Volume 13 Chapter 2 Part 7

After thoroughly enjoying their performance, on the next day I began my challenge, starting with the 44th floor of the Labyrinth of Quratar

「Um, this is the 44th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth, right, master? 」

「Yes, that is right. 」

Roxanne was suspicious of where we emerged after Warping, but we were definitely in the right place. After all, the 44th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth was the main focus for me right now, and the new Labyrinth was little more than a secondary objective.

「The raw material these socks are made out of is Mithril Thread, so I don’t think they will tear that easily. 」

Even Sherry was also suspicious of me for being so hung up on going to the 44th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth so much. It’s not like I purposefully want to place them in a situation where their newly-bought socks would end up getting ripped, but… But having their stockings in the ripped version… that would also be great in its own right.

「Really? 」

Well, they are black stockings after all, so even if they are made of a pretty resistant material, sooner or later they would start getting runs and tears in them like every other piece of clothing.

「Yes, really. 」

Once again, It’s not like I want to purposefully place them in a situation where their newly-bought socks would end up getting ripped… but if their stockings do end up getting runs in them, it might actually be a good idea to use them just like that instead of throwing them out.

Things should be taken care of and used to the very end, for as long as they’re able to be used in some way. That is what making the most efficient use of the tools that you have at your disposal is all about.

「Well, it’s not like I’m collecting them in order to make spares of the stockings. 」

Really, I’m not. That’s not what this is about at all. I’m not thinking about what to do if the stockings the girls are wearing right now will tear, but if they end up not being able to be used anymore at some point in the future, it’s in the human nature to give the clothes that you grew attached to wearing one last moment to shine before you get rid of them, right?

That being said, I want to take good care of the things that me and my girls own, and I want them to use them carefully. I also want them to use them until the very end without throwing them out at the first sign of damage. Instead of just throwing them away, you should try to find a way for those things to be put to good use for as long as possible. What I am trying to say here is that torn stockings have a certain charm to them as well, and if at all possible, I want the girls to realize that as well.

These stockings have been bought for them, so they are free to do with them however they wish, but if they awaken to the charm of the ripped ones in the process of wearing them…. Yes, that would be a good development as well.

I can’t help it. I know that if I do this, things might not end up the way I want them to, but even so, I just cannot resist my Japanese spirit calling out to me right now!

「Is that so? 」

「The lady back at the shop did say that there are different colors available too. 」

「That’s right. Master, if this is what you want to do right now, then I think we should go and hunt the Mithril Threads more proactively to get the socks in every color they have there. 」

Wow. As expected of Roxanne! I knew she’d understand! Right… that’s exactly right! It can’t be helped, since this is my personal preference! It really can’t be helped! No matter what kind of play it might be, I want to try it at least once! Because I want to remain faithful to my Japanese spirit!

This might be a totally different world from my old one, but even if my body were to rot here until there would be nothing left of it, I will retain my Japanese spirit, and will never allow it to be extinguished!

「That’s right. I want to collect stockings of different colors as well, so let’s search for the Mithril Thread and collect it more proactively! 」

With Roxanne’s approval, we could now go to the two Labyrinths interchangeably.

Of course, the 44th floor of the Quratar’s Labyrinth will remain our main focus for the time being, while the exploration of the island Labyrinth is going to be more like a secondary objective.

In my opinion, that is the best possible course of action that we can take right now. It’s not like we’re going to just be fighting the Floor Bosses on the 44th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth all the time, but also we’re not going to be exploring the new Labyrinth all the time. Having someone agree with my wishes makes me calmer; but we also need to explore the island Labyrinth in order to not make Roxanne feel dissatisfied.

In terms of the EXP we can gain, going to the 46th floor would be more advantageous… no, wait a minute. Since on the 44th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth we’re not fighting the regular enemies, but engage in the repeated Floor Boss battles instead, then maybe the 44th floor is actually the better option here?

I don’t really know.

The monsters from the 45th floor onwards are one level stronger than the ones from the floor below, so maybe the 46th floor will be better, but I feel like the difference in the EXP gained might be minimal at best. However, considering that we will be climbing up further in the future, the island Labyrinth is probably better, including its future potential, so I can’t neglect the battles here either.

It’s fine to keep climbing up in this Labyrinth, at least for the time being. As long as we don’t do something crazy like climbing up more than one floor a day. In that regard, if I repeatedly fight the Floor Bosses on the 44th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth, then that at the very least eliminates the danger of going through more than one floor per day. I should probably make it a habit to pass by the 44th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth both on our way to the island Labyrinth as well as on our way back

We got through to the 46th floor before I finished collecting all the Mithril Threads that I wanted to collect, but I guess that’s okay, since I managed to obtain a few of them. We didn’t accidentally get through to the 47th floor either, so that’s more than enough for me. But still, since we didn’t spend the whole day on the 44th floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth, it wasn’t that easy to collect Mithril Threads. They are a rare drop item after all, so once they went on a streak of not wanting to drop even a single one for me, they kept that streak going for as long as they possibly could. Oh well, I guess I’ll just take my time collecting them, and then slowly work my way up the new Labyrinth.

Somehow, we managed to collect all the Mithril Threads that we needed before we reached the 48th floor. That should be enough for now.

「Ah, there’s some of it left. 」

「Oh, right. There’s some Mithril thread left. That means that we should have enough of it for one color. 」

「That’s right. 」

However, even though we’ve only collected enough Mithril Thread for the stockings of one color, it would be better to have enough to make the ones in another color as well. There are three colors in total, so Naturally, that means that I’ll have to collect enough to make that other color as well. Looks like we’ll make it to the 48th floor by the time it happens, however.

「Let’s go to the Imperial City tomorrow. 」

「Why wait until tomorrow? Why don’t we just bring it to the shop right away? 」

Sherry, don’t be so selfish. If we bring the Mithril Threads to the shop right now, it is very possible that the craftsman might have to stay up all night to make the stockings for us for the next day. It is precisely customers’ selfishness that gives birth to black companies and their immoral practices.

「Well, tomorrow morning should be fine as well. 」

「Is that so? 」

If I bring in work late and force the craftsman to stay up all night, they’ll resent me and might cut corners on the work meant for me.

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Comment (1)

  1. ranomeinon

    Wait a wait… why are they discussing what they agreed last part as if they were taken by surprise and think of a explanation that was the reason for the choice as if it was a side thought they just stumbled upon?

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