ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 406 Part 2

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 406: The Majesty of the Crown Part 2

Or maybe I’m looking at it all wrong here. Perhaps a centipede and a spider can live by eating the magical power emanating the atmosphere. It is their lifeline, so it’s only natural that they would not aim at the Crystal Crown. So they kill each other, but they live together because there aren’t enough resources other than the ones here.

「So in other words…… What does that even mean?」

「Maybe that they won’t attack their fellow crystals…… Or something alongside those lines?」

It’s scary to go there again, but…… sitting here will get us nowhere. Those who escape from hell and survive the even worse hell waiting for them beyond are the ones who shall get all the glory. The emperor of the crystal is awesome, sure, but its brilliance promises safety.

「Conclusion: Collect the ore

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ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

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