hide, escaping for your dear life.」

「You don’t mince words. You’ll make no friends like that. Being a lone wolf might sound cool, but at times it can feel incredibly lonely and tough. 」

None of your business, is what Lenia was about to say, but sensing the magic power that couldn’t belong to a human, burst out from the Dran who stood before her, she gulped, and her eyes opened wide.

This magic power which feels like it reaches to the very depths of the soul cannot belong to someone of this world, it has to belong to the being of a higher dimension.

No, wait, whispered her own voice in her mind. Didn’t Dran say that himself? A similar situation. Then, the person in front of her that she finds so hard to deal with is the same as her—

「Are you a reincarnator?!」

「That’s about it, though I don’t think we were allies in our previous lives.」

And then, Dran attacked the surrounding chimeras, and just as he said, the battle lasted only a short while.

After he took a few swings with Dragon Claw Sword and chanted several offensive spells, the chimeras that craved Lenia’s flesh all turned into unmoving corpses.

Suppressing his dragonic magic power, Dran surveyed the surroundings, confirming the annihilation of all chimeras, and then, turned Lenia, who with a dazed expression was sitting on her knees with both her hands on the ground, and looked into her face.

「Fumu, what’s wrong? Surely it’s not like you are sick from the smell of blood?」

「Ah, N-No, it’s nothing. Rather than that, how did you find me here?」

「I told you when I just came here, didn’t I? I felt a sudden surge in your power coming from the underground as if your soul burst open. Right at that time a hole suddenly appeared on the ground, so I came down to check how things were going. Things didn’t look good when you suddenly turned back into your human form in the middle of it, so I rushed to help. For now, you seem to have exhausted your magic power and are under fatigue from the rebound of releasing your soul, but it doesn’t seem like there are any other more serious problems. Can you stand up?」

Prompted by Dran’s question Lenia made an attempt to stand up, but she had no strength nor energy for that, so she just remained on the ground with her hands trembling from the effort.

Fumu, Dran muttered, and before she had any chance to resist, nimbly slipped under Lenia’s body and stood up, carrying her on his back. The so-called piggyback.

「Ah, h-hey, what are you doing.」

「What, you say. Carrying you on my back, obviously. Even you, since you were born a human, probably were carried like this at least once when you were a kid. I’ll put you down when we get up there, so don’t struggle.」

「M-mmm. ……That power of yours, is it dragon’s? And it’s different from the power of what is now called ancient dragons. The power of an actual ancient dragon.」

Lenia asked timidly, turning meek and docile creepily fast. If her previous incarnation was a magical beast created by a god, then it wasn’t that weird for her to be aware of the power of high-ranking dragons from the dragon realm.

「That’s pretty much it, but I’m keeping that a secret from everyone in the academy, Selina, and the family. So you absolutely must not speak of this to anyone.」

Passing through the hole in the ceiling they ended up on the edge of the courtyard with the spire where Fatima was confined.

The hole in the ground appeared immediately after Dran brought Fatima and the others to Sierra.

On the edge of the hole stood a carriage with two golem horses, made out of stone and soil. Beside the carriage Selina and Nell stood, awaiting Dran’s return.

Inside the carriage Fatima was lying completely exhausted.

「She has no injuries, but the exhaustion is very heavy. Selina, put her inside the carriage so she can rest.」

「Yes. But Dran-san, are you really going alone?」

「Yes. I got rid of Bran, but the vampire that sucked Fatima’s blood, that Giorr, still remains. Unless we get rid of him there is no telling when Fatima will go to his side by her own volition, and at the same time, he always will be aware of her location, no matter where she goes.」

The master vampire and the fledgling vampire form a soul bond. No matter how big of a distance is between them, the words and the will of the master vampire will reach their victim, at the same time giving away the victim’s location.

「But even if you managed to defeat Bran, killing the king of vampires is……」

「Nell, there is no need for me to defeat him all on my own. The queen of vampires, Dramina, already penetrated the defenses of the castle before we arrived. I think it all would be limited to either giving her modest assistance or simply witnessing her avenging her country. I won’t be doing anything dangerous.」

Dran spoke softly, yet in a resolute and dignified manner, showing no signs of possibly changing his mind, to which Selina breathed a somewhat defeated sigh and said sadly. A sorrowful voice, capable of inducing sympathy even in those with no capacity for compassion.

「You are always like this, Dran-san. Even though you are usually open, accepting everyone around, at times I can feel there is a wall that no one can pass. Even though you are doing this for our safety, I can’t help but feel sad. Please understand that.」


「No, I know that you are doing this out of consideration for us, so please don’t apologize. But please, come back alive. It won’t be pretty if you don’t come back after sending us off like that.」

Dran found Selina’s sorrowful smile incredibly beautiful, and unbearably precious.

「Yeah, I promise. I will certainly come back to you. I spent nowhere near enough time with you, Nell, Fatima, or Christina-san, and there is still a mountain of things I want to learn at the magic academy.」

「Yes. We all will be awaiting you to nonchalantly return as usual.」

No one aside from Dran was aware, but Dramina was approaching Giorr’s location. It was only a matter of time until the two of them clashed.

「Then, it’s about time for me to go. Nell, I don’t think you’ll meet any enemies along the way, but I’m counting on you in case something does happen.」

「L-Leave it to me. I won’t let anyone lay a finger on everyone while I take them to Fraupa Village. So make sure you keep your promise with Selina.」

Only after Dran replied 『Sure』 with a smile, Nell climbed to the coachman seat, while Selina went inside the carriage, carrying Lenia.

Immediately flicking the rains, Nell ordered the horse golems to go at full speed. Though horse golems were an impromptu creation, they accurately read what Nell wanted from them and diligently obeyed. Not bad for an on the spot improvisation.

As the carriage was gradually moving into the distance, Lenia, bringing her face to the window, whispered so quietly, that even Selina and Fatima, who were in the same carriage, couldn’t hear her.

「You, could it be that you are……」

That whisper wasn’t picked up by Dran either, who waited until the carriage disappeared from sight, and then once again headed for the door to the building from which Bran earlier showed up.




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Goodbye Dragon Life, Hello Human Life

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Comment (1)

  1. easykiln

    Huh, she’s his “daughter,” isn’t she?

    Colour scheme matches, she was apparently directly created by the yandere, and she not only reincarnated with her memory intact, but was reborn in a similar time and place as Dran. Part of Dran’s soul degraded in the process of reincarnation, which I had assumed to be just normal disappation, but likely the remnants were a bit of lingering spirit attached to his corpse. The hero party probably wanted to hide the corpse to prevent it from being defiled rather than carve it up into materials, but that wouldn’t stop a yandere god of destruction forever. Her way of mourning was likely to consume his body and remnant spirit and mix it with her essence to give birth to a child. Although she probably forgot about her after a while, pitifully. Anyway, it explains her presence if her soul which was derived from his was caught up in the reincarnation spell.

    It would be amusing if the dark parts of her soul splintered off in the process, because that would indicate that she who considers herself a creature or chaos now has a nature closer to light. It’s not even unlikely, given she merged into human society instead of killing everyone around her as soon as possible and screwing off into the wilderness.

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