ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 332 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 332: Crawling Communication Part 1

Dear Diary, First day of living in the wilds (name temporary): the way in which the People of the Forest look at me right now is not the way in which you look at a fellow humanoid being. They all look at me like I’m some kind of monster or incredibly dangerous wild animal.

「Nfufu, that’s my Sanraku-san for you all! I knew that you can do it! Even without wings, you still managed to fly through the skies with ease! Is there even something that is capable of holding you down?」

「Well, it was only possible thanks to the very specific specifications that I happen to possess, but at this rate I am fairly sure that I would be able to shoot down a fighter jet with my bare hands if the situation demanded it. Or at least come very close to shooting one down.」

「You, what the hell are you talking about? Are you sure that everything is alright with your head?」

It’s a story from a different game, the one that was completely different from this game here. No need to think too hard about it, though. Not that it matters here.

After I managed to successfully stick to the emergency landing, I have spent a moment at reading through the flavor texts of the materials left by the two-headed pterodactyl, a monster whose name happened to be Dracarus Dinocoatl. After that, the People of the Forest with Tottori’s group and my royal entourage went further ahead towards the forest, and right about now we were going to enter inside of it. Incidentally, I happened to notice that during this short time that I was gone, both the King and the Princess happened to mingle within the Elven group and were getting along with the natives of this land just fine.

「…… Say, I was wondering about that for a while now, but do you need to be able to pull off crazy stunts like that if you are going to defeat the Unique Monsters? Or maybe, are all other players capable of doing that crazy like you are?」

「Hmm? Now that you mention it, I do wonder about that…… When it comes to Kutanid of the Abyss, Rei was there with me…… Oh, I meant to say that Saiga-00 was there with me, and she was a huge help. And now, I don’t think that you need to be like that, or rather, as long as you are on the level of Black Wolves players you are probably going to do just fine against the Unique Monsters…… Well, ultimately it all boils down to you being able to do your very best under the most unfavorable of circumstances. At least that’s how it was for me.」

「Say what? I don’t really get it? Could you repeat that, but this time more slowly?」

「Nah, it’s fine if you don’t understand it. Don’t worry about it. Best if you just forget that I have said anything here.」

I must pay more attention to what I am saying around strangers. It would have been a total disaster if the information that you can rematch the battles with the Unique Monsters were to leak out into the general public. Could you imagine the chaos that would ensue?

「Well, that’s more or less that I wanted to say. So no worries. …… Ah, that’s right. I’m going to keep playing and heading forward, but what about you, Tottori? Can you still play? Or are you going to log out soon?」

「Ah…… I see, it should be about time soon that I should log out for the night.」

I was being logged in here for quite a while now, so before continuing I would like to have at least one break if I could help it. Normally I would call it a day, go to Rabbitz and log out, but…… Fufufu, tonight the things are slightly different than usual.

「Erina, let’s take a break here. Could you pass that to others as well?」

「Right! Everyone, listen up! We are going to take a break here!」

Upon checking it out, it seems that the stats of the average Person of the Forest is only slightly worse than that of a mid-tier player character. Now, one does have to wonder, do the People of the Forest have some sort of skills on their own? Or maybe I should call them racial abilities? …… That would be something well worth checking out.

Upon learning that we would stop here for the time being, the People of the Forest start to move and perform individual tasks. Some of them were collecting the tree branches. Some of them were picking up dead leaves. It was quite shocking for me to see just how skilled and well-versed they all were in the art of erecting small tents and huts around the nearby trees. Looking from my perspective on this building show, it looked more like a fast-forwarded image than anything else.

「Now that I think about it, maybe it was meant to be that the People of the Forest were supposed to come here and start building right here in this place.」

「It is certainly convenient ability to be able to erect save points on the spot like that…… Now it makes me feel like we have a long way to go before even catching up to people like that in that regard.」

The special ability of the People of the Forest. An ability called “Instant Improvisation Base”. It is an ability that allows them to erect a resting place with a save point in the wilds. It’s a very convenient ability to have, to say the least.

It is precisely because of that ability of the People of the Forest that Tottori did not have to worry about being able to log out and being able to keep up with his Elven friends all the time.

However, there is also a downside to it. The Elves can’t just keep on expanding the same settlement all the time. They need to be constantly on the move in order for their community to grow and be able to survive. That seems a little bit shitty and not to mention that from the perspective of defense it leaves much to be desired……

And there is also one more problem that must be addressed here before anything else.

「Your Royal Majesties, please excuse me if that question will come through as rude to you, but what is your experience when it comes to climbing up trees?」

「Sanraku, I think that even you should know that a King is someone who is far from being able to partake in particular activities such as this one.」

It also seems that the King was able to climb on top of small trees when he was still but a small child, but right now it’s a whole different story. You cannot really expect the noble to be able to do something like that completely out of the blue. Then we have the King’s age and the fact that both of them must be exhausted and hungry from all the events that transpired here.

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