Volume 9 Chapter 4 Part 6

I will try it next time.

「The monster native to twenty first floor is Rtoll troll.」

After Sherry briefs us about the type of monster that we are going to encounter, we move to twenty-first floor.

Rtoll troll, huh? That means Mabream will be on the next, twenty second floor.

「Let’s explore the twenty first floor since it is still morning. After the noon break, we will move to Quratar’s Labyrinth. After clearing the twentieth floor, we will go to the seventeenth floor. Agreed, Miria?」

「Yes, desu.」

Even though Mabreams have been pushed to the last, Miria doesn’t seem disappointed at all. Probably because she knows we will be going there in any case.

But what if we encounter problems while clearing the twenty second floor? Maybe I should not proceed to the next floor after 22nd floor?

Nah, should I stay on 22nd floor and hunt the Floor Boss until I get Fatty Tuna? And Mabreams will appear on the twenty third floor, too, so that’s a clever cover up.

When I’ll have enough of them to put on my table is going to be the time when we break through to twenty-third floor.

「We will go for two Whole Fish and have them for tomorrow’s dinner. I will leave the cooking to Miria.」

「Yes, desu.」

I motivate Miria and continue with the exploration of the Labyrinth, but motivation will not increase the chance of petrifaction occurring, most likely.

While advancing at a good pace, we come across a group of three Rtoll Trolls and one Rub Shrub.

I welcome them with a 「Firestorm」.

Rtoll Trolls are weak against Fire Magic like Fly Traps from the eighteenth floor and Rub Shrubs from the nineteenth floor. I appreciate having Rtoll Trolls appear on twenty-first floor rather than getting sandwiched by Mabreams.

After casting the Spell, I wait for the monsters. Rtoll Troll is relatively large, but the three of them along with a Rub Shrub are all lined up in front. You can feel the intensity from their standing side by side like this.
When the vanguards hit them, they hit back. Their punches are powerful. Roxanne lightly dodges it, Miria avoids it, and Vesta parries it with her sword.

Roxanne skillfully maneuvers her upper body and dodges the attack of the Fly Trap next. During the exchange with Fly Trap, Miria was keeping the Rtoll Troll company.

Even though Fly Trap’s poison attack is troublesome, Rtoll Troll’s attack is intense. I would appreciate it if any of them got petrified.

In the end, without anyone getting petrified, all four monsters were killed at the same time by my Fire Magic Spell.

Since the number of Spells I cast increased, I don’t think critical hit occurred as well. But there is also a possibility that critical procced itself within that number of Spells. The problem is how to accurately calculate the number of times critical hit actually procced.

Should I start off by removing Gambler first? Do I really need to go that far? After all, there is a chance of inflicting petrifaction, too, without critical hits actually proccing. And it is not like critical hits proc themselves that much anyway.

The duration of battle will extend by ten percent at worst. It is not that bad if you think about it.

The next group we encounter comprises one Rtoll Troll and two Hat Bats.

I shower them with 「Water Storm」.

It was easy for me to decide this time because they were two-to-one, but which one would I defeat first if they were one each? Should it be Rtoll Troll first due to its paralysis attack?

Vesta wards off the Hat Bat’s charge. She is growing quickly. She has now gotten used to dealing with Hat Bats’ attacks so naturally.

As I thought, dealing with Rtoll Troll should be priority.

The Rtoll Troll raises his arms. This heavy blow seems to be especially heavy. However, before he could smack his arms down, the Rtoll Troll’s suddenly stops moving.


「Did it, desu.」

It seems to have been petrified. With its arms up in the air, it was definitely petrified. It looks kinda like a two-meter-long stone statue now. Those raised arms look terrifying though, like they will come crashing any moment.

Well, it was attacking after all. If people were to see this sculpture, they would probably get terrified by it.

It looks more realistic than Laocoon. Like the scene of a troll trying to attack Goliath. The Troll of Samothrace. The thinking old-man. Wait, no. Isn’t it thinking too much?

Rather, it is closer to the work Unkei and Kaikei? Or Vajra Troll Statue? If it were the statue of Buddha, would it be called Troll’s Penance Statue? And it won’t even get old with the passage of time.

After finishing the Hat Bats with a Water Magic Spell, I clear the stone statue with a 「Fireball」. The Rtoll Troll turns into smoke right away. Even after becoming stone, it’s weak against fire. How pitiful of it.

It seems we can handle fighting on the twenty-first floor of Haruba’s Labyrinth. Though it’s becoming a little harder every floor. It will probably be a problem after we reach the twenty-third floor.

During the day we go to the twentieth floor of Quratar’s Labyrinth with the map. Fire Magic is the weakness of Rub Shrubs and Rtoll Trolls, so that floor is quite easy for us. We made it to the Boss Room without encountering many Mabreams or Pig Hogs. It doesn’t matter if we encounter Mabreams or not, since we can visit the seventeenth floor afterwards, so there is no problem. I don’t think Miria will be upset. About it either.

I pull out Durandal as we wait in the Waiting Room. There seems to be a Party currently in there, so the Boss Room door remains closed.

「It seems to be a bit busy.」

「I think it’s because of the medicine.」

Sherry informs us. This is the Boss that drops the Wood Shavings, right? It’s a bad time for it too. There seems to be a lot of people around in the early afternoon.

While we are waiting, another Party enters the Waiting Room. We are supposed to be in the Labyrinths in the Harz Duchy, as requested by the Duke of Hartz, so meeting other people isn’t the best. It’s possible to make an excuse though. When that time comes, let’s blame everything on the fish lover, Miria. Let’s say that we came here because Miria wanted fish, and we have not reached the twenty second floor of Haruba’s Labyrinth yet. I’ll have to do that since technically we’re not even supposed to be here.

The combat from the previous Party ended and the Boss Room door opened, so we went inside. The equipment lying around… there wasn’t any.

The Party hunting the Floor Boss for medicine must have had enough ability to defeat it.

Smoke gathers in the center of the room, and two monsters appear. The Rough Shrub Floor Boss and Rtoll Troll. Vesta blocks the front of the Rtoll Troll.

After using 「Abnormal Status Resistance Down」 on the Rough Shrub since Miria is fighting it, I attacked the Rtoll Troll. When Vesta dodges an attack, I drive a 「Slash」 into that spot. While Vesta is exchanging blows with the Rtoll Troll, I attack from the side with Durandal.

It’s easier when there is a vanguard to block the front. The instructions were definitely useful this time.

I use 「Slash」 in rapid succession, and the Rtoll Troll is knocked down. Vesta and I then joined the encirclement of the Rough Shrub. Even with 「Abnormal Status Resist Down」, petrification doesn’t seem to have happened.

Well, I didn’t expect things to be that easy anyway.I brandish Durandal and move towards the Floor Boss. Since Roxanne is handling the front of Rough Shrub easily, lets try not to get hit by its attacks this time.

I need to watch the monster’s movements carefully. A branch moves and attacks Roxanne, but she easily avoids it. She also pierced it with the Rapier in the process. Movements like that, they are impossible for me.

The branches flail wildly, and there is no chance that I’m not going to get hit by any of them. It’s hard enough to dodge, let alone consider attacking as well under these circumstances.

But I have to try. Do not get hit by an attack. Watch the movement of the monster closely…

Oh. The movement of the Floor Boss stopped all of a sudden.

「I did it, desu!」

Oh. Did Miria managed to petrify it?

Rough Shrub has become hard. The color of its body has become slightly white as well.

「Oh. It’s as Sherry said. The Floor Boss does have a chance of getting petrified.」

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