Volume 11 Chapter 1 Part 3

「Ah, master tried to sound like a monk just now!」

It took a while, but Roxanne understood my intentions and nodded along while using some similar words to what I said.

In any case, Roxanne stand opposite to me on the other side of the corridor.

「You’re supposed to use this weapon in a following way: whenever one of your companions falls asleep or is about to fall asleep, you’re supposed to pat them on the shoulder with it in order to jolt them awake. While grasping the Warning Stick, you should slowly bring it up, and then lower it down back down. At that time, the trick is to shake it while rotating your wrist inwards as if you were squeezing a wet cloth, and stop it right at the same height as the shoulder. Also, make sure that you won’t actually hit your companions with it, because that’s not the purpose of this weapon. Here, let me show you an example. Is that okay with you, Roxanne?」

This explanation of mine was mixed up with some kendo bamboo swords explanations as well, but that should be okay for the time being. Besides, I have never used a Warning Stick in my life before, so I myself don’t know exactly how you’re supposed to handle it.

But it doesn’t really matter. What we need here is a proper training atmosphere. I don’t understand it at all, but as long as we have the right atmosphere, we will always pull through.

「Yes. Please go ahead, master.」

「Don’t succumb to earthly desires. If you meet Buddha on you way, slay the Buddha, if you meet your ancestors on your way, slay the ancestors.」

I made the atmosphere as heavy as possible on purpose and then waved the Warning Stick around.

After placing it on Roxanne’s shoulder once, raise it and brought it down on it. And once I did, then a loud *Pashin!*, sound rang out across our surroundings.

Oh yeah, that sounded pretty good.


Everyone is surprised at what happened just now. Or rather, I was surprised at what happened just now as well, because I didn’t expect it to sound so good on the first attempt.

But let’s pretend that it wasn’t a surprise for me. Atmosphere is important, after all

Don’t be surprised. Don’t be fooled. Don’t be misled by others.

If you meet the Buddha asking you for the way, kill the Buddha asking for the way, and if you meet the sensei wanting to teach you, kill the sensei.

Ahh, the teachings of the Rinzai School of Buddhism are great! They offer the simplest and best solutions to the hardest of problems.

「It didn’t hurt at all, but I feel like I did woke up perfectly with this.」

「Are you bothered by other people, master?」

Roxanne praised Warning Stick, while Sherry thought about the meaning of the words I used.

It was just to set the atmosphere, Sherry. There’s no need for you to be thinking so hard about it.

Or rather, if Buddha showed up offering to become a sensei for Roxanne and the other girls, what would I have done? Would I kill him? Of course I would, jeez, what kind of question is that, even?

I won’t allow anyone to say bad things about Rinzai School of Buddhism!

「Namo Amida Butsu.」

At the end of my demonstration, I have put my hands together as if I was making a prayer to create a solemn atmosphere.
In China, Buddhism is divided into different schools, just like in Japan: Tendai School, Rinzai School and Jodo Shinshu School, and the thing that I just said ,「Namo Amida Butsu」, is a universal, or even mainstream phrase in all three of them even today.

At temples, monks say hello to each other by saying Namo Amida Butsu, but even before, in a dubbing of some movie from Hong Kong movie a Shaolin monk also used the 「Namo Amida Butsu」phrase as a greeting, and no one really knew why he would do that, but I think that now I know why he did that.

It was for the atmosphere, because atmosphere is important. Then again, in India, the homeland of Buddhism, today the people do not greet each other with Namo Amida Butsu anymore, but instead they say namaste in order to greet each other, so the usage is probably the same.

Because it’s the right atmosphere.

「Namu… Amida Butsu?」

Sherry is trying to decipher the meaning of my words again, but with that kind of tongue twister it’s not going to be easy for her, since it’s not as easy as saying Richardson, the guy who was killed by the samurai from Satsuma in the Namamugi Incident.

Atmosphere.It’s just about the atmosphere. It doesn’t have to make sense, and it’s not something that you have to think about. You just have to feel it.
「Okay, so now that we have ourselves the Warning Sticks, we won’t know whether they actually work or not if we don’t test them out, so let’s try finding ourselves some Beep Sheep to fight. Roxanne, can you lead us to them?」

「Yes, of course, master.」

I really don’t know if these things are going to work unless we try them in actual combat, so we move on to the 37th floor and face against the monsters there.

There were three Beep Sheep in the place where Roxanne guided us to. Three monsters right from the get go? Well, it’s a little sudden, but I guess something like that is going to be unavoidable on the higher floors… but I have my suspicions that Roxanne might have done it deliberately.

Then again, if she was deadly serious about this, she would’ve probably taken us to a place with six Beep Sheep in it. But since she brought us to a place with just three Beep Sheep in it, then I guess it means that she’s still not completely serious about it.

Don’t overthink things. Let’s concentrate on the monsters for now.

Fortunately, when I approached it and attacked it with my magic, the Beep Sheep proceeded to stop in place and prepared itself to use its Skill, so I should have one of my Party Members get hit by it at least once.

Or maybe should I say unfortunately?
However, if three of the girls were to be affected by the Beep Sheep’s Skill and be put to sleep because of it, that would be pretty terrible for me.

Let’s just hope that we get lucky and nothing like that happens.

No, no matter if such a turn of events would be unfortunate for me or not, it’s wrong of me to think like that in the first place.

Every day is a perfect day for hunting. Every day is great. Good or bad, happy or unhappy, it doesn’t really matter.

If you meet a Buddha, slash the Buddha. If you meet a patriarch, slash the patriarch.

In the meantime, a magic circle appeared under the Beep Sheep, but Sherry canceled it. With her spear.

It should be okay for us to be hit by it once, but if that decision is going to lead to all of the girls being put to sleep in succession, then that would be a huge problem for me.

If you meet a monster, slash the monster, and if you meet a Skill, slash the Skill.

「I did it, desu!」
And then, Miria went and cut down the Beep Sheep that didn’t even get the chance to use its Skill.
She only petrified one of them though.

Nonetheless, now that she got rid of one monster, the avant-garde should have it a little bit easier.

Miria, who turned sideways, petrified the other Beep Sheep with a fierce attack, and the remaining one was completely destroyed shortly after.

I probably shouldn’t say this, but it mase me feel a little bit sorry for the monsters.

Physical attacks don’t work on Roxanne due to her godly dodging abilities, and when it comes to magic attacks, Sherry can cancel them with her spear even without me helping her with it. Miria is always harassing the enemies from the side with her attacks that can inflict petrification upon them, and lastly, there’s Vesta in the back with her two swords that she can use to beat the monsters as if she was holding festival drumsticks, so the enemies didn’t really stand a chance against them at all.

「Hmm. The Beep Sheep wasn’t as good as I expected them to be.」

Roxanne, what exactly were you expecting from them then? Or rather, if the monsters that appear before us were really as strong as Roxanne was expecting them to be, then that would result in a whole lot of trouble and misery for us.

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