Volume 2 Chapter 4 Part 1

Chapter 4: Sunomata’s One Night Castle

After successfully taking back Inabayama Castle, Saito Yoshitatsu soon put out search warrants for Yoshiharu and Inuchiyo in all the towns of the Mino province. Yoshiharu’s face was depicted just like that of an evil bandit’s, and Inuchiyo was just portrayed as wearing a tiger helm.

These people are in cahoots with Takenaka Hanbei who tried to revolt against the Daimyo! They are actually spies sent from Owari by Oda Nobuna! 」

With these posters, Yoshiharu and Inuchiyo became the masterminds of a conspiracy against Saito Yoshitatsu, and had bounties placed on their heads. Thanks to that, it was impossible for them to wander around Mino anymore.

To continue checking on Iga Ando’s whereabouts, Yoshiharu lent Goemon and the Kawanami Group’s members to Hanbei while and Inuchiyo rushed back to Owari’s Kiyosu castle.

But after returning to Aoshuu, there was not even a single ronin in sight. It

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