Volume 11 Chapter 2 Part 5

The only noticeable one is that the Floor Boss variants of monsters are stronger than the regular ones, but that’s pretty much it.

「I will try asking one of my acquaintances who is also an examiner when would be the nearest possible date where you could take the admission exam. And don’t worry. If you are already capable of fighting monsters on the 34th floor, then you should have no problems clearing the exam with ease.」

In the meantime, the Duke proceeded to talk to himself at his own pace again.

Is it going to be alright?

I feel like letting him go with his own flow might be a bad idea, but other than that, there’s really no reason for me to decline his offer.

「Okay then, I accept.」

「Then it’s decided. There’s no need for you to be thinking too hard about any of it, so please come back here tomorrow morning, okay?」

No need to think about it too hard, huh? Is there really going to be no problems? Because a part of me still feels like I’m being forced to join the Duke of Harz’s suspicious association.


But since there is this whole admission test thing prior to joining, then it’s not like everything has already been decided, right? Nothing has been confirmed or set in stone just yet.

However, because it was introduced by the Duke, then at the very least I don’t think it’s an evil organization, and I don’t think that he’s trying to screw me over in a really roundabout way either.

「Sherry, do you know anything about the Empire Liberation Society?」

Having returned home after the Duke’s dinner party, I ask Sherry about the Empire Liberation Society to see if she knows something about them.

「I have only heard the name itself, I’m afraid. It is said that it’s an organization which only the strongest and the most influential amongst those who fight in the Labyrinths can join. However, rather than a full-fledged organization, It’s more of a secret society, so there’s no information regarding its members or how exactly does it operate. It is said that this is its method of preventing the members from being targeted by those who don’t agree with their goals and ideals.」

Come to think of it, the Duke did said something about the rule of confidentiality in regards to the Society’s members.

It also means that I probably shouldn’t leak that the Duke is a member of the Empire Liberation Society even to my girls.

Because the Duke said that he’s going to recommend me, then surely that has to mean that he himself is the Society’s member, right? But then again, he never once openly declared that he actually is a member. Maybe that was his way of protecting mis member’s identity before me, since I am still not a member myself?

In that case, do I have to obey the rule of confidentiality even though I am not a member myself? Maybe not, but since I have made the decision to become the Society’s member after all, then perhaps I should remain silent after all.

But can I really not tell Roxanne and the others about it? I didn’t check that far with the Duke, but I feel like at the very least they are the ones who deserve to know about it.

I also want to discuss the Empire Liberation Society with Sherry in more detail, but without informing them that I intend to join it, that’s simply not going to be possible.

This is shaping up to be quite a troublesome issue.

Isn’t it a pro technique to keep the victim from calling others for help? Maybe so, but I still have the admission test to go through, so I wonder how that is going to go.

Am I going to be forced to take it all on my own? If so, then the difficulty is going to be ramped up considerably in comparison to the time when we go through the Labyrinth as a team, so I don’t really think that is going to be the case here.

Or will I perhaps form Party with the examiner and fight together with them so that they could grade me personally in real time?

If that was the case, then when the time would come, I’d have no choice but to purposefully perform horribly and fail the admission test just to keep my secrets from leaking to the outside.

However, since the Duke said that he’s going to be recommending me personally, then wouldn’t me failing the admission test reflect poorly on him as well?

Wouldn’t that be a bad thing?

「Is that so? Oh well, it’s quite late already, so there’s no point in having a bath. Let’s just wipe our bodies and go to sleep instead.」

It was unwise to keep on discussing this topic, so I swiftly changed it to something else. There shouldn’t have been a problem in being a bit open about it, though.

And Sherry is under the effect of alcohol, too, so even if I said too much, she’ll probably forget about it anyway.

Because the bath isn’t heated, it would be a terrible idea to enter it right now, so I decided to end the day without us taking a bath.

I only produce enough hot water for us to wipe our bodies, and of course I did the wiping part on behalf of everyone.

As the girl’s master, it’s my duty to wipe their bodies for them, whenever they need cleaning, after all. Even if we’re not taking a bath, it doesn’t mean that I am just going to abandon my duty. I will do it no matter what!

After lathering up the soap, I get down to it in order, starting with Roxanne first.

「It must have been so tiring for you today. How was your duel? Did it go well?」

「Yes, but I don’t think it was to the extent to be called a real duel. They were just assessing my strength, so they didn’t go all out.」

Are you really sure about that? I do believe Roxanne’s words, of course, but to me it didn’t look like her opponent was holding back at all.

Her glossy skin and her supple chest are as splendid as ever. I never get tired of seeing them.

「And how was the meal itself?」

「Even though the Duke’s wife is the same sex as me, I couldn’t help but be in awe at her beauty. The way she used the fork and knife was so refined that I could only sigh in admiration.」

「I see.」

「Furthermore, she enters the Labyrinths and fights without showing any signs of fear or hesitation. It’s so inspirational.」

So even from Roxanne’s point of view, Cassia is still a beauty? Well, can’t say that I blame her for thinking like that.

「And what about the alcohol that they served you? Was is a really strong one?」

I asked Sherry about the alcohol that she drank near the dinner party’s end.

「Although it was not as strong of an alcohol as I would have liked, it was still mild and delicious.」

That’s Sherry’s impression.

Because I can’t smell any alcoholic odor from her, it probably means that she didn’t drink as much of it as she does when she goes to the library.

Even so, her complexion has turned slightly pink, which makes her look that much more seductive. As a consequence of that, I tend to fondle her body more than I usually do it.

「As expected of a nobleman. They probably drink only the highest quality of alcohol.」

「But it wasn’t without its share of troubles. Even the leader of the Knight Order looked like he was greatly troubled.」

Which reminds me, Gozer was sitting right in front of Sherry. They might have shared various stories with each other, but from what I saw, it didn’t look like he was particularly troubled.

「Fish, tasty, desu.」

But I’m sure that Sherry was definitely troubled, taking care of this person who cares only about eating fish right next to her.

I wipe the body of Miria who was bursting with energy just like a fish that she so loves. When I wipe her body, she stays silent, and everything is all peaceful again.

「And how was your day, Vesta?」

「Although I was a little tensed, it was great. I got to visit a beautiful, white town and I also received a gift from Master, so I’m extremely happy.」

「If you enjoyed it, then I am glad as well.」

「Yes. When I put on that lovely Amber Necklace, it felt like I was someone else entirely.」

Nah, there is no way in hell I could ever mistake Vesta’s chest for someone else’s.

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Comment (1)

  1. GoingAway

    “It also means that I probably shouldn’t leak that the Duke is a member of the Empire Liberation Society even to my girls.” – WHY?

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