Last Embryo Volume 4 Chapter 6 Part 2



Translator: DarkHeartedAlchemist

Also, it looked like all of the buildings they were passing by were relatively new, or to put it even more specifically, many of them looked like they have been renovated quite recently, and in an evidently rushed manner at that, since rebuilding everything from scratch could have been too much of a burden on people who looked like they were not all that technologically advanced, or at least that was the impression that someone wanted all of this to give off. So, if Izayoi’s hunch was correct, and usually his hunches do turn out to be correct, then this city was probably hiding some kind of secret as well.

Taking note of that fact, Izayoi made sure to keep an eye out for anything that might have been suspicious-looking or too out of place as he followed Lalah around. But perhaps the biggest surprise was waiting for him when they finally arrived at the building where the Albino girl was supposed to be waiting for him, the one surrounded by a number of clean, white seams, because he definitely did not expect to meet the person who was also there so soon.

「Oh, if it is not Big Bro Iza. So you finally made it, huh? Took you long enough.」

Homura sassed Izayoi while he did not stop washing his bloodied hands and a scalpel while giving him only as much as a sideways glance. Seeing him here took Izayoi completely by surprise, because for all accounts and purposes, there was no way for him to get here so fast since the {Lost Continent of Atlantis} Gift Game should have started only around an hour or so ago, and he and his group were supposed to be the very last ones to depart from the Giant Spirit Train. Getting here took Izayoi more than half an hour of running at full speed, so no matter how hard he tried Homura could not have possibly gotten here before him, and yet he was there, looking like he was already here for quite a while.

「Yeah yeah, I apologize for being late and all that. But more importantly, what the hell is going on here, Homura? How is it possible for you o already be here when the Giant Spirit Train only handed in Atlantis like an hour ago? How did you come here? What did you do?」

「Ah, that is what you would like to know about? Well id you absolutely have to know, we used the privilege of the {Guest Master Authority} to receive a little bit of help from Queen Halloween. As for the exact method, I asked to make it possible for me to do a little leap through space, and that is how I managed to get here so fast. Did you read the rules on the Geass Roll? Because it is all written in there.」

「Ahh, I see. Now that you mention it, there really was something like that written in there.」

{Guest Master Authority} – a system proposed and introduced by Shiroyasha that was supposed to allow the Sponsors and Investors backing every team participating in the 2nd War for the Sun’s Authority to indirectly participate in the Gift Games by lending their support to their chosen champions. According to the rules written in the Geass Roll, one team could use that Authority up to a maximum of five times. So Homura used one of the instances of that power in order to instantly transport himself here? Izayoi had to admit (in his mind of course) that this was an example of some clever thinking on his part.

「I used only one 「stack」 of {Guest Master Authority} in order to get here, but even with just that one 「stack」, its effect was surprisingly effective. Also, apparently there seems to be a way to recover the 「stacks」 that have already been used up, but the method of doing so remains unknown, at least for the time being. And one more thing: form now, we might not be able to communicate with our mobile phones as easily as we used to do it, because technically speaking, Queen was making that communication possible by sending the radio waves between Outer World and Little Garden with her power.」

「That was to be expected, since the intention behind  that system is to allow the Sponsors and Investors to help their chosen teams without making their support too overpowered. After all, the 2nd War for the Sun’s Authority is supposed to be all about the participating Players duking it out with each other, not Gods and other Deities doing it for them. That way, it would not be as interesting, because it would be just like any other day here.」

So now that the first Gift Game of the war has officially begun, they will not be able to keep in touch with Queen Halloween as much as they would have wanted. So the only option left for them before they could worry about anything else was to clear the first stage of the Game.

But even before that, there was still something that Izayoi needed to confirm. Something that came to his mind when he looked sideways from where Homura was standing and saw the two albino girls who were both breathing heavily, but looked to be stable otherwise. He then asked Homura briefly:

「Homura, did you really perform an operation in such a place?」

「Believe me, it would have been ideal if the procedure could be carried out in a fully equipped hospital or the closest thing to its alternative that could be found here in Little Garden, but since the matter was truly urgent I had no choice but to content myself with what I could scramble up in here. And believe me, the things that I had to do to complete the operation successfully were definitely not pretty. For example, the B.D.A . . . . . . . . . ugh, the Blood Accelerators that were attached to their arms have been completely adhered to them, so the only way left to remove them safely was to peel them off together with the skin. Overall a pretty messy endeavor.」

With a clicking sound, Homura finished washing the bloodied scalpel and reached for the blood transfusion packs next to him, and began to apply them to his two patients. Now that Izayoi had a moment to look around, he noticed that the entire room that Homura must have appropriated for the purpose of carrying the operation out has been literally littered with tons of medical equipment and electronic devices.

「That is quite a crapton of medical tools you have there. Where did you get all of these? And more importantly, how did you manage to get all of them here?」

「These were all packed into my Gift Card, as per my request to Tokuteru since he was the one who prepared them for us. I figured that one way or the other we might end up needing medical supplies, and since it is always better to be safe than sorry, I made sure to get a little bit of everything I thought might come in handy. Let me see what I have in here with me: I have anesthesia, some small solar energy generation equipment, the apparatus for geological comparison, and even a prototype of the Star Particle Bodies suppressant in case the people injected with them were ever to go rampant for any reason.」

When Homura learned that Tokuteru embezzled the money that were rightfully his, a whooping amount of five hundred million yen he really felt like he could have strangled Tokuteru to death if the others did not try to stop him from doing so, but when he learned that all of that money went towards procuring materials and equipment that he and his friends could use in the Gift Games of the 2nd War for the Sun’s Authority he eventually found it within himself to forgive him, and now looked at his initial outburst towards him and the ton of accusations he and Suzuka were throwing his way with a bitter smile.  Izayoi also smiled in such a way, albeit for an entirely different reason.

Aside from all sorts of medical equipment and supplies that could come in handy during the times of emergencies, Tokuteru has made sure to even include the prototype of Star Particle Bodies Suppressant among them. Anyone else would have probably thought nothing much of it, but Izayoi knew that it was no mere coincidence. He probably included such an item among all the others in Homura’s Gift Card because that sly bastard, Mikado Tokuteru – known for those who were in the know about his real identity to be Indra, Sakra and Taishakuten ­– must have anticipated in advance that such a thing was going to happen somewhere along Homura’a way.



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