Volume 1 Chapter 6 Part 3

Unintentionally, he had started shivering on the horse behind Goemon.

In the meantime, that group of thieves, whose faces looked like they were about to say: 「Leave your money with us if you want a safe passage through here」gathered around them.

「How dare you hug our leader so intimately, you brat?! 」

「To dare to do such a thing to our eternal idol, I will definitely kill you! 」

「W hav never had a chance to touch the leader’s small hands, and you’re doing it so casually… you’re dead meat! 」

「No matter how I look at him, he does not seem to be any decent, so he must be planning to trick the boss! 」

Under the fierce glares full of jealousy of the bunch of macho men, Yoshiharu’s hair is stood on their ends as waves of cold sweat were washing down his back.

(So even though you guys look so bulky and masculine, you’re all just lolicons, every single one of you!)

Yoshiharu felt the strong urge to yell that, but he stopped himself in time.

(Don’t tell me… could it be that once Goemon takes her mask off, she’s actually a stunning beauty?!)

Yoshiharu’s heart is filled with such happy delusions. The sub-leader of the Kawanami group, Maeda, edged his horse near them and asked:

「Leader, are we going to war, or to steal? 」

「To steal the Viper of Mino. 」
「This is quite a job we have for ourselves this time. So, how exactly are we going to do it? 」

「The Viper of Mino should currently be located at the battlefield of Nagara river. We will use rafts to go to Nagara river, and once we find and secure the Viper of Mino, we will bring him back to Owawi. 」

「There it is! She bit her tongue again! 」

「Leader has stuttered again! 」

「She bit her tongue! So irresistible~! 」

「I became a thief just for this exact moment! 」

The macho men of the Kawanami group suddenly broke into a bunch of cheers.

「What the hell happened? This bunch of guys are seriously bad news! 」

Yoshiharu was feeling more and more scared the more time has passed.

Once they reached the river by going at full speed, they could finally change from their horses to rafts, but before Yoshiharu could do that, Goemon waved her and at him and asked him not to follow after the rest of the thieves.

「Sagara-sama, it’s okay for you to not follow us. 」

「No, I must go. How can I let just you guys take the risk while I stay in the safety of the backline? 」

「This guy unexpectedly has some backbone! 」

The members of the Kawanami group started chattering amongst themselves.

「No, you will only drag us down, Sagara-sama. 」

「Yes! You will definitely drag us down! 」

The Kawanami group continues to repeat Goemon’s words.

「You guys are just parroting her…. Anyway, I’m definitely going with you! Dosan has decided to die in this battle, so he will definitely not listen to you guys. If we want to convince him to step down, then I have to be the one who will talk to him. 」

「… If that is your reason, then I guess it should be fine. 」

「Yes, we need your strength! 」

「Come on, all you guys ever do is parroting and cheering thanks to your big numbers. What kind of lolicon army is this? 」

For the Kawanami group, stealing things by using the river was much more truthful to their name than stealing things on land. The areas of the Nagara river was especially well-known to them. You could even say that they knew it like the back of their hands.

It was also a stroke of luck for them that right now was apparently the rainy season There was mist all around them, and their rafts safely passed through the border of Owari and Mino provinces without being noticed and successfully sneaked into the deepest parts of the battlefield.

At the beach of the Nagara river, the army of Saito Dosan was having a death match with the army of Saito Yoshitatsu. The battle was obviously not going in Dosan’s favor. At the current moment, all he was left with were the soldiers around his main camp.

(Looks like we reached him just in the nick of time!)

On the raft, Yoshiharu put on a gutsy pose without even realizing it.

「If the mist isn’t big, sneaking in will be hard. Looks rike it was rite decision for you to come with us, Sagara-sama. 」

「She bit it! Leader lisped again! 」

「Ahhhh~ So irresistible ~!「

「I could survive without three whole meals just by seeing it! 」

「That’s why I said you guys should stay quiet! Steer the raft closer to the base camp! 」

Yoshiharu with Goemon got onto the beach, and rushed onward over to Dosan’s base. On the way, Goemon kept throwing things that looked like a smoke bombs around them so that wherever they went there would be just mist and smoke.

After engulfing the entire surroundings of the base with smoke, Goemon rushed towards the side of Dosan who was sitting on a bench. In the meantime, Yoshiharu was tripping over his own legs many times because of the smokescreen as he was shouting 「Wait for me! 」, but eventually he also made his way to Goemon’s side.

「Saito Dosan, don’t say anything and come with us to Owari! 」

「Brat, so it’s you who came after all. 」

Dosan, seemingly unfazed by their sudden appearance, was still sitting on the bench without moving.

「I’m not going anywhere. 」

Though the tone of his words was light, it revealed an abnormally strong will. Without good skills it’d be impossible to subdue this old commander. And even if they subdued him with conviction, who knows how many more men will lose their lives in the meantime, and if Dosan chooses to commit suicide in the end, all of their efforts will be for naught.

「As expected, Sagara-sama always goes straight to the point in such situations. 」

Goemon mumbled to herself while Yoshiharu stood up and started a quarrel with Dosan.

「Geezer! I understand why you want to end your life here with a bang, but think about it carefully! How sad will Nobuna be if you just leave her alone!? 」

「You… you idiotic brat!!!!! 」

Dosan glared at Yoshiharu with eyes almost popping out of his skull, and shouted at him at the top of his lungs. Being alarmed by such a sudden shout, Yoshiharu couldn’t help but take a step back.

「Uwahh. That scared me. 」

「This is too dumb even for you, brat! My life is all but gone, but Nobuna and you youngsters still have much to go on! 」

「Huh? What has that gotta do with anything?! 」

「Brat. I meant, compared to me, if you lose your life here, Nobuna-dono will be even more upset. 」

「Ehhh!? Why? 」

「….*Sigh*, your intelligence can really be compared to a monkey’s. With just this much, you dare to call yourself someone from the future? 」
「We don’t have time to hesitate anymore. 」

Goemon whispered into Yoshiharu’s ears.

「Brat, listen to this old man. The thing called dreams is something to be shared with someone. If it’s just yourself, it can only be called ambition. No matter how you explain it to others, the surrounding people will never acknowledge it or understand it. 」

「Er….sorry, but I don’t really understand. 」

「What I meant is, will Nobuna-dono’s dream be just an ambition that she spent her whole life on, or will it become something shared between the country and the people? The choice is in your hands. 」

「……Because that she had no other way, so the only retainer who can understand her dream in this era, and holding the same dream is me? Geezer, is this what you mean? 」

「Uhh. Knowing this should be enough. If you understand what I’m getting at, then please return to where you came from. 」

「How can I return empty handed?! 」

Yoshiharu sat his butt onto the grass and stared at Dosan, speaking loudly.

「If you are so stubborn to not leave here, then I will stay here too. Let’s get killed together! 」

「Brat, you…..!? 」

「What I say from now on is a secret, so don’t tell about it to anyone. Though Nobuna isn’t
frank with herself and is a totally uncute brat, she did tell me a lot about herself. She told me that the people she likes and people she relied on all left her and died in the end! 」

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